RP LOG: The Flu Strikes Again

Jan 14, 2010 00:43

Who: Allelujah, Tieria
When: Two days ago
Where: Cafe, then Allelujah's hut
Rating: G... kinda fluffy
Warnings: None
Notes: None
Summary: Keeping their weekly 'appointment', Allelujah realizes that Tieria's managed to catch the same bug that got Setsuna.

Tieria bundled himself up tightly. He wasn't the type to back out on a promise... and this weekly 'meeting', so to speak, with Allelujah had started to become something he looked forward to. Stifling a small cough, since his throat was bothering him a bit, he stepped outside into the snow. It was cold. He hadn't expected that. It felt a lot colder than he thought it would, so he hurried his pace towards the cafe.

Allelujah had come to enjoy these weekly meetings with Tieria, even if there wasn't much to speak about each time. It was..nice..to have the chance to get to know the other Meister better. Even though Setsuna had come down with a rather nasty bug, whatever it was, Allelujah had set his Haro to moniter the younger Meister's sleep while he was away. He was grateful to Neil for taking care of Snow, he didn't have the extra energy to attempt to entertain the rabbit on top of doing his best to take care of Setsuna. Wearing the warm jacket he'd gotten just for the island, he made his way to the cafe, getting there just as he saw Tieria entering. "Tieria."

He turned at hearing his name, his normally severe expression softening slightly at seeing his teammate. He waited to go inside until the taller Meister had caught up to him so they could enter together. Once inside, he began the arduous process of removing the layers... gloves, scarf, heavy coat...

Allelujah smiled faintly in return. Stepping inside with Tieria, he pulled off his own jacket, gloves and scarf, hanging them up by the door. "How are you today?"

Tieria sniffed slightly before answering, sounding a bit congested. "I've been better," he admitted quietly as he hung his coat and other things on the same rack. He crossed one arm over to rub the other against a slight chill. "How are you?"

He blinked, then looked closely at Tieria. A frown appeared before he reached up to feel the other's forehead. "It seems you have caught the illness that's going around the island..You should have just contacted me over the journal system and told me you were staying in bed." He was not happy that Tieria was just trouncing around in the cold and likely going to make it worse!

Tieria pulled away from the touch, not having expected it. In the fleeting contact they had, Allelujah would definitely have noticed he was warm from a fever. "I'm not sick," he said, still firmly in denial. After all, it shouldn't effect him if he wasn't human, right?

Allelujah snorted, grey eye narrowing slightly at the brief feel of unnatural heat. "Right. Because you're not human, that what you're suggesting?" He intentionally spoke quietly, knowing how hard that had been for Tieria to have admitted to those who he knew best, much less to anyone else.

His first reaction was to get annoyed at what felt like a jibe at his origins, but he knew better of Allelujah. He sighed a little, quelling his initial feelings. "Honestly, I don't know how things like that would effect me," he admitted just as quietly. "I've never been sick before. Why would I be now?"

Allelujah nodded in understanding. "Your forehead is warmer than it should be, and I bet you feel colder than you have been since the snow began to fall. Plus, you sound congested. Add that all together, and your body is telling you that you are ill and should be taking it easy."

"Quatre's sick," Tieria said then.

"So is Setsuna, and Miss Pluto." Allelujah again reached towards his friend, intending to settle the hand on the other's shoulder. "Will you let me help you?"

"Miss Pluto?" That got Tieria's attention. If he'd known Anew was sick, it would be even more confirmation that he could, indeed, be ill as well. He sighed, looking down for a moment. "Help with what?"

The fact that Anew was sick as well was unknown to Allelujah, so he couldn't very well tell Tieria. "Help you get better."

Tieria shifted uncomfortably for a moment, his arms folded around himself against the chill he was constantly feeling since that morning. He sniffed slightly and then nodded a little. "I suppose."

Allelujah relaxed, glad Tieria wouldn't fight it. "Thank you. So let's get back to my hut, unless you'd like something to eat from here?"

