Call For Beta Readers

Feb 23, 2008 21:17

The Team Teyla (and OT4) AU-Fest needs Betas!

This is a resource post for those writers in need of betas.

If you're available and willing to beta AUs for the fest, please post a comment here with the following information.

Contact: ex: comment to this post, e-mail, IM, PM, other, etc. (if you are not comfortable posting your e-mail, find a more private means of contact)
I will not beta: ex: NC-17, non-con, fluff, etc.
Beta Strengths: ex: character voice, plot, grammar, comma rules, etc.
Limits: ex: limited availability, iffy internet, basically whatever you think a potential writer/beta relationship needs to know

Just copy/paste:

I will not beta:
Beta Strengths:
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