hello dearies ♥
this is that card trade-in post that
neonclover had promised ♥
here, you can exchange cards in your trade deck for brand new ones ♥ or you can transform every card from a deck in your future decks into a different deck of choice ♥
but don't go thinking it's that simple ♥
you have until the 13th to do this ♥ so 3 days ♥
this offer is now closed ♥
- you must have signed up before this post was made ♥
- this is a one-time offer only, so you can only comment once, and you can't edit your comment ♥
- the deal can't be reverted, either ♥
- leave a link to your sign-up comment ♥
- leave a link to your card post ♥
- you don't need to leave images of the cards you're trading in, but do leave their names ♥
- you need to have responded to every pending trade in your post before you can do this ♥
♥ when exchanging cards from your trade deck ♥
- there is no limit to the number of trade-ins, you could trade in your entire deck if you wanted ♥
- cards will be from any deck, both new and old~ you can't pick ♥
- specials will be traded in for specials, regulars for regulars, limited editions for limited editions ♥
♥ when exchanging cards from your future decks ♥
- you can trade up to 2 different decks and you can't trade them for the same deck (so you have to trade 2 decks for 2 other decks) ♥
- you can only trade in a deck if you have less than 5 cards in it ♥ and you have to trade in every card from that deck ♥
- you can only transform cards into another deck if a) you have five or less cards from the new deck; b) the deck was created after you signed up ♥
- this deal is not valid for special cards or limited edition decks ♥
sounds complicated? ♥
see an example ♥
Name: Card Fairy Number One
Card Post:
Joined: november 8th ♥
I'd like to trade all my smile (I have smile06) cards for jailbait cards, please ♥
I'd also like to trade exsphere12 and frown12 from my trade deck for new random cards ♥
now, my trade is valid because ♥
♥ I joined before this post was made
♥ my card post is up to date
♥ I traded from a deck in my future decks that I have less than 5 cards from (smile) for a new deck I also have less than 5 cards from (jailbait)
♥ the jailbait deck was made after I joined
that's it, dearies ♥
I'll answer any questions ♥ remember you can't undo the deal ♥ but if you mess up and your comment isn't valid I'll let you make a new one ♥