x01 [holo]

Jul 14, 2009 20:57

With a slightly shaky arrival, the Master stumbles down the ramp, deep thought creasing over his face. This was certainly not the Valiant; he knew every corner of that ship. He pats himself down, specifically checking around his upper chest and glancing over it in surprise after his hands come up clean: no bullet wound, but dried blood within the ( Read more... )

{ the doctor (tenth au), { the master, { luna lovegood, { ianto jones

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Comments 34

who_never_would July 15 2009, 05:39:51 UTC
When the Doctor's device chirps a new arrival, he doesn't give it much mind. It does that from time to time, he's got it set up to do so. A little jiggery-pokery and the communicator had obliged rather nicely - a small triumph in a land of computers that simply refused to respond to any of his demands. It wasn't as if they actively refused either, it was the unresponsive nature of well, everything that drove him a bit mad. Idly, he reaches over and picks up the little device resting on the console, gazing down at the screen. Scanning through hourly traffic in the area, the Doctor sits up slowly from his sprawl ( ... )


beholdthedrums July 15 2009, 22:26:30 UTC
Indestructible was always a good sign that someone was hiding something from him, and now it was the tablet's design that was causing the Master large amounts of frustration. This place was making him increasingly uneasy, though he was doing best not to show it.

He presses a hand against his head, staring at the object dully, flipping it back over and popping it open to pay its features some notice. While he disliked the wristlet, still, he had figured out it's basic settings and turned off the so-called 'holo' feature. That was unpleasant enough already.

Handy little options, map of the city - Taxon, apparently (something he had never heard of, shockingly enough) - and... that can't be quite right. His eyes scan the screen quickly, swearing that he saw 'the Doctor' on a part of it. It... wasn't exactly a surprise, no. In that corner of his mind reserved for Time Lords, he knew that the Doctor was around somewhere, he just had been assuming (hoping) that he wasn't in this particular city ( ... )


who_never_would July 16 2009, 01:47:26 UTC
Moving quickly through the newly arrived crowds of people - and he still isn't used to those yet, to be sure, the Doctor continues makes his way towards the Sanctuary. If he can sense the Master, then the Master can sense him, and there's no sense in being visible to your enemy unless you absolutely have to be. Taking a deep breath as he pauses outside the doors to the building, the Doctor swallows down the sick weight of dread rising in his chest, fingers curling in and out on themselves. Taking a few seconds to gain some sort of composure, the Doctor then pulls open the door, straightens down his suit and walks forward into the Sanctuary ( ... )


beholdthedrums July 16 2009, 02:08:23 UTC
Ah, just as expected, the Doctor has found him and the Master can't help but shake his head and chuckle. He turns to face the other, still showing an amusement that he didn't feel so much, even when he almost instantly notices the Doctor's differences. That's... very intriguing. Now he truly wonders how long it's been and all the things he's missed out on - especially this change.

The Master chuckles again, but it's harder now to keep the sneer off his face. "Oh really? And here I was beginning to think that you missed me so much that you had to resurrect me into this quaint city." Whether he means it or not, it's hard to tell. "What, with how broken up you were while I died in your arms," he adds after a moment, strolling casually towards the Doctor. He still keeps a fair distance away from him, circling around to the side.

He then makes a point in searching around where the Doctor came from, expecting a member of the fan club to rush in. While it's possible the Doctor told whoever was with him to stay behind, companions never ( ... )


[visual] damnfinecoffee July 15 2009, 06:37:08 UTC
Ianto is most definitely not amused when he sees just who this most recent arrival is. Granted he hadn't been that involved during his brief run as Prime Minister, but then again, that had largely been his fault. Even now he's still a little bitter at being sent off to the Himalayas for no good reason, and his disdain is clear when he switches his tablet to visual.

"Mr Saxon," he greets him cooly. "To what do we owe your presence?"


[visual] beholdthedrums July 15 2009, 15:48:53 UTC
Oh, now that certainly isn't a greeting the Master had been expecting, although maybe he should have. Time on the Valiant itself had only reversed to the point of the president's assassination. He still had his short reign as Prime Minister known by Earth.


