As part of our modly summer organizational extravaganza (try saying that five times fast), we're trying to plan ahead. Way ahead!
One of the biggest hiccups we've noticed and that was brought to our attention in the last game HMD was how we plan our large-scale monthly glitches. Doing the planning the month before every time does have its advantages, like how we can accommodate the current state of player availability, allow breathing room for player-run plots that pop up, and so on. HOWEVER, it also leads to an air of discontinuity ICly, keeps players from being able to plan ahead, and leaves us as mods scrambling to plan things properly in a short amount of time.
To hopefully kick all those downsides in the pants and out the hamster-shaped door, we're doing a MASSIVE FIVE-MONTH GLITCH POLL! Below the cut are descriptions of seven different glitches you can choose from for the months of August through December. You can also vote to not have any of the glitches take place, and let us know your counter-ideas in the comments.
We will always reassess the results before implementing each one to make sure there's still player interest and that it won't interfere with anything you guys want to do should something new come up between now and then. If this kind of large poll goes well, we'll be doing another one just like it in December!
Now get your vote on!
Fallen London
Type: Full-on city glitch.
Duration: AVERAGE-LONG, a week to two weeks at the most.
What: Considering Taxon's location inside a cave, it's the perfect opportunity to recreate the Neath of Echo Bazaar's Fallen London. Characters will be able to explore Victorian and Lovecraftian horrors alike and wander fun locations like the Veilgarden, Spite, Mrs. Plenty's Carnival, Ladybones Road, and even the Labyrinth of Tigers.
Happily Ever After
Type: Opt-out-able, wide-spread character glitch.
Duration: SHORT-AVERAGE, a weekend to a full week.
What: It's time to get a little Grimm. For the duration of the glitch, characters will believe themselves to be characters from any varity of fairy tales and take up those roles with other characters and Extras. Dashing princes, damsels in distress, wicked step-mothers, and evil trolls are all welcome, and encouraged to buck tradition.
Type: Full-on city glitch that will happen in phases.
Duration: AVERAGE-LONG, two weeks to a month with effects extending past the end of the glitch.
What: Something has gone terribly wrong with the barrier. One minute everything is fine, and then the sky begins to crack and fall and flake away. The citizens can escape, but it's possible that what's out there is much more dangerous than what they've already got, and it's coming for them.
Joined at the Hip: Part Deux
Type: Character based, environmental.
Duration: ABSURD, will take place whenever the two players involved want it to.
What: Much like the glitch that took place back in '09, this incarnation will start with two characters (maybe they're strangers, or maybe they're enemies, or awkward best friends, etc.) will wake up in bed together and find themselves unable to leave each others company for an uncomfortable lot of hours.
Type: Opt-out-able, wide-spread character glitch.
Duration: AVERAGE-LONG, a week to two weeks at the most.
What: There are seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues. For however long the glitch lasts, characters will embody one of each at different times with varying levels of intensity. Someone full of Wrath one day may be Diligence the next, and so on.
Groundhog Day (METAPLOT HEAVY)
Type: Full-on city glitch.
Duration: AVERAGE-LONG, a week to two weeks at the most.
What: Redundancy is the order of the day (or days, technically). There's something catastrophically wrong with the system, so it keeps resetting the same day to avoid a full system failure, leaving characters to relive a day over and over with little variation until they figure out what's going on and work with the aliens to set things right.
Opposite Day
Type: Opt-out-able, wide-spread character glitch.
Duration: SHORT-AVERAGE, a weekend to a full week.
What: It's time to reverse the personality polarization! Your nerdy character becomes a professional hockey player, your high society spoiled princess becomes blue collar trailer trash, your shy wallflower becomes a rock star. Whatever they were before, now they're the exact opposite in any way you wish to interpret it.
And now for the polls!
Poll Five Month Glitch Poll DON'T FORGET TO TAG YOUR POSTS!