Team Teyla AU Fest: April Fool's Mini-Fest Signup Post

Feb 23, 2008 23:40

The Fest Is Closed! See the crack-tastic results!

Ah, April Fool's Day. One of those peculiar Earth customs that I'm sure baffles Teyla and Ronon to no end. What better time to get cracktastic?

The signups for the Main Fest are separate. Also, if you haven't read the Fest introduction and guidelines, go do that first.

The Mini-Fest will look like this:

Posting Date: April 1, 2008
Theme: CRACK! (Also, still Team Teyla AUs)
Fanworks: Everything. (Fics: min. 250 words. Icons: min. 3. Vids: min. 45 seconds. Everything else: no limits.)
Signups open until: March 31
Posting format: Comment-fic (-art, etc.)

How to sign up

Reply to this post with the following:

    Author/Artist: (Your pen name)
    Prompt: (You may claim a prompt from the main prompt table, or create your own, but do please tell us what it is. There can be such a thing as too many "an Ancient device turned them into Peeps" stories.)
    Type of Fanwork: (Art/Fic/Vid/Icons/Etc.)

    Type of Fanwork:

How to post

Shorter/smaller works will be posted as comments to the Mini-Fest Celebration post, which will appear on March 31. Longer/larger works may be posted as links to your journal or to the team_sga comm. If you post in the comm, please tag your work "April Fool's Mini-Fest". This tag already exists.

Special note for art/vids/icons: If you have a post that includes a) more than 10 icons, b) artwork/manips/wpps larger than 200x200 or 50K, or c) an embedded vid, please provide a link to a separate post instead of posting directly into the comments. You may include teasers (up to 3 icons, a small clip of your art, or a small "cover" image for your vid). We want folks with slow connections to be able to enjoy the Fest, too.

For each comment, please include this subject line:

"Title" by (Your Name) (Fic/Art/Icons/Vid/Manip/Etc.) (Rating)

You can feel free to claim any prompt from the Main Fest Prompt Table. This will not affect other folks's abilities to claim those same prompts for, er, more "serious" works.

You do not have to have an lj to participate in the Mini-Fest, but we do expect you to sign your work. If it's longer than a comment, please post it somewhere stable and leave a link, as described above.

To answer cat_77's excellent question: if you are not available on the 1st but still want to participate, you can send your submission or a link to it to me at theoldbriarpipe AT gmail DOT com, and I will post for you on the correct date.

This Mini-Fest is meant to be nothing but fun, so we've set the bar so low you can walk over it. Seriously. ^_^ If you have any questions, please post them on the Fest Guidelines post. Otherwise, have a blast!


tielan - Fic - Vampires - posted! and posted again!
briar_pipe - Fic - Magical Girls - posted!
greenconverses - Fic - The Cutting Edge - posted!
cat_77 - Fic - Fairies (+Elves?) - posted!
entwashian - Fic - Hostess snack cakes - posted!
(last-minute entry) ladyjax - Fic - Thieves and Princes - posted!
(last-minute entry) lovetheboys - Fic - detective agency - posted!
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