[ visual ] [ salvatore house ] but now i am jaded you're out of luck i'm rolling down the stairs

May 14, 2011 23:46

The feed opens on a pair of bare feet, where it apparently has been turned on via toe. The feet are unmistakably masculine, but after a moment another set-- these ones smaller-- join them ( Read more... )

{ damon salvatore, { elena gilbert, { stefan salvatore, @ central, { max guevara, katherine pierce, (night)

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Comments 34

let's get drunk and forget what we did; aregulargirl May 15 2011, 07:11:02 UTC
"Mi chiedo se è possibile tratteggio questa roba," she continues, taking interest in the ceiling for a moment. "E 'l'unica cosa che...fuck it." And having given up on continuing in Italian, she does a little half-turn and leans heavily against the nearest convenient surface.

( translation | 'i wonder if you can hatch this stuff. it's the only thing that...' )


let's get drunk and forget what we did; allthefunever May 15 2011, 07:37:07 UTC
"Meglio essere in grado di. Questo è il ubriachi sono stato da quando ero umano. Senza contare i viaggi acidi, che quasi duecento anni di sobrietà." He stretches, scratching idly at his bare stomach and grabbing the bottle to take another healthy swig, wiping the back of his hand over his mouth after. Unlike Max, he doesn't struggle for the words, even as his tone goes mild and dreamy, and his sentence takes far too long to finish. "Non ho mai più parlare in italiano, tranne che con Stefan. Mi piace che tu lo sai."

In vino, veritas.

( translation | 'we better be able to. this is the drunkest i've been since i was human. not counting the acid trips, that's almost two hundred years of sobriety.' » 'i never speak italian anymore, except with stefan. i like that you know it.' )


let's get drunk and forget what we did; aregulargirl May 15 2011, 08:07:26 UTC
"Well, that's a damn shame," she says before pushing herself off the wall and reaching for the bottle herself, one of her bra straps sliding down her shoulder as she moves. She manages to snatch it away and takes a long pull of it, long enough that she has to suck in a breath as she swallows.

She smiles as she says the next part, and to oblige she tries it again. The words don't flow nearly as well as they do when he's speaking it (or when she's sober), but she's understandable aside from some slurring.

"E 'stata una delle prime lingue straniere ci hanno insegnato. Insieme a spagnolo e francese."

( translation | 'it was one of the first foreign languages they taught us. along with spanish and french.' )


let's get drunk and forget what we did; allthefunever May 15 2011, 08:17:29 UTC
"Parlo anche questo. Francese. Madre ci ha insegnato tanto, non che il caro vecchio papà lo ha apprezzato. Non molto spagnolo, però. Latina, lo so." Sober, Damon would rather cut out his own tongue than say any of this, no matter how much he's coming to like Max as something other than a booty call. But the Romulan ale casts a glaze over all that, makes him forget why his secrets need to remain that way. "Scuola è stata diversa. Signori bisogno di sapere certe cose."

He snatches the bottle back from Max and drinks deep. "Non che io sia mai stato il migliore per essere stato uno di quelli."

( translation | 'i speak that too. french. mother taught us both, not that dear old dad appreciated it. not much spanish, though. latin, i know.' » 'school was different then. gentlemen needed to know certain things.' » 'not that i was ever the best at being one of those.' )


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[ voice ] allthefunever May 15 2011, 08:09:24 UTC

[ damon sounds... legitly happy to hear from you, stefan. ]

Ale. Rom - qualcosa. Non sono stato presente bevuto da quel momento alla festa della Lockwood, quando abbiamo vinto tre bottiglie del miglior vino di suo padre.

[ ohhhhhhhhhhhh shit. ]

( translation | 'ale. rom-- something. i haven't been this drunk since that time at the lockwood's party, when we stole three bottles of his father's best wine.' )


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[ voice ] allthefunever May 16 2011, 00:40:34 UTC
Sì, sì abbiamo fatto. Padre era furioso, mi ha frustato fino seduto male per una settimana. Non dirmi che non ti ricordi. [ his tone goes petulant and then bitterly triumphant; giuseppe never approved of his eldest son-- he was too much like his mother, too wild and too sensitive, all at once-- and damon took angry satisfaction in forcing the issue, again and again. ] E poi si erano ammalati dopo, ho dovuto ripulire dopo di te.

