Apr 30, 2010 00:03

Guess what today is (in all areas past midnight ( Read more... )

how's my driving, modly post

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Comments 95

Godric~ faderbroderson April 30 2010, 05:04:57 UTC
Ohai. Constructive criticism is always appreciated.


Faaaace... deadmanbrucolac April 30 2010, 16:56:24 UTC
Well surprise surprise, I love the way you write Godric. That quality of age and interest is hard to create, and you do it well. You're also up for just about anything, which is a lot of fun.

ALSO, you are a joy to write with - there is alyways something (many things!) to react to in your posts, and it makes tagging you back exciting and easy.



likeajoan May 2 2010, 23:12:44 UTC

Seriously, I love how you play Godric and I feel privileged that I get to play Eric against him.


gotcouplings April 30 2010, 05:05:08 UTC
Just Kaylee here. :D


gogogidget May 1 2010, 21:47:25 UTC
I adore your Kaylee. You've done an amazing job at keeping her bright and cheery while still realistically dealing with the less-than-cheery things that can go on in the game. And you manage the weird Southernmeld accent Joss did so well you get all the props for it.

/not terribly critful but comments anyway BECAUSE ♥


beenthroughhell April 30 2010, 05:07:29 UTC
Tara! Also Sam Spade (mancalledspade). Um, and Nazca (ironshodboots) I suppose, if you have anything to say about her arrival post?

Concrit is lovely. I'm finding Spade's flow again after awhile of not playing him, so anything with him especially.


buffy spoilers? idk. aregulargirl April 30 2010, 05:53:38 UTC
i'm (slowly) making my way through the series, and i'm currently towards the end of season six, which has made tara one of my favorites. (okay, maybe not favorites, but i do really adore her and i was so sad to see her get killed.) i would love to have either of my characters interact with her in the future because i love how you play her. you bring everything i love about the character to life.


beenthroughhell April 30 2010, 17:16:54 UTC
Thank you so much! I would love to have her meet one or both of them sometime soon. :3


iam_thebadwolf April 30 2010, 17:56:10 UTC
Sam = &hearts I feel like I say this a lot but I don't know his canon and I loooooove him to bitty pieces. He's a lot of fun to read and even more fun to interact with. I can hear and see the 'noir PI' when I read him.

Tara is just as much love as Sam in an entirely different way. Tara was always a character I was very ambivalent about in canon. She was sweet but no one I really cared that much about. However when I read your Tara and interact with her, I find myself caring about her and both of my pups just want to protect her. Rose wants to mother her. Sam wants to hug her. I think you're doing a fantastic job with her in short.


lionofolympus April 30 2010, 05:08:28 UTC
Hercules. Hit me whatever you got.

...and 'stop flaking out' is totally valid crit.


beenthroughhell April 30 2010, 17:19:46 UTC
I'm actually really impressed by how you walk the line between him being kind of doofy and larger-than-life and still having him be utterly believable. I'm looking forward to seeing how things develop with him in the future.


fireburned April 30 2010, 18:07:11 UTC
I love him to bits and pieces I cannot lie.


egregiouslypink April 30 2010, 05:10:19 UTC

...oh well.

I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave:

Dawn Summers ][ tothelibrary ][ BtVS

Faith Lehane ][ thesecondslayer ][ BtVS/AtS

Sookie Stackhouse ][ lajolieblonde ][ True Blood

Also what Gidge said, both on activity and modly stuff.


aregulargirl April 30 2010, 06:05:07 UTC
my characters and yours don't get to interact enough is my only complaint! everything else you're doing is golden. everything you've done with dawn, as a character that's introduced so late in the show and whose history is only vaguely hinted at, is especially impressive, but you bring soul to all of your characters and it's a joy to thread with you. ♥!


faderbroderson April 30 2010, 12:10:43 UTC
GOOD MORNING SARAH. /gives you antibiotics

You know how I feel about Dawn and Faith, so (or do you? I could expound on that later but for now...) I'm going to concentrate on Sookie.

I love her, ok. She's strong and sensible and wants to smack Eric really, really hard. I think you've got her mix of Southern manners and "will not take shit" attitude down pat, and her interactions with Godric and Eric so far have just been damn fun. I love that she alternatively can't stand the sight of Eric and really, really enjoys the sight of Eric, because that is as it should be. I can't wait for more when you're not feeling like there's sandpaper in your throat.



deadmanbrucolac April 30 2010, 17:02:31 UTC
I haven't really had much interaction with your characters, but I am hoping for some Sookie action. :> BB's going to be around the nest more, I think so HOPEFULLY THIS IS AN INTRIGUING CONCEPT FOR YOU.


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