Jun 25, 2009 09:00
What used to feel arduous - taking days off when he didn't need to rest - is now welcomed, and Carlisle walks in the front door of his house after coming home from his last shift of the week. Thursday through Tuesday he would be home twenty-four hours a day.
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Comments 125
Even here, Carlisle had a regimented way of things. His coat always ended up in the same place, his briefcase tucked away against a counter in the unused kitchen before heading towards the back porch.
What are you getting yourself into out here? he asks as he walks out with a smile.
There's a half second pause, before he finally glances up from the page. "Russians are a bit morose for all the beauty they pretend isn't the making of their work."
"I think maybe I'm too old-fashioned still to appreciate them either. Either that or not philosophical enough, I'm not sure which."
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