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Comments 16

dime_for_12 April 11 2010, 20:28:21 UTC

also, yay, the coding went off without a hitch :D


taylor_serenil April 12 2010, 01:22:43 UTC
I'm so happy this one actually coded right more or less the first time (once I figured out that I couldn't link to the tat pic, which depressed me). I did have to go back and fix a few things, but more like forgetting to mention Carter/Dante and Jaimie/OFC-type stuff.

And I'm also so happy you still think this is hot after multiple readings :).

Finally, I love your icon. Are those real bugs or fake ones?

Rorylie was kind enough to make me a Trinity one, so do you know how I take a .png on my hard drive and make it into an LJ icon? Pretty please?


dime_for_12 April 12 2010, 16:15:43 UTC
I've only ever used the LJ uploader, but if the uploader doesn't except .png, you might have to try converting the format to .gif, jpg/.jpeg. I'm sorry, I'm not too sure about .png's! Is it an animated icon or just a still with graphics/text?

I believe those are fake - I snagged it from vamptastica. She makes excellent icons, and all you do is drop a comment and then snag, so you can always check her out :D (I have her friended, so just find her username on my profile).


taylor_serenil April 12 2010, 17:40:17 UTC
It accepts .png, I just couldn't figure out that I had to use "browse" to get it to upload (I was trying to copy the filename, and apparently that doesn't work).

I have one open slot at the moment and a couple I don't use, so I may well check her out in the future. If nothing else, I want a cat icon because I have one, and maybe some kind of jewelry. So thanks for the tip.


whogeek April 11 2010, 23:01:49 UTC
Guh..... I uh, I think I need to go dip my head in some cold water. I like Carter being ready for the hangover afterwards, and the description of Dean's abilities in the kitchen.

I think I'm developing a thing for tattoos, too. Because you throwing in the tiger tat on Carter's arm just seemed to make me even hotter.

I like how Jaimie thinks that the boys are good for her, because she's drinking less. Makes me smile.

Also, if you're interested, I posted my Carter/Nicole one-shot, if you want to read the finished product.


taylor_serenil April 12 2010, 01:15:29 UTC
You having to dip your head in some cold water makes me happy (because this is porn, so the heat factor is about 90% of the point. The other 10%--well, this is also relationship-building, since it's their first NC-17 time without Dean there.)

Carter just seems like the kind of guy who'd be prepared for a hangover, especially when he's got company.

Trinity!Dean is not allowed in the kitchen except for prep stuff like chopping. Once the actual cooking starts, he gets to watch from a safe distance. And yeah, the burning dishtowel was meant to be funny. Also, yes, at some point they have had sex on Carter's counters/kitchen table and had to use bleach afterwards. Dean down the line sometimes teases Carter that watching him cook is like watching the Food Network without having to pay cable bills ( ... )


whogeek April 12 2010, 02:09:02 UTC
Yeah, it would be part of that protectiveness for Carter to make sure the person he went to bed with would be ok if he/she had a hangover in the morning.

Lol. It did make me laugh, and the idea of them having sex in Carter's kitchen is pretty hot. Dean enjoying watching Carter cook amuses me even more so. Carter's hands+food=yummy.


This should work no matter what. Should be a sure-fire hit for the picture. And oh God, the idea of one of them licking it(I see Dean licking it. He's got that oral fixation thing going on) gets me hot too.

Dean has a bit of the "If someone here is getting hurt, I'm gonna make damn sure it's me and not one of them" caretaking/protective instincts. Plus the whole taking care of Jaimie after she had to use under.



taylor_serenil April 12 2010, 03:53:23 UTC
I like the idea that Carter's caretaking side extends to hangover supplies, because it probably would.

Maybe I'll try to get kitchen sex in there someplace, because it would be rather hot. The nice thing about this 'verse is it's fairly open-ended. I still want Carter and Jaimie to go lingerie shopping together (probably at Alicia's from Shattered Reflection) because I think Carter's enough into the slow burn/take his time thing to get off on it, and then have them have sex while Dean's on the other end of the phone (probably sending him pics of Jaimie in some of the stuff they bought, making sure her identifying marks and face don't show, so Dean has visuals to go with the soundtrack).

Dean enjoying watching Carter cook--well, yeah, yummy thought. And now that Carter's got people to cook for, he's been expanding and perfecting his list of things he can make well ( ... )


rorylie April 12 2010, 01:46:09 UTC
First I love this.

Second it's hot like fire.

Third, specific things I love:

Jaimie knowing she probably has no right to ask and doing it anyway, because I love Jaimie as Nancy Drew, and I don't think she'd be able to resist.

You know I love him calling her a curious little cat.

Him being prepared to take care of the hang overs.

The whole paragraph about snuggling, and him making her feel safe like Dean does, and her last thought being she hopes Dean okay was really, really emotional to me, and so beautiful.

I love the actual NC17 stuff, like I said, totally hot, totally in character, and it totally works with their relationship.

And I love the ending.


taylor_serenil April 12 2010, 04:19:05 UTC
First: really glad you love this. Appreciation is always well received.

Second: given this is porn, I'm glad that a) you found it hot like fire, and b) you thought it was both IC for them and worked with their relationship. As I said before, I liked the NC-17 intimacy without having them actually fuck because of the slightly unexpected factor. I think they have fucked before this, but the image I'm seeing is Dean and Jaimie put Carter in the middle of a sandwich and had Dean run the fuck ( ... )


rorylie April 12 2010, 11:02:53 UTC
I just love that little personality bit of Jaimie's, the intensely curious thing, it never fails to crack me up, both on the show and in fic.

I find the curious little cat thing adorable, and it's a nice little piece of intimacy between the two of them.

Carter being hangover prepared is a nice little mirror to Dean and Jaimie being the most prepared little NC17 boy scouts ever, and yeah, fits Carter's whole caretaking thing-I think Jaimie would both appreciate it and think it was sweet.

You know I'm obsessed with cuddling. So yeah, it worked for me, as did the Dean references-it makes sense and like I said, there's a nice little bit of emotion to it (to me) and I think it makes sense that even if he's not there Dean's still in bed with them in some sense.

There's more stuff that I loved and forgot to mention the first time-her thinking that Dean's only good for sex in the kitchen, and there's a line somewhere about one of them studying the other one that really really worked for me.

Mostly just love love love.


taylor_serenil April 12 2010, 13:24:35 UTC
Yeah, Jaimie being incurably curious is rather amusing. And Carter gently teasing her by giving her a nickname for it is definitely adorable and also rather intimate. (You don't give cute nicknames to people you don't care about.)

In between the three of them, they're doing their best to both be prepared for damn near anything and take care of each other. They're also probably taking better care of themselves now that they all have people to go home with/to.

I still want to have Dean and Jaimie check out BDSM clubs to take Carter to for his birthday (and get Dean at least kind of an engagement collar) so I can show off their adult-rated prep skills again.

I'm just waiting to do the "askthekinksters" research until I don't have housemates any more, and I need to do my due diligence on that one, considering it's not something I've done in RL and I'd rather have it be reasonably realistic. Because yes, them being the Scouts of NC-17ness is highly amusing.

Yeah, Dean's kind of there in spirit even if he's not there in person, and I ( ... )


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