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Comments 97

Drusilla & the Master Pre-Party :D beholdthedrums May 21 2010, 00:57:54 UTC
a_pretty_fire May 21 2010, 09:28:16 UTC
It was going to be a wonderful party, Drusilla could tell. She preferred graveyards to warehouses and chains to wires, for the most part, but the Master seemed to have thought of everything. She couldn't fault him. In fact, she felt honoured to have been included. To have been invited.

She was dressed in white when she stepped into the warehouse, Miss Edith - who wouldn't want to miss this, not so soon after their reunion - cradled in one arm. Her eyes were shining with anticipation. It didn't occur to her to worry about what the Master was doing or had done. She didn't trust him, of course. He was as dark as Daddy had been. That was why she was here.


beholdthedrums May 21 2010, 15:51:50 UTC
There are very few people in the universe that the Master would try to preserve, but Drusilla is unique. She has a brand of madness that he can understand, and be one of the few people that accepts her for it, wholly.

He gestures at the room, arms spread wide, walking around in a small circle to 'show' it all off. "Soon, the Extras will bring a select number of people, most who I have..." he makes a tight smile, "certain matters to solve between them. However..." and now the grin returns, "two of them shall be that nasty vampire fellow and Miss Cordelia Chase." He laughs. "And you may do what you wish to them."


a_pretty_fire May 21 2010, 16:39:27 UTC
For a moment, Drusilla wondered if she had misheard him. It wouldn't have been the first time that had mind had supplied words that throats never could.

She clasped her hands to her chest, almost dislodging her doll, when she realised that it was all true.

"Oh," she breathed, rapturous. He was probably the only person - except her Slayer, who wasn't here, and her Daddy, who was lost - who wholly accepted her madness. That meant a lot. That meant so much. "It's like Christmas!"


Rose Tyler beholdthedrums May 21 2010, 00:58:07 UTC
Re: Rose Tyler iam_thebadwolf May 21 2010, 18:14:50 UTC
Rose was outside on the settee in front of her house when she was grabbed. There had been several extras but it'd only taken one hit upside the head with a pipe to bring her down. She panics a bit at finding herself so bound. It takes away the automatic flight instinct she has then she realizes there are other people here. Flight instinct goes out the window and survival/savior kicks in. It takes a moment for to focus but her eyes go wide at the sight of Tara and Morgana plus the brunette woman the Doctor had been kissing. Of course the brunette isn't tied and isn't that curious.

Rose tries to assess the situation, keeping quiet for the moment. Mouthy will come later when she realizes there isn't a way out of this.


beholdthedrums May 21 2010, 19:02:15 UTC
"The little wolf following around her Doctor," the Master laughs. "I will admit, you are an unusual one, Miss Tyler. That whole delicious scene with you radiating with the vortex. Mm. Wonderful." No, he was never going to forget that. He got it right from the Doctor's mind, after all.

He shakes his head. "Do not fret. I'm not going to hurt you." Physically, that is. Mentally? Well, perhaps. It depends how strong she is. If she can handle watching everyone harmed save for her, and not be able to do a thing to stop it.


iam_thebadwolf May 21 2010, 19:08:13 UTC
She narrows her eyes at the Master's comment about her and the vortex. She struggles a bit, glaring at him best she can.

"Be lots more reassuring if you'd untie me. We could have a cuppa."

Her strength of will is definitely going to be tested. She'd much rather be the one being hurt than the one watching.


Godric beholdthedrums May 21 2010, 00:58:22 UTC
faderbroderson May 21 2010, 01:25:29 UTC
Godric may be human at the moment, but he's never been a pushover. It had taken four Extras to subdue him, and one of them hadn't returned with the others, either because Godric had managed to kill him or injure him enough to compromise his mobility. The other three sport their own, more minor injuries.

It had come at a price, though. Godric's head is still throbbing from the blow that had finally taken him down, and it's a strange sensation, this pain that doesn't naturally fade away in seconds or minutes. He's uncomfortable on his knees, his limbs bound with wire that, frustratingly, would not usually hold him. But he would be naive to think that this is the worst discomfort he or his fellow captives are going to suffer, if the Master's speech is anything to judge by.

He remains still and calm, but his expression is dark as he looks at the Master and his vampire companion.


a_pretty_fire May 21 2010, 09:47:12 UTC
She wanted him to know. She wanted him to know why he was here.

He was a vampire. He knew the nature of the bond between sire and child. He knew what he'd taken away from her!

Godric hadn't been sorry before, but he would be soon.

Dressed in white, and cradling Miss Edith as one would cradle a child, Drusilla looked more unnatural ever. She saw the darkness in him. The anger. She wished that the wires were silver and that silver would still burn him.

