TD Log - A picnic

May 03, 2009 16:58

Who: Hisoka and Tsuzuki
When: Yesterday afternoon
Where: Laundry mat and outside
Rating: PG
Warnings: Shonen-ai
Summary: Tsuzuki kidnaps Hisoka for a picnic and fluff happens.

It was a warm day, like most on the island. Hisoka had resigned to the fact that he and his partner would, indeed, be on the island for a great deal. Indefinitely, to be more precise. Even if he had come to accept that fact, it did not mean he would ever come to enjoy this job of his. Sheets. Soap. Washing machines...

Hisoka sighed in boredom, leaning against the counter, idly poking at the bell. He had forgotten his book that afternoon and was now suffering dearly from it. Not much happened in this job of his at the laundry mat. People just came in, washed their clothing, and that was that. No real excitement, no real work except the occasional folding, cleaning, and so on.

Which, in all Tsuzuki logic, made it a perfect day to skip work. He had a picnic basket hooked over one arm as he pushed the door open, all smiles as usual. His immediately zeroed in on the younger blond, waving as he walked over. "Hello, Hisoka!"

Hisoka looked up. His first reaction was to smile ever so faintly at the familiar voice, but such a reaction was cast aside when his mind caught up with him. Tsuzuki was here? Here?

The blonde blinked and he attempted to hide his subtle embarrassment with a curious wave. "...Tsuzuki, what are you doing here?" His gaze fell to the basket. Huh.

His smile brightened in response to the one he caught briefly on his partner's face, glad to have apparently been the cause of it. Tsuzuki stopped in front of Hisoka, holding out the basket. "It's to nice of a day to pass up, so I thought we should go on a picnic."

"A picnic?" Hisoka questioned, as if the word was foreign to him. "...I have a job, Tsuzuki. I can't just leave it for food." He propped his elbows up on the counter, proceeding to lean his chin into his palm with a poignant stare at his partner.

"Sure you can!" Tsuzuki said, leaning on the counter. "It's a nice, slow day and I bet anyone that does come in could take care of it themselves."

Tsuzuki had a point... "What if I get in trouble?" He arched a brow. Pathetic excuse, but legit.

"Who's going to complain?" he asked, fixing him with a hopeful look. "And they can't exactly dock your pay here."

Another good point. God dammit. "...Fine," Hisoka said with a sigh. When had he become so soft?

The older shinigami gave a cheer. "Come on then, daylight's a’wasting."

Hisoka rolled his eyes and walked around the counter, joining his friend's side. "Right...lead the way."

Beaming, he ruffled Hisoka's hair before heading out of the building.

Hisoka blinked, face turning a soft pink. "Baka..." he muttered under his breath before following after, willing away the blush.

Tsuzuki kept walking until they got to a nice grassy spot by a tree, where he set the basket out a retrieved a traditional checkered blanket out of it to spread out. He hummed softly as he knelt down to set things up.

Hisoka watched him, leaning against the tree. His head titled to the side, bangs covering his eyes for the time-being. Had Tsuzuki really gone to all this trouble for him? A soft, fragile smile appeared on his face as he watched.

Sitting back once he was done, he smiled at him. The foods he'd gotten, amazingly enough, wasn't entirely composed of sweets. He knew Hisoka wasn't too fond of them, so he'd tried getting a variety of things.

Hisoka walked over quietly, taking a seat on the blanket. He looked at Tsuzuki without a word for a moment before turning his attention to the food. The more he thought about this arrangement, the more he wished to distract himself from the small details. Because if he focused on those long enough, his face definitely would be turning red. "...It looks nice," he piped in quietly.

"Thank you." Picking up a thermos, he poured them each a cup of tea. "Since we don't work together here, we haven't been seeing each other as much, so I thought it'd be nice to spend some time together."

Hisoka nodded, agreeing wordlessly to that sentiment. "...I never thought I'd miss it," he murmured, just loud enough for the brunet to hear.

"Guess you never know until something changes and you find out," Tsuzuki said softly, offering up one of the cups to him.

Hisoka nodded faintly, graciously taking a cup. He blinked at the older shinigami for a moment before smiling ever so gently and quickly taking a sip.

Tsuzuki liked Hisoka's smiles, and had made it his goal to see them as often as possible. It seemed as if he'd been doing well so far today. Once the blond had taken a sip, he allowed himself to do the same.

Hisoka averted his gaze and continued leisurely sipping the tea. "..You really didn't have to go to all this trouble, you know."

He looked at him pensively. "I know. But I wanted to."

"Ah..." Hisoka nodded.

Tsuzuki turned his face up towards the sun, eyes closed. "It's peaceful here."

"It is," Hisoka agreed in a quiet voice, sparing a glance up as well.

"I think I might miss it when we return home," Tsuzuki said. Opening his eyes again, he looked back at his partner. "Do you think you will?"

"...Probably," Hisoka responded after a moment of careful deliberation. His gaze drifted over to Tsuzuki.

