Title: The Colbert Family Secret
tea_diva Pairing: Gen | Rating: PG-13
Status: One-Shot(s) | Word Count:
Warnings: Mild profanity, original characters, fluff
Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction based on the fictionalized characters from the HBO miniseries Generation Kill. I do not own the characters or the series, or the book that inspired it; nor am I profiting from this in any way. I intend no disrespect to the real men on whom the book was based.
A/N: This is an installment of
The Devil's Dogs 'Verse. Two of these one-shots used to appear as interludes within the story
A Lamb in Wolf's Clothes, but I thought they made more sense hosted as a separate collection.
Summary: A series of one-shots relating to the Colbert family and how they cope with the discovery that Brad is a werewolf.
The Colbert Family Secret //
The Military //
AO3 //
'Verse ]