The past three weeks, Wyatt hasn't slept much at all. It's a known fact, broadcast loud and clear by the dark circles under his eyes for all to see. It's only now, roughly a week after Glitch's return from the dead, that he's well and truly succumbed to his own limitations. He's okay. He's alive and well, and real, and somewhere between putting on
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Letting you know all's well. If in-person confirmation would be more valid for you I'm fine with that. Besides, I think we still have party stuff to finalize. Just give me day/time/place/etc.
"I think it's the other way around. Maybe. I'm not sure." Even this quasi philosiphical angle is stressing him out.
"I think I have too much heart. It's messing with my brain, or the completely opposite." He gave Glitch the tired hint of a smile.
"I'm learning one thing, though. I don't cope well with emotional stress."
"Well, if it's any consolation, nobody really does." He grimaced a little self-consciously. "The trick is figuring out a balance so...what's good now? Reassurance to sooth the heart, or distraction to get the mind off it?"
Better to ask for guidance than to step into something you'd rather not.
ooc: I swear there's a Modest Mouse song for everything, including this thread XD
"I think-- I could use a bit of both, but let's stick to the second option."
Well, for a few moments at least.
"Now I just gotta think of one. I sorta miss the days when I could distarct myself without having to do all this thinking malarkey."
He looks at Glitch, a nigh uncharacteristic glint in his eye. "I have absolutely nothing to wear."
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