[Results] :: [Week 78]

Apr 21, 2014 10:13

01. Why can't we run on less sleep?

a) Sleep is the body's battery. Everything needs an energy source. by rashiea

02. Why is Sunday the beginning of the week instead of Monday?

c) Monday only feels like the start of the week because that's when most people go back to work after having the weekend off, with Sunday dedicated to religous services. by rashiea

03. Why do some people in multi-player/online games enjoy Player Killing (PK) lower level characters?

b) Even RPGs have bullies. by rashiea

04. Why do some things hurt more than others?

c) It's all in the pain receptors. by rashiea

05. Why is a room always dirtiest around stable furniture?

c) That's where the dust bunnies like to nest. by wildmusings

06. Why are home improvement projects so hazardous?

a) You might be Tim 'The Tool Man' Taylor by wildmusings

07. What's the point of Ebay sellers setting a very low starting bid but with a very high reserve price?

a) Either hope to attract more potential buyers or a secret wish to keep the item while trying to convince themselves it's really better to sell. by rashiea

08. Why are we never satisfied with free things and always want more?

b) We like free things. A lot. We simply want more, better free things to like. by wildmusings

09. Why do politicians do/say such dumb things?

a) Apparently it's in their job description. by wildmusings

10. Why do things itch so badly when we're supposed to leave them alone?

a) To test our willpower by caterfree10

Congrats to all the winners~ If you won, please comment here with the question number(s) in which you were voted "Best Response". Each "Best Response" gets one random card. No cards are awarded for answers that were "DISPLAY ONLY" on the voting post. :)

Also, if anyone wants to see the tallied results, let me know. XD;;;

week 078, !results

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