Tsuzuki gave him a soft look before bending his head to serve himself some of the food.

A small blush returned to his face. Stupid blush.

He kept himself from commenting on how adorable the blushes were, knowing that Hisoka got embarrassed easily. "You should pick something out to eat."

Hisoka nodded, having completely forgotten the purpose of all of this. He coughed and reached out to snag something, anything. It all looked so good.

Likely because Tsuzuki hadn't made anything other than the tea. Seeing that Hisoka was getting something, he settled into eating his own choices.

Once he had picked something, Hisoka settled back, staring off at the bright sky, munching wordlessly.

He was glad Hisoka had been pulled there as well. Of anyone from their world, he'd missed him the most.

Hisoka continued eating, rather enjoying his lunch with his partner. He had actually missed this a great deal.

"I wonder how the others are doing."

Hisoka paused. "...I suspect they're doing fine."

"I hope so." He smiled. "Bet Wakaba would like this place. So sunny."

Hisoka nodded. "Definitely. Tatsumi probably ...wouldn't," he decided after careful thought.

Tsuzuki laughed. "Nothing to budget and too carefree."


"Saya and Yuma would though."

Hisoka shivered accordingly.

Tsuzuki reached over and ruffled his hair again. "Aw, you'd be cute in one of their outfits."

Hisoka's face brightened at once. "W-what?!" he sputtered.

"Just for a little while of course," he said with a chuckle.

Hisoka grumbled embarrassedly under his breath, almost pouting. "Their outfits are horrible, Tsuzuki."

"I think they're adorable," Tsuzuki said stubbornly.

"Not on me!"

"You've never tried one, so how do you know?"

"They're...not meant for guys!"

"The girls seem to think otherwise."

"...Well, that's them," Hisoka huffed and took another bite of what he was eating.

Tsuzuki chuckled. "You're cute enough without them." Realizing what had slipped out, Tsuzuki's face burned and he quickly took a bite to have an excuse not to answer questions.

Hisoka stopped chewing, face equally burning. He stared off at the sky before swallowing hard. He wasn't certain what to say so merely lowered his gaze, face on fire.

Seeing as he hadn't gotten yelled at, he risked a peek at him.

Hisoka busied himself with taking another sip of his tea, feigning indifference. It wasn't working all that well.

"Is the tea okay?" Tsuzuki asked cautiously.

"It's good," Hisoka responded at once with a nod.

He smiled, nodding. "Good."

Hisoka fell quiet for a moment.

Tsuzuki cheeks were still pink as he returned to his plate.

"...I'm not cute," Hisoka finally argued.

"Are too," he countered automatically. He'd already said it after all.

"..Are not," Hisoka huffed.

"I think so."

Hisoka all but pouted, yet again. "Why?"

Tsuzuki tipped his head to the side. "I'm not quite sure. But you are."

Hisoka's face grew redder. "...I see."

Briefly, he had to wonder if Hisoka would one day spontaneously combust if he blushed too hard.

Hisoka took another sip of tea, Byakko's words from the other day still fluttering through his head. Gah...damn shikigami.

Tsuzuki hid partially behind his tea cup, setting it down only to pick up a dumpling.

Ironically enough, as Murphy’s law would dictate, Hisoka had done the same thing, resulting in an awkward hand bumping.

He blushed again, pulling his hand back. Though if he recalled, the last time they'd been after the same dumpling, Hisoka'd ended up sleeping in his bed.

And if Tsuzuki were to bring that up again, Hisoka certainly would test the theory on combustion. "..Sorry," he murmured.

"No, you can have it," Tsuzuki said quickly.

"It's fine. You can have it," Hisoka mumbled.

Thinking for a moment, he cut it in half, taking one. Tsuzuki smiled. "Certainly different from the last time."

He just had to bring it up. "...Last ti--" Hisoka had reached for the half but paused when the memory surfaced.

Of course he did. "You look really peaceful when you sleep."

Hisoka frowned, face the equivalent of a tomato. "That's..."

Tsuzuki blinked at him. "That's what?"

"...Nevermind." He took a bite of the dumpling quickly.

Cute... "It's true though."

"I'm sure...." Hisoka nodded, gaze still averted.

Tsuzuki ducked his head to look at him, seemingly pondering something.

Hisoka stayed quiet, poking at his dumpling.

He brought a hand up to cup the younger shinigami's chin.

Hisoka accordingly dropped the dumpling, green eyes widening a fraction, blinking. "Tsu...?"

Meeting his eyes, Tsuzuki leaned over and brushed his lips over Hisoka's cheek. He pulled back quickly, blush forming on his cheeks anew.

Hisoka's face burned equally as hot as his ears, not having expected that. He was silent for a moment before he brought a hand up to his cheek, gaze averted. "...Baka," he whispered, trying to hide the small smile that was threatening to appear.

