Title: the gasp and stutter of a heart 10/11
dave7Rating: M
Characters/Pairings: Richard Castle/Kate Beckett
Fandom: Castle
Spoilers: Season Three.
Notes: I know, I'm sorry. But it insisted there be another chapter. I'll fix formatting issues after work today, promise.
Summary: He scrubbed until he was raw, but the blood wouldn’t shift,
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Comments 11
The way you weave this alternate reality in with the show timeline is fantastic, and I love the way you word things. I really like the story being from Castle's point of view because you capture him so well. Seriously, his anguish is palpable.
I so look forward to every update of this story, and I am incredibly saddened that we are so near to the end now. I sincerely hope though that there is at least something of a happy ending to be had, because I can't stand even the thought of these two not earning that together. I can't wait for the last chapter, thank you so much for sharing this!!
I'm more comfortable inside Castle's head, and so I'm really glad you like the portrayal.
The last update should be up in a little while. I can't promise happy, but certainly hopeful. :)
The last chapter should be up soon. I hope it doesn't disappoint.
Rick was too slow - too slow with a ring, too slow in front of a bullet --- Poor, poor, Castle. One definitive example of "what if?"
I still love this. I've loved it from the start, and I love the fact that it's not over yet. Yay for 11.
Aaaaaaand - will we get to see your take on season 4, too????
Thank you very much for your kind words.
As for season four... erm... No comment.
You wont get any sugar from me, no no...you wont...
ps - just one logistical thing, it was a bit confusing to me at the end of the chapter, at first, rick told the doc to save them both, she answered it was not the best option, but she didnt say it was impossible. so i thought by rick saying - do it - he meant they shall try anyway, then the next scene, he describes sighning their sons life away, which indicated he chose kate..just that..for me personally, it was a bit confussing. also, i cannot even imagine to make a choice like that. but if you asked me, i would have chosen kate too. also, the way you wrote castle blaming himself was heartbreaking.
Perhaps I should think of a way to clarify that more in the story...
And again, thank you for sharing your thoughts. :)
Also, castle didnt really have a choice there, poor boy, did he? Either their chances to be slim, or even slimmer.
Anyway, just remembered that i loved also how kate send him to check on the baby and how he felt bad for not being able to do it himself before cause he was staying with her..so heartbreaking! *shakes a pointy finger at you in warning*
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