014 ± [visual/location: speares] standing in the tall grass thinking nothing

May 13, 2010 22:06

There is a road paved with bricks. Or not so much a road as a pedestrian plaza, and the bricks are red and brown, not a yellow one among them. There are quaint little shops, and large, festively painted planter pots brimming with poppies, and it really is a nice little corner of the city which everyone should have a gander at.

This gander was provided by Glitch's tablet, as he had come to this lovely spot to pace and think, or more accurately to pace and try to think since his half-a-brain tended to muck things up. As he was presently thinking of his half-a-brain, and the problems it presented, and possible solutions, it should come as no surprise that music would swell.

"Though DG says I'm brilliant
And clever and resilient
I think there's more to gain
With my smarts I have no fear
That I'd get us all out of here
If I only had my brain."

He spun neatly on his toes and began ambling in a different direction.

"If my noggin was all mended
Would the folks that I've befriended
Still think of me the same?
Must I choose, Glitch or Ambrose?
Or something in between those?
Do I really need my brain?"

With a small hop he perched himself on the edge of one of the planters and glanced upward, deep in thought.

"You see, it's up to me
And I must be quite sure
That this is something that I can endure
Or if I should trust the Doctor-"

"-where is he anyway? I've been meaning to ask him about those ball bearings, and and and there was other...stuff." He paused, frowned, hopelessly lost until the music gently nudged him back on script. Still, the typically effusive Glitch looked much sadder.

"I can't go on regretting
Each moment I'm forgetting,
...I don't deserve this pain.
Oh the mem'ries I would savor
Every nuance, every flavor
If I only had my brain."

The music faded and Glitch gazed carefully into the middle distance. He heaved a troubled sigh, then blinked, frowned, and glanced at the tablet in his hands. A cheerful smile broke across his face and he laughed lightly.

"Oh, hi everyone! Sorry to- um. It's a beautiful day, isn't it?"

# event, { lorne, glitch, { levi blakely, dg, @ speares, { donna noble, { river tam

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