Most importantly, she smiled.


faderbroderson May 21 2010, 13:27:54 UTC
A part of Godric can't even blame her. Yes, he knows the bond between sire and child, and he'd helped tear Angelus from Drusilla. She can't content herself with Angel, and though he doesn't fully understand why, he doesn't have to. Drusilla's motivations are clear, and they're motivations that few vampires could disapprove of.

That doesn't mean he forgives her. His wrath is cold and deep, and if he's left alive after this frustrating weakness is behind him, Drusilla will pay the price. Only the Master will have it worse, for the Master has no noble motivations. For him, this is a game, just like River Tam's mind.


Cordelia Chase beholdthedrums May 21 2010, 00:58:35 UTC
glowingseer May 21 2010, 01:42:29 UTC
Cordelia tries to concentrate on her anger, instead of dwelling on her fear. She's survived the prodding and poking those bastards from Pylea did to her in order to test her vision-ity - no reason why she should be afraid of those utensils and oh my god those things look sharp as hell.

She stares at the vampire, focusing all her loathing on her. She's the reason for this? She's the reason why all those stupid Extras suddenly ganged up on her without provocation? Angel's taught her how to fight, and fight well - but not against a bajillion of enemies at the same freakin' time. The bruises and cuts she suffered - plus the throbbing headache she got, thanks to a severe blow to the head - is proof that she tried to defend herself. But her efforts had been in vain.

Cordelia turns her attention on the man talking. Dear god, she never thought he was capable of this... well. Too bad she's paying for her mistake now.


a_pretty_fire May 21 2010, 09:35:04 UTC
Without provocation? Cordelia had taken her Daddy away from her! Her vision had drawn Godric and the others to the hotel and Drusilla hadn't even had a chance to say goodbye. She didn't have much in her souless chest, not much, but she adored the vampire who had made her.

It was with him - or the Angel Beast, at least - in mind that Drusilla and Miss Edith made their way over to Cordelia. She walked lightly. She looked perfectly content. The instruments of torture were interesting, but she - like her father before her - had always preferred a more hands on approach.

"Don't kill her," she said, generously. For her part, she would have been very happy to see Cordelia's life blood spilling out across the floor. "The Angel Beast will want her back."


glowingseer May 21 2010, 11:33:51 UTC
She moved her hands from side to side. Not that it would loosen the wiring - and no doubt it would only cut deeper into her skin - but Cordelia had to do something. She'd never been one to accept defeat even if it's staring at her in the face, after all.

At the words, she looked at the vampire again. "Gee, thanks," she said, her voice strong and confident - at least to her ears. "I'm sure Angel will appreciate me barely breathing after this whole ordeal is over."

...will there be an official 'over' to this ordeal? She couldn't tell. Cordelia didn't even want to think about it yet. But she had hope - that someone would come and save them all.

Someone's bound to.


Tara Maclay beholdthedrums May 21 2010, 00:58:59 UTC
beenthroughhell May 21 2010, 02:57:39 UTC
They'd caught her by surprise - five of them, as she was walking home from work. A small part of her was hysterically flattered that they'd thought it would take so many, with the element of surprise on their side. She'd managed to fend off a couple on the fly, but all it had taken was one to knock her unconscious.

Now her head aches, badly; she can feel a lump forming, and there may be a little dried blood on the back of her neck. She's already used more magic than she should have, resisting initially, and between the pain she's in, her hands being bound, and the fact her reserves are still depleted... she's at a loss to think of what to do.

She knows most everyone by sight, if not by more than than that - not quite all of them, but most.

Tara is trying to think. But everything's still a little fuzzy, and she knows there is no way for this to end well.


beholdthedrums May 21 2010, 16:04:24 UTC
Tara is a difficult one. He crouches right before her, looking perplexed. She saved the Doctor with something that shouldn't exist, and isn't that just bothersome. But the Doctor was dying - how dare he - and Tara did what the Master couldn't manage.

He almost wants to let her unscathed. But no, he can't have two people go along watching - that was the wolf's job.

He rests a hand on his chin, elbow on a knee, and stares at her.


beenthroughhell May 22 2010, 02:19:13 UTC
She meets his eyes, steadily. She's afraid, of course she is, but after everything she's seen and been through... she's learned not to borrow more trouble.

She remembers him, of course, vividly. The cause of her first and somewhat current fight with the Doctor isn't going to be something she'll soon forget. And she suspects, now, that he's what's changed the Extras, somehow.

She doesn't think he's a man - Time Lord - to listen to reason. But she's not going to break down either. She just meets his eyes and waits for whatever's coming next.

(If she had more time, could think quicker, there would be something she could do, but she doesn't know what.)


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