Who: Allelujah, Minako and Artemis
Where: Allelujah and Minako's hut
When: Yesterday
Warnings: Slight 00 and SM references
Rating: G
Summary: Artemis goes to catch up with Minako, Allelujah's there and they all talk.
Artemis bounded across the sand, in cat form, as it was often faster. He bounced up the steps, shifting forms just as he got to the door and knocked.
Allelujah was reading in the living room when he heard the knock. He looked around curious, not sure if anyone else was there. He didn't wait long before he stood and went to open the door.
Minako came out as Allelujah opened the door.
"Hello," Artemis said, remaining in human form in case Minako wasn't the one to answer. "You must be the new hutmate." He smiled.
Allelujah smiled faintly, vaguely recognizing the man from the hotsprings. "Yep. Who're you here to visit?" He wasn't aware that Minako'd come out of her room yet.
"Probably me!" Minako said cheerfully. She giggled. "C'mon in, Artemis!"
Artemis nodded. "That's her." He smiled.
Allelujah turned at the cheerful voice and had to chuckle slightly. He stepped out of the way, letting Artemis walk in.
"It's good to see you," she said happily. "Do you know Allelujah?"
"We've met a few times," Artemis said. "It's good to see you again," he said to the pilot.
Allelujah let the door close. "I spend a bit of time down at the hotsprings," he offered in explanation to Minako. He nodded slightly at Artemis, "and you. Been well?"
Artemis nodded. "Better," he said. "A few mixed feelings on recent events around her." He shrugged slightly.
Minako glanced at the white-haired man for a moment and frowned slightly. "I'm sure she's fine back home," she told him.
Allelujah blinked, not sure who they were talking about, but not wanting to pry. So he merely offered, "this place seems to like throwing everyone here for loops."
"Yes... that it does," Artemis agreed. He nodded to Minako. "It brought my future daughter here for a time, but sent her back rather quickly." He looked down.
Minako sighed a bit. "She'll be okay, though. With the way things work here, she's probably back home with all of us."
That explained that then. One thing came to mind that Allelujah thought might help. "Who knows? Maybe she'll be brought back. I've heard other people have left, then come back here..If that's any consolation."
"Some have," Minako said with a nod. "I've seen them. Some remember, some don't. It's weird. There's no real rhyme or reason to it."
Artemis nodded. "That's true. I'm not sure if I want her here or not, though. And, in my time, she's not even born, yet."
Allelujah blinked at that strange idea before shaking his head slightly. "..Then how do you know she's your daughter?" He couldn't help asking the white haired man. He couldn't blame the other for not being sure if he wanted the girl on the island.
"Because Pluto knows her... as does Usagi's daughter." Artemis chuckled. "I'd already met her back home once. Knowing the Guardian of the Gate of Time helps when you need to do some time traveling."
Allelujah smirked slightly. "It is rather difficult to disprove anything Miss Pluto says."
"And, when you know her like we do, you tend to believe her." Artemis chuckled.
Minako smiled. "Do either of you want anything?" she offered, heading for the kitchen.
Artemis glanced at her, a little worried looking. "Umm..."
Allelujah couldn't help wincing slightly and walking swiftly to the kitchen. "I'll get it Minako.." Why no, he wasn't a bit paranoid with her in the kitchen, not at all.
"Are you sure?" she asked. "I don't mind."
Allelujah smiled faintly at her. "He came to visit you, I have no problem getting something for you two to drink while you catch up."
"Oh." Minako nodded. "Okay." She smiled and headed into the living room. She sat down on the couch, motioning for Artemis to join her.
Artemis gave Allelujah a thankful look when she wasn't looking. He sat down next to her.
Allelujah smirked at Artemis when Minako also wasn't looking. Putting a bland expression back on his face, he asked, "what would either of you like to drink?"
"I'll just have some water," Artemis said.
"That's fine for me, too!" Minako said brightly.
Allelujah nodded and went the rest of the way into the kitchen.
Granted, water wasn't difficult for someone like Minako, but why risk it if she had wanted something more complicated? Or if Allelujah had? Artemis mentally sighed. Apparently, the pilot had been in the hut long enough to have seen at least one escapade of hers at trying to be domestic. It never worked out well.
The pilot had seen at least one little incident involving Minako, but that was beside the point. At least that's what he'd say if asked. He didn't want anything complex, water was generally what he drank in the hut, if he wanted something stronger he went to the bar. He poured three glasses of water and went out to the living room with two of them, not going to chance spilling unnecessarily. He handed a glass to the two before going back for his own glass. "..Don't let me stop you two from talking.."
"Actually, I was just coming to see how things were going," Artemis said. "Nothing serious."
Minako chuckled a bit. "I'm okay." She smiled. "How's Luna been?"
"Alright. A little upset with Diana's disappearance, but she understands how this place works. We're both fairly sure that she's alright back home," Artemis said, giving a small smile.
Allelujah smiled faintly, going back for his water as he listened to them chat.
"I've heard that there's a tiger running around, too," Minako said. "Have you met him?"
"No... but I don't think he's from our world anyway." Artemis shrugged slightly. "Apparently, he likes to hang on Nagi."
