RP Log: Of Chat and Boys

May 02, 2009 14:28

Who: Usagi and Luna
When: Earlier this week
Where: The cafe
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Notes: None
Summary: Luna catches Usagi during dinner

Usagi was having dinner, and seeing as how no one would let her near the kitchen after a small incident involving a small stove fire she occupied a table at the cafe. Lazily a straw hung out of her mouth, it moved back and forth as she played with it rather than use it for its purpose. Head in her hand, she stared out the window.

The door to the cafe opened and in stepped a slender woman with long, curly black hair and blue eyes. She smiled softly. "Princess..." Luna called to the blonde sitting at one of the tables.

Usagi smiled when Luna came into the cafe in her human form. "Luna, how have you been?" She knew that Diana's sudden disappearance was probably hard on her companion.

"I've been alright. I miss Diana." she said walking over to the table and sitting down.

The blonde nodded. "She's going to be just fine. After all, Diana is going back to be with you and Artemis." The straw fell back into the cup filled with ice cream.

She smiled. "I know."

"So what have you been doing besides working?" Usagi smiled brightly.

"Not much really. Just working and keeping Artemis in line."

The teen snickered. "Are you coming to the beach party?"

"Beach party?" She asked looking at her charge.

"You haven't heard? Neil and Sakura want to have a beach party when the water gets warm." Usagi wondered if this was the first time that she knew something before Luna.

She shrugged a bit. "I'm not quite sure if I do want to go. Not much for water." She wrinkled her nose.

Usagi tsked importantly. "You don't have to get in the water...just wear a bathing suit that will knock Artemis' socks off, so to speak."

The Mauian woman looked at the Moon Princess. "What about you and the Prince?"

She sighed, as it was currently not the best subject. "Things are....difficult. But it doesn't mean I won't find a cute bathing suit and have a blast!" As soon as the mood change came, it was quickly gone

Luna frowned. "Princess, what's wrong?"

"Well, you know it's hard to be from another time as someone else. You know me too, I want to tell him everything but I'm not sure if it's a good idea." Usagi pouted.

She nodded and ordered a cup of coffee. Sitting back, she studied the blonde. "Take it slow with the Prince."

"I'm working on it. In the meantime, what are you getting me for my birthday?" A failed attempt at gathering information.

"Princess, your birthday isn't until June 30th, no need to rush just yet."

A wide grin. "Surely you must be thinking of what you're going to get, right?"

"I can't tell you."

A pout, but it was gone, replaced by a smile. "You'll be happy to know that I'm not slacking in my training." Studying...now that was a different matter completely.

"And your studying?"

"Erk." She'd been caught. A nervous laugh. "I haven't touched a book since I got here." Usagi admitted.

"Princess...." She said sternly.

"It's not like I have to go to school here. At least I'm training. That's something, isn't it?" Big blue eyes attempted pleading with her 'guardian'.

Luna gave her charge a stern look. "You're our future Queen. You're going to school."

"How am I supposed to do that while working and training? Do you expect me to sleep anytime?" Usagi groaned, flopping onto the table.

"If you manage your time correctly, then you'll do just fine."

The teen sighed. "What kind of vacation is this? Not a fair one, that's for sure." She sucked down her ice cream until there was nothing left.

"Life isn't fair."

"I know. Sometimes I just wish things went a little more in our favor, you know?" Usagi ordered a cheeseburger and fries, most likely alerting Luna to her current eating habits.

Luna heard this, but didn't comment as the waiter set down the coffee. She poured in milk and sugar, stirring it around. "I do understand."

The blonde smiled. "It's nice to see you like this. In your human form." Usagi commented.

She laughed a bit and set the spoon for her coffee down. "It's nice to be in this form."

"You look very cute. I bet Artemis thinks the same thing." She gave her companion a wink.

Luna rolled her eyes. "Princess, Artemis is used to seeing me like this."

"You don't have to call me that, Luna. Usagi is fine." Why did they all insisted on calling her by that name. "That doesn't mean he doesn't still think it."

"Alright, Usagi." She sipped her coffee, "And I don't know if my husband even thinks sometimes." was the teasing comment.

That earned her a laugh. "So true. How's work been?"

"It's been quiet."

"Yeah, the arcade is the same way. Although it wouldn't be if they would just let me play the games." Usagi grumbled.

"Not while you're on the clock."

"It's not like I actually make any money from it." The teen sighed.

"We don't make money. But, you are learning good skills."

She scoffed. "What kind of good skills? All day I just stand behind the counter watching machines that hardly every get played."

"That's not the point Usagi."

"Then what is the point? Because obviously I don't understand." She leaned on her hand, as her food arrived.

Luna sighed and set her cup down. "Usagi... You're learning how to control yourself. Yes, you could play those games, but you don't."

"I'm still a teenager. I have the rest of my long life to learn control. Shouldn't I enjoy my younger years now, while I still have the chance?" She pushed a french fry around on her plate.

"Yes, but control does start now."

"I understand." Usagi nodded, eating the french fry. That seemed a little too easy.

Luna smiled at Usagi.

The blonde returned the smile. "What?"


"Right..." Usagi wasn't sure if she should trust that smile, but it's not like Luna would ever do anything to hurt her, so she shrugged it off.

She finished her coffee and smiled softly.

Quickly she scarfed down her food. "Well...back to training. Won't get stronger just by sitting around, you know." Usagi flashed Luna a smile.

She nodded and then stood up. "That is true."

So are you going off to cuddle with Artemis?" She had to get in one last tease.

"I'm going to go make sure he's working." Luna replied.

"Oh, right." That wasn't nearly as fun as what she had been hoping for.

"Get back to training." She said making shooing motions at her charge.

Flashing her a victory sign, Usagi exited the cafe.

sailor moon usagi, luna

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