Title: Apples to Apples
Chapter: 10/13
Author: tdesphtl
Rating: M (for earlier chapters)
Warning(s): none
AN: Well, we're nearing the end!! But no where near the end of the action. :) Much, much more drama-goodness to come, peeps!! So, I think I'm gonna go sleep now... Overnights shifts are a bitch. o.O
You don't know what you're talking about, so just shut up and make him better so we can be on our way )
Comments 16
Guh...Am looking forward to the rest, and this really made my day besides being off work today! <3
Can completely understand Cain's reaction to the old man's stories...would behave like that as well, and you really do have a way to get your writing come to life. *pets Ambrose*
Later, Gator! Catch you in the next chapter.
And yeah...I got a love/hate relationship to cliffies. Love when I write them, hate them when I read the story that got them :p
Looking forward too it, but take ye time in typing - there's no rush, just a bunch of readers with cookies and pitchforks :p
I'm sure Ambrose has a perfectly good explanation......... for being the evil spawn of monsters and everything.
Good chapter, you're certainly keeping us off balance, I think I maybe standing on my head, not sure really! :D
'hand back on ears' lalalalalalalala............
Am·brose [am-brohz]
-noun 1. Saint, a.d. 340?-397, bishop of Milan 374-397.
2. a male given name: from a Greek word meaning “immortal.”
I started a story called "Immortal Memory" based off that definition. It didn't go anywhere but yeah...
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