"I'm not very hungry," he said. His appetite, while light enough as it was, had been non-existant today. He turned to retrieve his coat and had to catch himself on Allelujah when it felt like the room spun the other way. It wasn't much of a tip, but he was feeling lightheaded, and the tiny shift in his equilibrium had forced him to lose his balance.

Allelujah automatically caught Tieria when the other seemed about to fall. He frowned, inwardly glad Tieria'd said he wasn't that hungry. He kept an arm on Tieria to keep him steady as he pulled down the other's coat and helped him in putting it on. "Alright then, to the hut it is."

He took the coat, almost blushing a little, but that was covered by the fact that his face was a bit flushed from the fever already. He nodded, having been steadily feeling worse since he'd woken up that morning. Bundling himself back up against the cold, he waited for Allelujah.

Not noticing the blush, Allelujah swiftly pulled his winter clothes back on before holding the door open for Tieria. He'd only pick the other up if he had to, but would give his support if it looked to be needed again.

Tieria ducked his head and slipped outside quietly, intending to head back to his own hut.

Allelujah sighed and sped up so he was walking beside Tieria. "I would prefer it if you'd stay with me, so I can help you better."

He sniffed, shaking his head a little. "You shouldn't have to take care of two of us, though," he said, remembering then that Allelujah had mentioned Setsuna was sick.

"I don't mind. I'm not about to just leave you alone while you're sick. Miss Pluto's sick, so Neil is taking care of her. I'm not sure if Lyle or Miss Anew are ill, but I am not leaving you in your hut without someone from our world." And they were family, that was the simplest answer.

He slowed his pace as he considered Allelujah's statements, then nodded. He honestly didn't really want to be completely alone. And, well, it wasn't the same with the others in his hut. Trowa was busy with Quatre's health, and Tieria just didn't feel that comfortable with Kamile. "Fine," he said, trying to sound curt and normal, but that failed when his voice suddenly cracked from his sore throat. Oh damn...

Allelujah nodded, relieved, and subtly shifted their path towards his own hut. He did still have that airmattress, after all. "Good."

Tieria shrugged a little to burrow deeper into his heavy jacket, remaining quiet until they reached the hut.

Allelujah opened the door for them, stepping inside then waiting until Tieria had stepped inside before closing the door. He pulled his coat, gloves and scarf back off and hung them up by the door, keeping an eye on Tieria to make sure he was stable on his feet.

Stable as long as he didn't make any sudden moves, Tieria was starting to feel the beginnings of a sinus headache. "Is it normal for these things to get worse before getting better?" he asked, sounding slightly bitter as he slowly and somewhat reluctantly began to remove his extra layers.

"I..think so, not sure. It could depend on what the illness is, too." Allelujah wasn't entirely certain himself, he'd not exactly been really ill before, that he could remember.

He nodded a little, sitting down on the couch and uncharacteristically pulling his legs up with him to hold his knees. He was cold.

Allelujah headed into the kitchen to make tea. When he came back out, he handed a mug to Tieria. "Setsuna should still be asleep. You have a couple choices on where to sleep, share the bed with him for added warmth, or take the airmattress."

"The airmattress will be fine," he said, taking the mug. He didn't want to bother Setsuna if he was sick, too.

Allelujah nodded. "You can change your mind later, if you find yourself too cold tonight."

Tieria just nodded, holding the mug tightly with both hands in an attempt to get warm. He glanced over at Allelujah for a moment, then back at the tea. "Thank you," he said quietly.

Allelujah smiled faintly and, picking up a blanket, shook it out and gently settled it over the other's shoulders. "We're family," he finally answered, quietly.

Tieria looked up at Allelujah again, really starting to appreciate that word. He nodded a little and settled down, feeling a little better about the situation, even if he still felt terrible physically. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to get through this.

allelujah, tieria, [flu season], *event

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