Having expected to be yelled out, he glanced up at the name Hisoka seemed to almost use like an endearment.

Hisoka said nothing more, fingertips remaining lightly pressed against the spot for a good two minutes before slipping away as he resumed his eating. Best to act nonchalant, right?

Seeing a lack of negative reaction as a positive one, Tsuzuki smiled and picked out a cookie to munch on.

Hisoka watched Tsuzuki out of the corner of his eye, saying nothing for a long moment. He sighed and continued eating. If he wasn't going to bring it back up neither was he.

"I'm really glad you came, 'Soka," Tsuzuki said, smiling.

"...Thanks for inviting me."

"I like spending time with you."

"...Oh." Hisoka nodded and took another bite, fighting off the usual blush.

Tsuzuki touched Hisoka's cheek. "A lot."

Hisoka hadn't been expecting that either. The heat flared up and he peeked at Tsuzuki out of the corner of his eye. "...Hm. I suppose I do, too."

This time, he didn't pull back, very gently stroking the blond's cheek. "I'm glad."

Hisoka's first reaction was to tense up and pull away, but instead he went with the second--ever so gently lean into the touch. "...Baka."

Tsuzuki smiled softly, leaning in just a fraction.

Hisoka's heart rate grew steadily faster. "..Hm?"

"'Soka... can I kiss you?" He question was spoken so softly to be almost unheard.

Hisoka managed to hear the question. His eyes widened and he said nothing for a second, trying to form both coherent thoughts and words. "....Why would you want to do something like that?"

"Because I like you." There, simple and said.

He should have seen this coming--had probably seen this coming for quite awhile but had been so deep in denial that he refused to realize it up front. Hisoka took a deep breath, fingers fiddling with the small piece of food in his grasp. "....If you want."

Permission given, Tsuzuki leaned in the rest of the way and lightly pressed his lips to that of his partner's.

Hisoka hesitantly moved his lips back against Tsuzuki's, eyes shutting slowly, nervous as hell.

Moving slowly, he slipped the hand from his cheek into blond hair.

Hisoka released a soft sigh, uncertain as to why his face was turning even redder.

Tsuzuki pulled back reluctantly, but he didn't move away very back.

Hisoka allowed his eyes to slowly open, revealing rather surprised emerald irises. He said nothing and merely stared.

The older shinigami offered him an almost shy, questioning smile.

Hisoka spared a glance to Tsuzuki carefully, the blush still present on his face. He wasn't sure what to say so settled upon staring.

Tsuzuki hadn't removed the hand from Hisoka's hair and gently moved his fingers through it.

Hisoka's eyes fluttered shut once more, a soft sigh escaping him. His tense muscles relaxed a bit more.

He was going through a multitude of emotions no matter how much he tried to keep them controlled for Hisoka's sake. Fear, hope... love?

Hisoka's mind was far too frazzled at that moment to distinguish the emotions radiating from his partner. His mind was too focused on the soft feel of his friend's hand.

Tsuzuki scouted closer to him. Hisoka hadn't pushed him away yet, so maybe... there was a chance?

Hisoka offered the smallest of smiles, blush still very present as he averted his gaze awkwardly. He really wasn't certain what to do in a situation like this.

Tsuzuki returned the smile, guiding Hisoka back to lean against him. He gave the empath every chance to pull away if he wanted to, never wanting him to feel trapped with him.

Hisoka's eyes fell shut, gently absorbing the warmth that came from Tsuzuki's emotions. How one person could be so pure, so was remarkable. He leaned into the older, relaxation written all over his usually apathetic expression.

He leaned his head against the top of Hisoka's, slipping an arm around him. His partner still hadn't given him any solid answer, but he supposed this was fine for now.

Hisoka felt the blush increase in heat yet again, but for the most part, the empath ignored it. For some reason, he had no urge to pull away and hug his arms tightly around himself in protection. Tsuzuki wasn't like him. Tsuzuki was...his friend.

Tsuzuki smiled, content. "Do you mind if we stay like this for a while?"

"...Fine by me," Hisoka answered after a moment in a quiet voice, afraid that if he spoke any louder he'd say something he would regret. This was new to him, and the small part of him that was still broken remained.

"Alright." Since it'd gotten him to relax before, Tsuzuki started running his fingers though Hisoka's hair again.

Hisoka released a soft noise of contentment once more and stayed quiet. Perhaps he could learn to deal with this--to accept this fully.

Tsuzuki pressed his lips against the top of Hisoka's head, closing his eyes.

Hisoka smiled gently at the gesture, allowing Tsuzuki's warm emotions to engulf him for the time-being.

"We should do this again sometime."

"...Yeah," Hisoka agreed quietly.

Tsuzuki let out a content hum. "Would you like to choose the spot next time?"

"No, you're good at picking places," Hisoka decided after a moment of thought.

He nodded, stroking an arm absently.

Hisoka said nothing more, the smile remaining, small but quite present.

tsuzuki, hisoka

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