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Comments 7

celandineb October 30 2008, 22:20:25 UTC
Excuse me, but WTF? If anything it's the other way around. Hitler's Germany was no easier on homosexuals than on Gypsies, Jews, and any other group considered "undesirable."


tayefeth October 30 2008, 22:47:41 UTC
Yeah, well. The fanatical Right agrees with Dubya about how icky reality is, so you can't really expect them to acknowledge facts when they're making accusations...


torasama December 7 2008, 02:13:00 UTC
It's the truthiness that counts.


callunav October 31 2008, 01:22:05 UTC
It's possibly important to point out that in reality, the earlier years of Nazis in power were quite confused and hypocritical in this, and that homosexuality among the loyal men was - in fact, if not always in name - actually encouraged as a way of binding them more closely together. It was only after (and not unrelated to) the Night of the Long Knives (weirdly suggestive in itself, as a name) that the "party line," as it were, became quite unanimous and energetic about this ( ... )


the_resa October 30 2008, 23:10:14 UTC
This is called "stupid people desperately clawing at straws". The sad thing? Is these people believe this.


callunav October 31 2008, 00:49:37 UTC
You know, the internet refers to Godwin's Law corrolates, but it was 1953 in realspace that Leo Strauss coined the phrase "reductio ad hitlerum".*

I don't know which is more sad, that no one seems familiar with that phrase any more, or that it's still needed

* Or so says Wikipedia.


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