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Comments 4

blueaholic December 31 2009, 23:52:24 UTC
Wew~! Let's assume it (LOL). Ur friend wanted to spend new year eve w/ u as well, but when her boyfriend knew it, he (maybe) felt disturbed. Ur friend didn't know how to tell u, so she made u understand it by urself. Just wondering how old their relationship. Cz it's like ur friend didn't know her boyfriend well. LOL.
It's so pain treated like that by ur bestfriend ever. Tikaaa, sabar yaaa~ *hug*


te3ka69 January 1 2010, 13:25:00 UTC
no no
actually it was her boyfriend who invited "us" to join them. we're gonna watch hanabi together
but, i didn't know why the plan has changed, no one joined them, and they didn't tell me anything.
they started dating like 8 month already, and before that she always stayed at mine when she come to bandung.
since she already have boyfriend she started to stay at his

yahhh youth at this time is difficult to understanded
*mulai ngawur grammer gue*
tau ah bete banget gue, ga minta maaf lagi tu orang, biarin gue diemin aja tu anak ampe nyadar
bru, aku lagi nyicil donlod jonis countdown 3,66 gb!
mampus gue, ampe kapan tu baru selesai???


blueaholic January 1 2010, 13:39:33 UTC
Woh~~ Yang ngajak2 tuh si cowok? Sableng itu mah.. Udah ngajakin, pake enelantarin lagi.. ckckck

Hieee~ aku pengen donlot juga~ pengen donlot kohaku juga ih.. eh tapi kalo jonis countdown, apa tunggu newshfan ngesub dulu x ya? wkwkwkwk..

Eh eh,, tau ga sih.. kan aku baru ganti paket spidi.. yang family itu tuh.. trus si masnya bilang "mbaknya udah tau belum ketentuannya? kalau udah 3GB, kecepatan turun jadi 128 kbps." Makjaaaaan~~
*malah curhat XDD*

Gimana mau donlot countdown yang 3 giga lebih? belum yang kohaku.. Tuhaaaan~~!! aku pengen internet gratis IMbps!! T___________T


te3ka69 January 2 2010, 14:17:39 UTC
si newshfan udah ngesub tuh
rada kecil yang dia, cuma 487mb,tapi yahhh qualitasnya..

emang kayak gitu kalo yang unlimited yang murah
kalo udah 3 gb turun dia kecepatannya..tapi ga lelet2 amat kok kalo 128kb/s

ya udah...tahan napsu mendolodmu ya nak..
aku 2 mb/s tapi di bagi ke 16 orang
jadi berapa coba itu?


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