[ visual ] [ location: playhouse ]

Jun 08, 2011 12:13

Kurt's explorations finally bring him to the 11th floor! Took long enough. After spending some time just acclimating to the new stage area, he is hit with something of a wonderful idea ( Read more... )

# event, { elena gilbert, { puck, @ central, { stefen, quinn fabray, + aliens, anita blake, dg, (anytime), { stefan salvatore, { river tam, { alexis castle, { kurt hummel

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Comments 78

[ location: the playhouse ] taxshakey June 10 2011, 03:24:20 UTC
There is a rustling behind the curtain, Kurt. Not exactly ominous, but not entirely benign.

It is phantom rustle with really ugly, scuffed up shoes.

Mayhem is of the opinion this is the best seat in the house. Even better than an actual seat.


[ location: the playhouse ] entractes June 10 2011, 05:41:57 UTC
Well, Kurt is trying so hard to get people to come, this rustling is lost on him. He glances in the general direction of the noise at one point, but is distracted by the tablet before he takes notice of the feet.

This is an all too familiar struggle for him, but he is determined(!!) to make this glee club happen.


[ location: the playhouse ] taxshakey June 10 2011, 09:47:46 UTC
This kid has the right idea about Taxon. This kid is driven, and if the aliens like anything out of their captives they like drive. And considering Mayhem is neither as panicky nor as patient as his furry colleague...

Pay attention to the man behind the curtain, Kurt, because he's coming out now. It looks like he just got mugged and liked it.

"Hey there, Kurt!" He sounds positively jovial as he starts to circle around, projecting the air of in charge, in control, in authority. "I just wanted to let you know, on behalf of basically everyone, that you're doing great."

Kurt gets two enthusiastic thumbs up.

"Just keep doing what you're doing. In the name of culture. Now, if you'll excuse me."

Mayhem bolts, away from the stage and down the corridor. It should be noted he's running kind of like a hot chick with pink dumbbells. (No, not those kinds of dumbbells.)


[ location: the playhouse ] entractes June 10 2011, 16:56:51 UTC
Kurt jumps a little at the voice and is immediately having a little bit of a deer-in-the-headlights moment as he watches Mayhem circle. There is pretty much not one part of him that is not completely and horribly confused.

This kind of reaction to anything he does is unprecedented. Especially glee-related things. He tries to reply, but then Mayhem is already taking off.


He can easily itemize all of the things that were wrong with what just happened and looks just a little perturbed.


[ audio ] ironfright June 10 2011, 03:41:34 UTC

[ there are vast and immeasurable amounts of skeptisicm in that one word. also, you get to hear Puck for the first time ]


[ audio ] entractes June 10 2011, 05:49:39 UTC
Yes, seriously.


[ audio ] ironfright June 11 2011, 04:00:16 UTC
Like singing and dancing shit?


[ audio ] entractes June 11 2011, 05:34:49 UTC
Not just singing and dancing. Singing and dancing is what six year olds grudgingly do at mandatory school Christmas concerts. I mean all out, legitimate performances.


[Visual] vampbogeyman June 10 2011, 22:02:35 UTC
Anita raised both eyebrows in response to Kurt's proposal. Alright, maybe it was a little silly for someone like her to be considering this, but she had to admit... she loved musicals. She hadn't really given singing much thought, not since high school, but this seemed worth looking into. They were stuck here, anyway.

"I'm not sure I'd be an ideal participant, but mind if I sit in?"


[Visual] entractes June 11 2011, 05:32:04 UTC
"To be honest, there might not be much to sit in on at the moment," Kurt frowns, giving a glance around the still empty room. "But you are more than welcome once everyone stops being so stubborn and gets their acts together." He says this like it is a definite outcome. A Hummel is nothing if not highly persuasive.

"To be honest, I didn't exactly have you pegged for a show choir kind of person though? Not that it's a bad thing, of course. In fact, I completely approve."


[Visual] vampbogeyman June 11 2011, 16:10:55 UTC
She offered him a wry smile in reply, shrugging easily. "I know, I don't really fit the bill, do I? I like musicals. Always have. Girl has to do something for fun, you know? It can't all be zombies and police work."

She, on the other hand, had pegged him for the show choir type. "Did show choir in high school for awhile, though. Sounds like you've got your work cut out for you here."


[Visual] entractes June 13 2011, 05:55:31 UTC
Kurt likes Anita a little more every time he talks to her. He shrugs a little, "Our school glee club was never that popular, so beating the power of song into people has become a carefully honed skill of sorts."

He smiles a little, "and just having experience and being interested makes you more qualified than most of this town to participate, sadly enough. I don't see why you can't give a whirl. Just think of it as an open audition for making Taxon a better place."


[ visual ] biverbam June 11 2011, 03:10:24 UTC
"Are you contagious?"

River, still looking less than stellar, feels this is a valid question. The last time she sang in Taxon she ate pages out of a book, and that's an eventuality she'd like to avoid this time around.


[ visual ] entractes June 11 2011, 05:24:43 UTC
Kurt simply raises an eyebrow at her. Unlike River, he does not see the validity of this question. "No. Why do you ask?"


[ visual ] biverbam June 12 2011, 23:54:02 UTC
"Last time," she explains, "song was a symptom."


"I don't sing."


[ visual ] entractes June 13 2011, 05:37:00 UTC
"Right..." Kurt gives her reply a bit of a judging look, but quickly decides this must be another one of those glitch deals.

"But you sang before, why not do it again?"


[Visual] tothelightshown June 13 2011, 19:14:47 UTC
"A glee club?" repeated DG, both cautious and a little curious. Although she'd attended an ordinary school during her years in Kansas, she had been more interested in her sketch book and on some sort of escape route than extracurricular activities. The name didn't mean anything in particular to her.


[Visual] entractes June 14 2011, 16:59:08 UTC
"A glee club," Kurt repeated back, "a small choir group that puts on musical performances. Less formally, I want it to be a place where people can express themselves as well as discover new ways of doing so." He doesn't say much more for now because he is having a hard time judging her reaction to the idea so far.


[Visual] tothelightshown June 21 2011, 19:34:04 UTC
"That's ..."

DG paused. Most of the ideas that were tossed around on the network were related to escape or to bringing their furry captors to justice. Kurt was referring to something entirely different. He was talking about fun, something that they rarely had enough of in Taxon.

"That's a good idea, actually. It could be fun."


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