Let's Get Prosy: Fanlore, The Pillory, and Other Things I Have Been Thinking About

Aug 30, 2020 11:30

Today is just another one of those days where all the things I need to do are crowding out all the things I want to do. Probably just as well - indulged folk often run amok and invade other countries or walk around naked (and it's a bit nippy for that in my neck of the woods).

Anyway, this morning my eclectic feed brought me a Fanlore nugget and so off I wandered to Fanlore (and whilst doing so clocked I've garnered another few mentions since I last checked - which just shows how infrequently it occurs to me as a possibility) and this led me to reading the entry on The Pillory

Which led me to this comment: '...And an author is free to write whatever they want but I'm also free to say that I find the portrayals in it disgusting and of little interest and no relationship to the characters portrayed on the screen'.

And also this: '...Factual information is one thing -- but how a writer sees a character will always be 'right' in her own version of the universe. How we react to that interpretation is our business -- and how she writes it is hers'.

So on this fine Sunday morning (in my universe) - is that what we think? How does a portrayal of the lads that doesn't chime with yours affect you?

And if anyone wanted to comment and maybe wanted to include some fic links in their comment - or links to where fic has been recc'd or discussed; why not? I've found loads of good stories that way.

And why limit to fic - are there any out of shape eps for you? Or Artwork? or a Vid?

C'mon, let's get Prosy :0)
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