The arrival in Ianto's flat is (for its owner, at least) entirely underwhelming. They're standing on the carpet near the stairs in Ianto's living room, shrouded in half-darkness. To one side sits the telly, the couch, the overfull bookcases; to the other there's a door - the front door - and an open doorway to the equally dark kitchen
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Teleportation, as a rule, isn't something that should bother Jackson that much, though he hasn't had a lot of extended experience with it. Boeshane isn't as advanced a colony as most, so he's heard, and ships are the usual method of transportation. Still, he's got a reputation to uphold, especially around an older, cute twenty-first century guy.
Arriving in the, as he'd been told, flat, he looks around as soon as his vision slides into place and his feet feel solid on the floor. It's not entirely alien, not like one thinks being on a different planet in a different universe and time period would be, but it's still alien enough to pique his curiosity. He follows Ianto Ioan to the window, just as interested by the blinds as he is the scene beyond the glass ( ... )
"Our sunset is all lovely pinks, yellows, oranges, and reds," he explains, gesturing to the sky. "It's all due to chemicals in the atmosphere, of course, but... it's still quite beautiful."
He gives Jackson a disarming smile (enough to distract from his flinch, he hopes) as he turns away from the window. "Jackson," he repeats, nodding after a moment and shaking Jack - Jackson's - hand. "It's a pleasure."
"I'm not familiar with the chemicals in Earth's atmosphere," Jackson admits, ducking a little to look out the window again. "I always wanted to see Earth. Never thought I'd get around to it. Long way around, as they say."
The smile he gets from Ioan, as it turns out, is rather disarming and he doesn't notice the flinch at all. Now it's Jackson's turn to blush, though only just noticeable under his tan. "Good to meet you. And thanks. A lot. For the help. I'm really sorry about the - thing - with the stun gun. You're all right?" Not that he's ever so slightly nervous now that he's here. Or has been ever so slightly nervous since arriving in the Nexus. Leaving home.
He turns on the kitchen lights as he enters the room and stops by the fridge, sticking his hands in his pockets. He's nervous too. What a pair they make. "Er, thirsty?" he offers. "I've got milk, orange juice, coffee, tea... water... whatever you'd like."
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