Team Ducks' Ship Manifesto

Aug 15, 2010 09:02

Welcome to the Ship Manifesto by team_ducks. This was a collaborative project where all team members added to what you are about to read. Enjoy!

Dr. Sheldon Cooper

Sheldon is a Texan genius who's gained a widespread reputation for brilliance and eccentricity. He works at Caltech as a theoretical physicist, determined to unlock the secrets of the universe. He lives across the hall from Penny with his roomie/friend Leonard.

He's never afraid of color--see: plaid suit--and more often than not can be spotted wearing a super hero t-shirt. He's very much a fuss budget when it comes to...every aspect of his life. He functions on a carefully maintained schedule, and heaven help the person who throws off that rhythm. As this person is often Penny, there's not much Sheldon can do about these interruptions.

He can sometimes be quite selfish and insists on having his own way, but Sheldon can also be a very good friend: he's lent Penny money without a second though, driven her to the hospital when she fell and hurt her shoulder, and even helped her with some advice when it came to her relationship with Leonard.

Sheldon also has a "spot." No one else is allowed to sit in it



Penny is a dreamer from Nebraska who came to L.A. looking to be a movie star, or, if that fell through and she needed something more "practical" to fall back on, a tv star. She works at the Cheesecake Factory, drives a Volkswagon that needs perpetual service, and is not afraid to go "Junior Rodeo" on someone when she has to.

She lives across the hall from Sheldon and Leonard, and has made some big changes to their lives just by being a friend to them. She pushes Sheldon's buttons, and often gets him to do things he otherwise wouldn't--like buying a suit that is only one color or driving a car. She's also the only person who isn't intimidated by him. She never takes any of his fussing as seriously as the others do, and she's not afraid to stand up to him, which makes her a worthy opponent for him.


The Dynamic Duo

The written relationship of Penny and Sheldon is one of our favorite parts of the show. When these two are together we see different facets of their personalities.

Penny pushes Sheldon to do things he normally wouldn't exert himself to do. He's been her knight in shining armor a few times, most notably when she fell in the tub and he had to drive her to the hospital. He did it even though he was seemingly convinced that they would die in a fiery car crash. She often provokes him to irritation, and even anger, but everything almost always works out and Sheldon learns to expand his personal horizon a bit. He is a deeply intelligent person, but Penny brings out his more emotional side and gets him to express his feelings. She is the only person (that we have seen) that he has initiated physical contact with: he's hugged her twice in the course of their friendship, and both times were considered to be a major outpouring of emotion on his part.

Sheldon is also changing Penny's world. She's learning new things all the time, because Sheldon refuses to "dumb things down" for her. It's a subtle sign of respect. He expects her to get what he's talking about. Very often, she *does* get the gist of what he prattles on about. He also respects Penny as a person, which not many people appear to have done thus far. They may banter back and forth, and they may take shots at each other, but Sheldon sees her as a worthy adversary and friend, and treats her as such. He likes her because she is Penny, and she likes him because he is Sheldon.

Our Favorite Video Clips

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Soft Kitty Round
Soft Kitty has become a very important part of Sheldon and Penny's friendship. The look on Sheldon's face is priceless.

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The Best Christmas Gift Ever
Sheldon receives a priceless gift and has an unexpected way of showing his appreciation. (HUGS!)


Some of our favorite quotes

Penny: Wait! You have to help me get into bed [laughs] Sheldon has to get me into bed...Bet you thought I'd never say that!


Leonard: What were you doing at Penny's?
Sheldon: Well, we had dinner, played some games, and then I spent the night. Oh, and you'll be happy to know that I now have a much better understanding of 'friends with benefits.'


Sheldon: I don't know how, but she is cheating! Nobody can be that attractive and this skilled at a videogame.


Check Out These Awesome Fanvids

These are a collection of our favorite fanvids. We feel these represent the wonderful energy and dynamic that Sheldon and Penny bring to the show.

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Fic Recommendations

Finding the Proper Tense by LadyLioness.
Sheldon experiences time travel and yields some very unexpected results.

The Lucky Penny Tergiversate by Oso_Intracate.
It's the end of the world and Penny is on a quest to find Sheldon. Probably the most epic End of the World fic in the fandom.

Though They Sink Through the Sea by Dashakay
Commonly referenced as "The Dead!Leonard Saga", Sheldon and Penny move on after Leonard's unexpected death. We see character growth in both Sheldon and Penny. (And Leonard's death is handled nicely without "pushing him down the stairs")

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