ooX ✘ and i- i took the one less traveled by [ location: gatas castle | visual ]

Apr 15, 2010 21:31

As she stirs, it's almost immediately clear to Petrana that she isn't where she belongs. This is not Riva, nor any of the bedchambers she's most accustomed to occupying there or elsewhere. She considers this new development in her situation with slightly more tranquility than might be expected of her, her hands folded on her stomach as she regards ( Read more... )

{ the master, { morgana, { uther doul, { petrana, { river tam, { the doctor (tenth)

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Comments 207

[visual] oneofthequick April 15 2010, 13:14:52 UTC
Behold a slightly sleepy, but generally well put together Uther Doul.

"It's not often that death is a good sign. How may I help you, Lady?"


[ visual ] herquietude April 15 2010, 13:17:05 UTC

Startled at being addressed, Petra nearly drops the tablet momentarily. (When she's got a grip on it again, she starts picking through the controls to figure out how she made that happen in the first place.)

"Well, first of all you may tell me where the devil I am."


[ visual ] oneofthequick April 15 2010, 13:21:36 UTC
"You are in a land called Taxon. This is a place that has the power to take people at will from wherever it chooses and brings them here. Another of its powers is that, occasionally, it 'trades' one of the people here for alternate versions of themselves." The visual setting is still on, but he's in the process of getting dressed and not visible. Sorry, Petrana, there's no show here. (That's later tonight.)

"I am Uther of Deadhouse Doul and the Lady Petrana I know has hired me as a mercenary. Should you need me, the contract still stands."


[ visual ] herquietude April 15 2010, 13:24:03 UTC

"A mercenary! The more things change, the more they stay the same- but in a moment. Do you mean to speak of other worlds?" Petra is accustomed to some strange methods of communication already, so she merely waits for him to come back into view without fussing too much about why he isn't there.


[voice] rude_not_ginger April 15 2010, 18:55:37 UTC
You trying to say you died last time? Nobody tells me anything. Anything!


[ visual ] herquietude April 15 2010, 19:00:56 UTC

"Breathe," Petra suggests companionably, still trying to figure out how this damn thing started broadcasting. "And who might you be?"


[voice]/[visual] rude_not_ginger April 15 2010, 19:10:16 UTC
[long pause, then he bursts into laughter]

Very funny. I know it's been a while since you've even bothered to talk to me, but...

[switches to visual. He's a little rumpled, like he just got out of bed.]

Better? Wait a minute, what happened to you?


[ visual ] herquietude April 15 2010, 19:12:21 UTC

"Ah," she says, wryly amused, "I take it you are not a friend of the 'Countess'. Doul tells me this is a temporary state of affairs, but I think you're asking after my scars, aren't you?"


magicalskeptic April 15 2010, 20:28:01 UTC
Slowly, Morgana's been trying to get back into Taxon life -- not enough to go anywhere, but at least her tablet's now on for a portion of the day. The image of the Countess is distressing, the scar, and just something different she cannot quite place. Not having seen the Countess since the attack, Morgana wonders if the full effects of it were not made public.

Morgana is trying to sound calm when she speaks, but it's clear she's worried. "Countess Petrana, is everything all right?"


[ visual ] herquietude April 15 2010, 20:31:05 UTC

For a moment Petra merely stares back at Morgana, but the resemblance to Veda isn't that dramatic, just enough to make her pause and then she goes on.

"Lady Petrana," she corrects, not unkindly. "Doul tells me that my visit here is the result of a glitch, and in due time the Countess will return and I will go home to Riva. Are you a friend of this woman...?"


Re: [ visual ] magicalskeptic April 15 2010, 23:39:43 UTC
From Morgana's experience, titles do not change without a marriage, a death, or a banishment from favour. Considering what she knows of the Countess, things are definitely wrong.

"A glitch?" She's heard of them, and seen the results in the case of the revenant Angelus, thus she's concluded they cannot be good for anyone. The very least they can be is not harmful, which is still a long way from good.

Morgana is slow in remembering her manners, as she's had enough changes of late, and one more is definitely past her limit, "I have great affection for the Countess." Friend does not seem like the right word to use here. "She has been exceptionally kind to me."


[ visual ] herquietude April 15 2010, 23:45:21 UTC

Titles by marriage, though, may never be acquired in the first place if one marries elsewhere. (Martel would've made her a margravine, if he hadn't had his stripped from him with his knighthood. In Riva she is simply the Lady, and sometimes 'the Witch'.)

"As Doul explained it to me, sometimes this place trades a person for another life they might have lived; so the Countess is a glimpse of my own paths not walked, and in turn, I am the same for her. In due time we'll trade back, apparently. I'm hoping for sooner rather than later, and I suspect from your expression that you will agree with me there." She's a little wry- and a lot more open than the Countess, with a younger face and older eyes.


[voice] beholdthedrums April 16 2010, 17:02:49 UTC
Is there a problem, my Lady? [he sounds confused]


[ visual ] herquietude April 17 2010, 01:38:00 UTC

"Only in that I seem to be in quite the wrong bloody place," Petra sighs, adjusting the robe and tucking her feet up next to her on the settee. "But that, I am assured, is quite temporary. I suppose you, too, are expecting a Countess?"


[ voice ] beholdthedrums April 18 2010, 11:05:38 UTC
[sigh] And are you suddenly not the Countess?


[ visual ] herquietude April 18 2010, 11:22:54 UTC

"Well, it doesn't feel sudden at all from where I'm sitting, milord...?"


[ location: gatas castle ] biverbam April 17 2010, 03:05:57 UTC
The entire change in demeanor is what sets River into a tangled pile of anxious nerves on its way to the castle instead of just answering over the tablets like anyone else. Changes like this required investigation and inspection, and River couldn't do that over a visual connection. It's also what makes her pause enough to let the usual Extras lead her to where she ought to be.

Showing up unannounced was okay the first time; she wasn't going to push her luck when the routine of introduction had already been established.


[ location: gatas castle ] herquietude April 17 2010, 03:22:48 UTC

Visitors. Of course. Petra is a little reluctant to receive her alternate's guests, but she comes down in one of the Countess's own light white lounging dresses and is waiting for River when she's led in.

"I'm sorry you've come all this way for the wrong Petrana," she says, mildly. "Do sit."


[ location: gatas castle ] biverbam April 17 2010, 04:47:57 UTC
She doesn't sit. She steps in, fingers twitching in the fabric of her dress; she stares at the scar, bare and rude without pretense; she doesn't sit.

(There's fire and ash, all of the parts of the world that crumbled without a second thought into too many cells and kelodial tissue. Vineyards grow up behind her, overrun and withered flourishing but broken promises make bitter wine and he won't be coming home again. Of course, neither will she, shrouded in 'if's and 'maybe's. Maybe they should put up green later, to not ruin the surprise.)

"I saw," River says, sounding distracted and confused. Then her staring dips down to Petra's stomach before bouncing up to her eyes. "You're new."


[ location: gatas castle ] herquietude April 17 2010, 04:51:15 UTC

It's everything Petra can do not to instinctively cover- not the scar, the scar she wears like a medal of honour for what she suffered to get it, but her abdomen, where the baby she's yet keeping a secret is still barely more than a glimmer.

"Temporarily, so I'm told," she says, carefully. "My name is still Petrana, but I'm the witch of Riva. Advisor to King Belgarion and Queen Ce'Nedra. Tell me your name?"


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