[Voting] :: [Week 03]

Nov 20, 2009 22:13

Week 3 voting! :D I am impressed with everyone's knowledge of Fruits Basket trivia XD

Voting Rules
01. For each question, choose the response that you feel is the best response. Base your decision on entertainment value, cleverness, and/or creativity; this is completely subjective to your own personal preferences. Which one do you like the best?
02. Only select one response per question.
03. You may vote for yourself if you truly think it is the best.
04. At the end of your comment, please specify whether you'd like two random cards or a Rank C Certificate.

Name: Your name~
Card Post: A link to your card post, as proof of being a tcg_exchange member
Votes:1a, 2c, 3f ..... 10a (or some other understandable listing)
Choice 2 random cards OR a Rank C certificate

Name: Your name~
Card Post: A link to your card post, as proof of being a member
Votes:1a, 2c, 3f ..... 10a (or some other understandable listing)
Choice 2 random cards OR a Rank C certificate

You have until 7 PM PST Sunday, November 22 to submit your votes.

01. What is the curse of the Sohma family?
Correct answer: Those with the curse change into their respective Zodiac animals when hugged by someone of the opposite gender.

a) If you see it from the author's perspective, it is the fact none of the poor souls born within the Sohma zodiac will never get laid because they turn into an animal when hugged by the opposite gender. If you see it from the fan's perspective, it is the fact that those sexy bodies are forced to have sexy tiemz with each other or mates of the same gender because they turn into an animal when hugged by the opposite gender. Yay yaoi, yuri, and incest!
b) With a great big hug the doom comes-- dun-dun-dun*
c) Those who are part of the curse turn into animals from the zodiac when hugged by a member of the opposite sex that does not belong to the zodiac. Gotta love that zodiac clause in there - no wonder the family is so inbred*
d) The Zodiac Curse: Nature's way of telling you that you're gay

*Incidentally, answers (b) and (c) included the same video clip

02. In the beginning of the series, why is Tohru living in a tent?
Correct answer: Her grandfather's house was being remodeled and she needed somewhere else to stay, but she didn't want to impose on any of her friends.

a) Tohru's Grandfather's house, in which she lived, needed remodeling
b) Tohru's Grandfather's house needed remodeling to accomodate the rest of the family & she was too chicken to put out either of her friends for her comfort.
c) Extreme Makeover: Home Edition had an extremely small budget this episode
d) She was training to become the next winner of Survivor. Coincidentally, this dream happened roughly the same time she started high school and moved out of her grandpa's house.

03. Why does Tohru speak so formally all the time?
Correct answer: It's a trait she picked up from her father.

a) A habit picked up from her late father.
b) Her mother was a freaking badass who totally dominated her husband in their marriage and he needed an endearing character trait to pass onto his daughter so that people would remember him.
c) When your mother used to be in a gang, you do what you can to keep her happy and don't ask questions!

04. What is Shigure's occupation?
Correct answer: A writer.

a) Writing for academics & romance
b) Kakashi's second favourite author
c) He's a writer, a mix between Eiri Yuki's occupation and a college professor with much time on his hands.
d) He writes porn fan-fiction. Err, I mean, he writes porn.

05. What are Shigure, Ayame and Hatori collectively called?
Correct answer: The Mabudachi Trio

a) The Marauders! Oh wait, wrong fandom...
b) Mabudachi Trio. The Bad Touch Trio. Yes, this includes Hatori.
c) The Golden Mabudachi Trio
d) The Mabudachi Trio [[art by trumpeteer34]]

06. What is Yuki's nickname at school?
Correct answer: Prince Yuki or Prince Charming

a) Prince Yuki Sohma. Your class year will decide how much of that you have to say any time you want to faun over him.
b) Prince Charming
c) Princess
d) Disney, eat your heart out

07. Why don't Yuki and Kyo get along with each other?
Correct answer: Because rats do not get along with cats. (Mutual envy, resentment, Kyo's need to blame Yuki for the curse, or any other details of their family background within the story will be considered acceptable answers. I realized too late that this question is fairly complicated :P)

a) He was a rat, he was a cat
can I make it anymore obvious~?

b) Cat + rat = fundamental
c) As children, they watched far too much Tom & Jerry
d) Because cats and rats don't mate well. Oh wait, no the saying is cats and dogs...

08. Who are Tohru's best friends?
Correct answer: Arisa Uotani and Saki Hanajima

a) A fish that's been selling on the market for three days and a wilted flower.
b) A yanki & a psychic Uotani & Hanajima

09. What kind of shop does Ayame run?
Correct answer: A shop that sells custom-made "romantic costumes."

a) A perverted fantasy costume shop
b) A shop where we can buy these kind of dresses~
c) He runs a fetish wear shop that inspires the porn in Shigure's novels. AKA: a cosplay shop.

10. What does snow become when it melts?
Correct answer: Spring!

a) No, leaving your freezer door open will not cause Spring to come early this year
b) Spring!
c) Spring

!voting, week 003

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