||001|| [holo] - Arrival

May 26, 2010 08:54

Tony Stark’s life at this very moment was defined by one phrase: this sucks. And it did, very much. For a man who was used to living in an elaborately furnished house with access to anything and everything he could have ever wanted, this was not to his liking ( Read more... )

# intro post, { james t. kirk, { nazca barsavi, { hercules, kaylee frye, { tony stark, { sagramore

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Comments 92

[ Visual ] gotcouplings May 26 2010, 19:33:05 UTC
New faces, new voices. Kaylee puts her tools down and abandons the engine she's been working on to check the tablet and see who's there.

"Don't think I've ever heard mention of a Justin Hammer here. And that buildin' ain't a prison..." Nope, the whole gorram city is.


[ Visual ] oppositeofhero May 27 2010, 04:52:01 UTC
The sound of someone's voice coming from the tablet startles Tony, who wasn't prepared for that at all. But he attempts to cover it up simply by blinking a few times at the communication device's screen.

If Justin Hammer is a non-entity to this girl (whoever she is... Tony's fairly certain he's never laid eyes on her before), then that means a couple of things. Either he's crazy, because Justin Hammer definitely exists, or... Well, he's still crazy. Not the ideal situation.

"So Hammer's not behind this. I can live with that. Makes things a little better, actually. But the question is, who is behind this?"


[ Visual ] gotcouplings May 27 2010, 05:02:23 UTC
"Er. Giant hamsters." It's the strangest thing a person will ever hear, she knows, but it's completely true. "Well, aliens of some kind, really, but they've only ever shown themselves to us as giant hamsters."

Kaylee scratches the back of her head. "S'pose I should be givin' ya the Welcome to Taxon speech then, yeah? City's Taxon, we're pretty much stuck here--you'll wanna make a left at the next door you come to, if you wanna get outside--and bein' held by these aliens for whatever reason we don't know yet. Don't be surprised by most of the folks outside, got the personality of a block of wood, part of the programmin', and if you run into any folks singin' or hear it out over the tablets there's nothin' to fret over, it's just a system glitch that'll hopefully be passin' over soon."

...okay, maybe throwing it at him in little bits would have been a better idea.


[ Visual ] oppositeofhero May 27 2010, 05:13:36 UTC
"Giant what?" It takes a few minutes for that to sink in. "Hamster aliens are behind this. Well, isn't that great." This really does sound like some nightmare spawned by too much drinking. But why the girl's playing along is rather beyond him.

"Yeah, any explanation would be appreciated right now," Tony says, still trying to get his mind around all of this. He listens to what she has to say, blinking at some of the weirder parts, but for the most part, taking it in stride. "What happens if I go outside? Should I expect some alien to try shuffling me off?"

Interesting thought... Maybe even an interesting experience. But for the moment, Tony thinks he just wants to keep living.


[Voice] lionofolympus May 27 2010, 02:07:34 UTC
Justin Hammer?

[The name rings in a tiny bell in Herc's cavernous brain. He's heard it before, but is not entirely sure.]


[Voice] oppositeofhero May 27 2010, 05:01:08 UTC
Yeah. Kind of a tall guy with weird hair and glasses. He keeps trying to steal my technology.


[Voice] lionofolympus May 28 2010, 00:23:03 UTC
What sort of technology? Does he want your iPhone?


[Voice] oppositeofhero May 28 2010, 03:31:45 UTC
The technology I came up with... robotic suits that are conveniently equipped with weapons.


[visual] ironshodboots May 27 2010, 02:26:33 UTC
From the tablet that he'd had to pick up to get out of the room comes a voice, and if he looks, a face. The woman is young, fairly attractive (maybe Italian? Her nationality is hard to pin down from either face or accent,) and smiling with a mild edge of irony behind her glasses. Her dress, if he notices, isn't quite properly modern.

"That must be quite the suit, that would prompt someone going to these lengths."

[OOC: I will be tagging very slowly until the weekend, for which I apologize. But I couldn't resist.]


[visual] oppositeofhero May 27 2010, 05:08:43 UTC
When he hears another voice start talking to him, Tony's reaction is to jump and stare a bit. Yeah, he knows he's going to have to get used to this method of communication, but it won't take long because, really, it's not that different.

What catches his eye, however, is the woman's appearance. He smirks, thinking maybe this place isn't so bad if the women are this pretty.

"Of course it is. I invented it, after all." Being humble is not one of Tony's strengths. "Hammer's not the only one who wants the technology. The government does too. But you're probably not interested in that."

He runs a hand through his hair, still smiling at the woman. "I'm Tony Stark. And you are?"


[visual] ironshodboots May 28 2010, 01:59:08 UTC
The amusement is a little more apparent. "Someone who's not terribly used to being told what would or would not interest her. My name is Nazca."

She's seen looks like Tony's before, but the bit about the suit and technology suggests he may not entirely be a waste of her time. "So you're an inventor, Mr. Stark?"


[visual] oppositeofhero May 28 2010, 03:34:14 UTC
Tony doesn't look apologetic at all, however. "It's a long story, so unless you have time, I really don't think you'd be interested." Except it's not a long story at all. Tony just doesn't really think he wants to get into it right now.

"Inventor, engineer, genius... I've been called all of those." And he's very humble too. Tony gives Nazca what he hopes is a winning smile.


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[ visual ] oppositeofhero May 27 2010, 14:48:29 UTC
"Really? People would rather stay around this donut instead of finding out what's going on?" Tony asked with his eyebrows raised. Just in case it wasn't already noticeable, Tony is impulsive, and doesn't care much about following the herd.


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[ visual ] oppositeofhero May 29 2010, 15:47:20 UTC
"Okay, maybe that's a good thing, but I'm not much of a waiting person. Besides, it looks like I was able to leave just fine," Tony replies, not at all in an irritated way. Just pointing out the facts. "Transporter mishap?" He laughs to cover up his temporary confusion. The phrase makes sense when you pick at it but it also suggests that this man is... well, different.

"I assumed that if this really was a prison, then getting back home would involve a little effort."


[visual] crophisownrose May 28 2010, 05:28:31 UTC
Sagramore has a definite type, as far as people he likes to bother in Taxon, and that type is: people who look like they'd be willing to get drunk with him.

"Drink?" cheerfully. Hi, Tony, it's a flirty semi-alcoholic knight, doesn't that sounds like fun!


[visual] oppositeofhero May 28 2010, 05:49:59 UTC
Huh. This latest image... face... person... to show up on the tablet looks interesting. What that means exactly, even Tony doesn't quite know. Yet, anyway.

"Sure. Show me a good place to drink and I'll be there." Yes, this does sound like fun. Showing up in a place run by aliens with no warning at all is a good excuse to drink.


[visual] crophisownrose May 28 2010, 17:52:05 UTC
"Come to the tavern. You'll have a map of the place in your little box there," indicating the tablet.


[visual] / [location: tavern] oppositeofhero May 29 2010, 15:56:10 UTC
"I'll be there," Tony says while pulling out the tablet and activating the map again. No definite word on when he'll get there, as he's not sure about that, but the point of the matter is that he will be there.

A drink sounds like the perfect remedy for the headache that's beginning to develop. Despite Tony's rather calm demeanor, the revelation of finding himself in an entirely different world has affected him, if only just a little.

By following the map, Tony arrives at the tavern not long after he first informed the other man that he would be coming. He steps in and takes a look around, before starting to look for his potential drinking-mate.


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