Figuring out the settings at last, the Master grins back. "You know, always could use a spot of tea now and then." He felt that the other should be familiar in some way, but it just wasn't clicking properly, and he chooses to ignore the expression and tone of him, completely. He finds himself further out from the room he had arrived in, finally propping the tablet open elsewhere, then focusing his attention back with a raised brow.

"Mind telling me what I've missed...?" He was fishing for anything of use, anything to tell him what may have happened after his death, or even what the fellow's name was. Finding out where exactly he was would be an even better start, perhaps. He was still missing that tidbit of information...


damnfinecoffee July 15 2009, 16:28:48 UTC
Ianto gives the former PM an incredulous look before he replies. Did he seriously just imply he wanted Ianto to make him a cup of tea? "It's a pity you aren't getting one then, isn't it?" he says with a smile he clearly doesn't mean.

"As for what you've missed... I think you'll find you're rather behind the times. A number of things have happened. I seem to recall your death being among them."

Perhaps that isn't really something he should be telling him, but whilst Ianto doesn't know anywhere the full story, he does know a lot more than most of the general public could say.


[visual] beholdthedrums July 15 2009, 17:31:33 UTC
Given that he still hadn't recognized the other, the Master couldn't help but feel a mad bit of glee at his words. Yes, of course he had died. Harold Saxon, resurrected, isn't it magnificent?

But if 'a number of things' was true, the Master had to wonder how long it had actually been since his death. He weighted his next words in his mind, then decided it really couldn't hurt. "Cover story, of course," he replies charmingly. "I do so hope the country did not crumble without my watchful guidance." He hopes it did. He hopes they had to struggle to try and build up from the ruin he left in his wake, and maybe the humans just managed to fail.

He first watches the other to see if he would buy into the 'cover story' deal at all. If not, then he was not dealing with some mundane nobody. The Master may or may not be able to use that to his advantage right now.


witbyndmeasure July 15 2009, 21:30:04 UTC
"Are you talking to your bracelet?"

That was a rather odd thing to do, even as far as Luna, who was almost a definition of 'odd', was concerned, but she tilted her head to watch the Master anyway. There were always a lot of interesting people here. Strange, certainly, but interesting. She couldn't begin to identify the device he tried to use, but that wasn't going to stop the young witch from trying.

"Welcome to Taxon. Is that a new sort of spectroscope? It's very nice."


beholdthedrums July 15 2009, 23:03:58 UTC
The Master quirks a brow, ignoring her questions at the moment and focusing on her information. "Taxon?" he repeats, thinking over the name. "Where is that supposed to be located?" Because he didn't know; a rare concept. He didn't believe it to be a place on Earth, which raised questions about how and who would resurrect him off-planet.

Remembering the rest of what she had said, he pulls out his screwdriver again and twirls it within his hand. "This? Spectroscope? Oh, no. Laser screwdriver, dear."


witbyndmeasure July 15 2009, 23:15:46 UTC
"I don't know," said Luna, "I'm sorry. I've asked lots of people since I arrived here and nobody seems to know. It isn't on any maps. It might be unplottable, of course, but that doesn't explain everything else that's strange here."

She isn't offended, or surprised, by his decision to focus on her information rather than her questions. It's only polite to provide him with as many facts as she can before expecting to receive some in return. It's just a shame that she has very little else to tell.

"A laser screwdriver? That's very clever." Even if did sound a bit like the 'science' people kept wanting to use instead of magic. "I don't think it will work on your bracelet, though."


beholdthedrums July 15 2009, 23:41:09 UTC
He was pleased to be getting some flavor of information at least, even if it didn't help matters much. "And what else is strange?" he asks, hoping for anything at this point.

The Master gives the screwdriver another spin. "No, it won't work on the bracelet," he affirms. Unfortunately it wouldn't. He had gone through about all the settings that may be of use (and even some that wouldn't), but the device wouldn't budge.


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