[ he waves that off-- literally, nearly knocking over the bottle. ] Ti preoccupi troppo, fratellino.

( translation | 'yes, yes we did. father was furious, he whipped me until sitting hurt for a week. don't tell me you don't remember.' » 'and then you were sick after, i had to clean up after you.' » 'you worry too much, little brother.' )


[ voice | locked ] whoneedsrules May 15 2011, 19:47:40 UTC
[ oookay, damon is seriously very drunk. more so than regularly. katherine does not think this is a good thing at all. max's presence is a surprise, but something katherine gets over quickly. of course damon would sleep with every hot chick in taxon. katherine does pay attention to the other woman's level of apparent inebriation, remembering max's claims of having a high tolerance; the two must have done some heavy chugging to get this plastered.

unlike some - ahem, brothers - katherine makes sure to lock the feed before speaking up. max may still be able to overhear, but at least this isn't broadcasting to everyone in taxon. there may be a slight tinge of concern (for their cover, of course) in her tone. ]

What are you on that got you in this shape?


[ voice | locked ] allthefunever May 16 2011, 00:22:20 UTC
[ ugh, katherine. damon makes a face at max, then belatedly looks at the tablet. ]

Romulan Ale. Non si può avere qualsiasi, è tutto mio. No ale per voi, tornate a Martedì prossimo. [ beat. ] Cagna.

( translation | 'romulan ale. you can't have any, it's all mine. no ale for you, come back next tuesday.' » 'bitch'. )


[ voice | locked ] whoneedsrules May 16 2011, 00:41:42 UTC
[ katherine might not be fluent in italian like the brothers are, but she knows enough to get the gist of what damon is saying - that last word especially makes her harrumph in annoyance. jerk. ]

I don't recall you having such problems with sharing. But nice to see you're as charming as ever even when drunk off your mind. [ pause. ] Buffone.

( translation | buffoon. )


[ voice | locked ] allthefunever May 21 2011, 06:50:59 UTC
[ damon pauses, consideringly, then says in slow, painstaking english. ]

Bite me, Katerina.

[ then he slips back into italian, rapidfire and hard to follow. ]

Lui non ti ama, sarà solo il suo amore. E voi siete entrambi idioti per giocare a qualsiasi altra cosa. Spero che fa male, quando lui ti lascia.

( translation | 'he'll never love you, he'll only love her. and you're both idiots for playing at anything else. i hope it hurts, when he leaves you.' )


[ voice ] | because she worries, damon. :| adeadringer May 20 2011, 16:35:01 UTC

[ elena...has no clue what he and the girl with him are talking about, but it's pretty obvious that both are blitzed out of their minds. she picks up the tablet, trying to see whether or not the woman is bleeding from any conspicuous wounds on her neck or wrists, or anywhere else where skin is exposed (and there's a fair amount, the woman's only dressed in a tank top over her bra and panties), because this whole scene makes her think of what he was doing with caroline. she doesn't seem to be, but there's still the concern of damon being drunk off his ass and broadcasting publicly. ]

Damon, it's Elena. What are you doing?

[ it's...pretty obvious, elena. ]


[ voice ] | soooooooooob allthefunever May 21 2011, 06:40:30 UTC
Questo, Elena, è quello che mi piace chiamare divertirsi. O di bere, fare la vostra scelta.

[ he packs no small amount of relish into those words, turning to grin at max. then he looks back at the tablet, considering; his features soften almost into fondness before turning petulant. ]

Sei carina quando si ottengono tutti stridula. In realtà sorta di fastidioso, si potrebbe almeno avere la decenza di guardare poco attraente, mentre a me giudicare.

( translation | 'this, elena, is what i like to call having fun. or drinking, take your pick.' » 'you're pretty when you get all shrill. it's actually kind of annoying, you could at least have the decency to look unattractive while judging me.' )


[ voice ] | DAMOOOOOOOOOOON. adeadringer May 21 2011, 06:56:08 UTC
[ elena would likely have things to say about what damon's just told her, if she had any idea what he was saying. as it is, she just stares blankly at the tablet for a few moments before she replies. ]



[ voice ] | /WEEPS allthefunever May 21 2011, 07:04:34 UTC
Mio fratellino è un idiota.

[ ...welp. ]

( translation | 'my little brother's an idiot.' )


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