Allelujah had to blink at that bit of information. Sure, he'd heard someone was bugging Nagi, just not what. "A tiger? Doesn't that..worry you?" He had no idea of shapeshifters being real.
Minako glanced at Allelujah. "Well... kinda... but he's not hurting Nagi, right?" She looked back at Artemis.
"Not physically, from what I've heard," Artemis clarified. "He just... pounces him... plays with him a bit... I think he's using a smaller form to do it. Someone said he overheard the tiger describe Nagi as 'cute'."
Now the Meister was baffled, and sat down with a faint frown. "..It's good Nagi's not being hurt..but..What do you mean by a 'smaller form'?"
"From what I've heard, this tiger is some sort of spirit creature that is attached to Tsuzuki," Artemis said. He had always been good at finding out information. "He can change forms and also remain invisible to those unable to see those kinds of creatures if he so chooses... if I remember that correctly. There's a few of those here."
Allelujah nodded slightly to show he'd heard, even if he didn't completely understand. Then he remembered the first time he'd met Tsuzuki and smiled faintly. "I think Tsuzuki used the term..shikigami? Think that's what this tiger is?"
"That sounds about right," Artemis said.
Minako thought for a moment. "Nagi's not really one for social interaction, let alone being pounced by something playfully. I can't imagine he'd be happy about it."
Allelujah chuckled slightly. "Tsuzuki must be happy about it then." Then nodded, having gotten that impression from what he knew of Nagi. "I'd think not."
"I know Tsuzuki was awfully lonely without his shikigami here," Minako said. "I heard him say so."
"He kept trying to summon them...That's how I first met him," the Meister commented.
"Of course, having his shikigami practically attacking another resident isn't exactly good, either," Artemis said.
Allelujah shrugged slightly. "Maybe he doesn't know?"
"Should someone tell him?" Minako asked.
Artemis shrugged. "If he doesn't know..." He looked thoughtful for a moment. "I would have thought he could control them, right?"
"I work with him, I could ask tomorrow...And whatever's controlling this island might limit Tsuzuki's control.." That's what'd happened with Allelujah and Hallelujah, after all.
"That's possible as well," the Mau agreed. "After all, I know that Nate was unable to leave this island of his own free will, despite being an experienced dimensional traveler... however, whatever force keeps us here did send him away for some time."
Minako nodded. "Hotaru had been said when that happened.
Nate..Allelujah thought he recalled that being one of those he should avoid if he wanted to at least attempt to keep Hallelujah contained. But the way wasn't entirely clear. "What is Nate?"
"He refers to himself as a mutant," Artemis explained. "He has the ability to travel between worlds."
"That's certainly different." Allelujah smiled wryly, nodding in thanks.
"It's not his only ability," he continued. "He can also use telepathy, float, and some other things that I'm not entirely sure of."
At which point the Meister wasn't completely able to hide his flinch. He took a sip of water as he considered his response. "..There seem to be quite a few telepaths and empaths here.."
"Enough, certainly," Artemis said, catching the flinch. "You dislike them?"
Allelujah shrugged slightly. "..I don't mind them, as people. They just tend to give me..bad headaches.." He was hedging his answer, and it was true. Just not the end result.
Artemis nodded a bit. "So you're sensitive to them. That makes sense."
Allelujah simply nodded.
"Does it happen a lot?" Minako asked him.
"Not so much with empaths..But it gets pretty bad with telepaths..In my world, I have what's called quantum brainwaves. When there's someone else around with the same brainwaves, they clash."
Minako blinked. Clearly, she didn't get all of that. The 'quantum brainwaves' kind of threw her off for a moment, but she understood the idea of something clashing. At that, she nodded. "Oh."
Allelujah smiled faintly at her. It didn't really matter if people didn't understand all of it, if they got the result. Or in this case, the result of 'normal' people..with quantum brainwaves.. "I just have to keep an eye on who's around. If I know they're telepathic I just leave. If they're empathic, I can stick around as long as there's just one."
Minako nodded. "That kinda makes sense." She smiled.
Artemis chuckled a bit. Minako had always been a bit underneath the more scientific things. Ami was the strong one there.
It seemed obvious Minako and Artemis had no idea about Hallelujah, however that was possible Allelujah was not going to argue. So he smiled again.
They had an idea, but what triggered Hallelujah was beyond them. They also didn't know his name. As for April first... Well, luckily, they had both been left alone that day.
All of which was unknown to Allelujah. He didn't actually talk to either of them that much, despite sharing a hut with one, and seeing the other relatively often at the hotsprings. As for why Hallelujah'd left them alone, that would remain a mystery until the alter chose to inform someone. Which was unlikely.
"But you're okay most of the time, right?" Minako asked, looking a bit concerned. She didn't want to see him getting headaches all the time.
Allelujah chuckled slightly. "Most of the time, yeah."
"Well, that's good!" She smiled.
Artemis couldn't hold back a small chuckle."
Allelujah nodded. "It is."
"Well, I really just came to see how you were doing," Artemis told Minako. "I probably should get going." He placed his empty water glass on the coffee table and stood up. "I'll see the two you around, then?"
Allelujah nodded. "Bit hard not to, eventually. Nice talking with you."
"That it is." Artemis chuckled. "Until then."
"Bye, Artemis!" Minako said with a wave as he headed out.