Home Invasion 3/9

Nov 03, 2012 23:57

Title: Home Invasion (3/9)
Author: tay_21 
Fandom: Primeval
Pairings: Connor/Abby
Rating: Pg-13
Genre: Angst, violence, romance... eventually 
Warning/Advertisements: violence  
Word Count: 16,256 (total)
Disclaimer: Primeval and its characters belong to Impossible Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Note: Initially written for deinonychus_1's birthday, ( Read more... )

author: tay_21, romance, dark, angst, primeval, birthday, connor/abby, hurt/comfort, violence

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Comments 17

judithjohn November 4 2012, 05:33:31 UTC
This sounds exactly like Abby. She's a fighter!


tay_21 November 4 2012, 16:23:14 UTC
Thank you. Abby is a fighter. And I'm pretty sure Connor is to. ;-)


luvconnor November 4 2012, 13:51:34 UTC
Good grief you gave me a heart attack with that first paragraph. My heart sank and I thought it was Connor, prehistoriccat has already killed someone off this week and I don't think I can take that again!

Seems I'm gonna have to switch from peeking through my fingers to reading while clutching at my heart as you slowly crush it. Connor's gonna be fine, he's strong and Abby will fight along side him.

I know it's going to be angsty and will probably kill me but... more please :)


tay_21 November 4 2012, 16:26:47 UTC
HEE! Um... That was kinda my intention. :-P *Ducks*

The difference is that Cat ACTUALLY killed someone, I just ALMOST killed him. LOL! But, I think she has a good ending planned. I've not read it yet though. :-(

Yes, I am very, very mean to my OTP in this story. But hey, you only hurt the ones you love right? :-D

I'll post more soon. :-) Don't fret.


gilove2dance November 4 2012, 17:13:16 UTC
I actually screamed "NOOOOOO!!!!" when I read the first sentence...scared my roommate...she came running into my room carrying one of the kitchen knives...whoops :P I just get really involved in these stories and characters...*sheepish grin*

The poor kids, and Connor and Abby is pregnant yay! But poor poor Connor, he has to live!!!! GGAAAHH!!


tay_21 November 11 2012, 03:15:57 UTC
HEE! That was kinda my intention. Whoops. :-P (This totally made me LOL)

I know I've been extra mean to them, but it WAS for Deinonychus_1 A.K.A Little Miss Maim and Kill. LOL! Oops... That may not help you rest at ease over this story. :-P Guess you'll have to wait and see.


deinonychus_1 November 4 2012, 19:13:12 UTC
Waah! Poor Connor and the kids. And poor Abby. You really are being mean and horrible to them this time! Glad Becker was there for Abby, and she let him help, and didn't just push him away.


tay_21 November 11 2012, 03:18:33 UTC
Well Little Miss Maim and Kill, it had to be worthy of your nick name. :-P I do hope you're enjoying it. There's a tick of Becker Jess in this. :-) I hope you like that too. :-)


flaccidduck November 4 2012, 23:05:33 UTC
Great angst. I look forward to more.


tay_21 November 11 2012, 03:19:28 UTC
Aww, thanks. :-)


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