
Jul 09, 2011 22:59

Name: Nastya
Age: 18
Your favourite characters in Harry Potter?  Hermione,Ron,Luna,Dobby, Weasley twins
Which book is your favorite? Are there any scenes that stand out to you in particular? The first book will always be my most favourite, just because after it I became addictide to the series.But I should say that I love ALL books.They all have ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

hllx3 July 9 2011, 20:28:01 UTC
Wow we have a whole bunch in common! ;D


nastyakireeva July 10 2011, 09:02:16 UTC
Relly? I'm so happy to hear that,.I'm glad that we are in one team. =)


hllx3 July 10 2011, 16:15:53 UTC
Me too! I absolutely love the first book just because it's the beginning and they're young and cute, but then you like...know there's more. haha I don't know how to describe my love for it!


snowfire July 10 2011, 01:08:49 UTC
♥ The Vampire Diaries. It's one of my very, very favorite shows.

Welcome to the team! I'm Jen, one of your mods, and I wanted to let you know that if you ever have any comments or concerns, you can contact breakinglocks and I.


nastyakireeva July 10 2011, 09:03:21 UTC
TVD will alway be one of my fav. shows.I can't wait for the 3d season.
Thank you for the warm welcome, by the way. =)


rialovescake August 13 2011, 18:02:08 UTC
Just trying to clean up around here, could you change your entry to members only?, trying to make everything private, thanks! :)


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