MMOM 2013 Day 4 Fic: Two Beds and a Coffee Machine

May 04, 2013 14:01

Title: Two Beds and a Coffee Machine
Author: turtlebaby_02
Fandom: White Collar
Written For: MMOM 2013
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Neal Caffrey/Peter Burke
Spoilers: None
Word Count: 584

Oh, isn't this cliché. Peter eyed the hotel room wearily. Of course, they'd been warned before they finished checking in, but he'd really hoped the girl at the front desk had been mistaken somehow. That his flashy badge and whiny voice would be magic enough to conjure up another room. But no, one bed, a double.

"You know, Peter. This feels like the setup to a bad porno." Neal came in behind him and forced him further into the room.

Peter groaned inwardly. He had been trying so hard, for most of the damn drive, to keep images like that out of his head. Neal was two months post-anklet and had shifted comfortably into the role of consultant. Something else had shifted too and Peter couldn't, or more likely wouldn’t, put his finger on it. But lately? Lately when he got himself off, it was Neal's hand; not El's, that fueled his fantasy. It was the idea of Neal, naked except that hat, that had him groaning into his arm against the shower wall.

And now, now it was those damn mischievous baby blues; wide, innocent, and pleased looking that had his cock twitching. Neal had settled into the only chair in the room. "So." His gaze flicked once over Peter, making his ears burn. "What do you want to do?"

They had arrived extremely late, due to heavy traffic, and the clock on the bedside stand was showing 1am. He was exhausted and road weary and the dirty hotel comforter was looking a little too appealing for him to be in his right mind. "Sleep." He sighed a little too hard as the image of Neal in pajama bottoms, curled against him, rose unbidden in his mind. "But I'm going to shower first." Maybe rub one off, followed by a shot of ice cold water against his overheated skin. That might shut down his raging libido for the night.

Neal yawned and stretched his arms over his head, even his fingers getting in on the plot to destroy Peter's control as they unfurled from a clenched fist, promoting themselves as delicate. But Peter knew the strength behind them. He had felt it in handshakes and seen it in art. And imagined it, a lot lately, the strong beauty of them wrapped around his cock. Who knew a tired old man could be so horny?

His thoughts were interrupted then by the shrill ringing of the phone on the desk beside Neal and he jumped, even as the other man snatched up the receiver. "Hello?" Neal paused and cast a look in Peter's direction. "Yeah? Ok sure. That would work out perfectly. Thank you, Katie." He hung up the phone and stood.

"And that was?"

"Katie. From the desk? You know, the poor girl you all but flashed your gun at?" Neal grinned. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Peter, but she found us a different room. Two beds. No cuddles for you tonight."  Peter choked on the air in his lungs which just caused Neal to laugh. "But don't worry, she says this one has its own coffee pot and everything."

Peter grabbed the handle of his suitcase and took a step back as Neal brushed past him toward the door. "Good. Good. You know how I feel about... coffee."

Neal pulled open the door and stopped. He turned his head just enough to show off the almost wistful quirk of his lips. "Yeah, Peter, I know how you feel."

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