oo1: arrival. HOLO, amidst other things.

Feb 21, 2010 18:44

This is yet another morning where Sherlock Holmes is far from keen on waking up. The light's already stinging his eyes, and he finds himself issuing a half-grumbled, half-growled "Watson," as his hands flatten to the floor before him, splayed in such a way to provide enough traction to drag himself forward a fraction of an inch ( Read more... )

{ john watson, glitch, { the brucolac, { levi blakely, { sagramore, { sherlock holmes

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Comments 129

[voice] justaddmarbles February 22 2010, 01:27:26 UTC
Oh, you're back.

[Glitch had watched the initial display, then had been disappointed when it went away, and was now pleased to see the gentleman once more.]

Um. Sorry, determining a purpose for what?


[ holo ] orderfromchaos February 22 2010, 01:39:21 UTC
The voice doesn't seem to disturb him too much. In fact, Holmes merely quirks a brow, looking about momentarily before turning to gaze fixedly at the device. If its regaining functionality means he's back, as the unnamed speaker has been so kind to point out, that's the source explained, isn't it? Almost experimentally, he replies:

"This... thing."

So much for eloquence, not that it's ever mattered much to him.

"Which seems to work something like a telephone."

That's the closest parallel he can draw, for now, but he sounds confident in it nonetheless.


[voice] justaddmarbles February 22 2010, 01:56:40 UTC
The tablet? Yeah, it's...part phone, part video camera, part holographic projector, part teletype. Nifty, right? Um, i-it's for communication, everybody gets one.


Oh! Right, sorry, you've been kidnapped by aliens to a city called Taxon. Hello!


[ voice ] orderfromchaos February 22 2010, 01:59:42 UTC
[ There's a bit of fiddling before he finds his way back to the 'voice' setting. That seems to be a little less personal, as he likes it. ]


[ Even he can only take in so much information at once, let alone when aliens are involved. ]


deadmanbrucolac February 22 2010, 01:40:13 UTC
"Sir." There is a raspy-voiced, scar-faced youth waiting for Holmes when the device comes back on.


[ holo ] orderfromchaos February 22 2010, 01:49:13 UTC
Well, the appearance of another visage is a bit disconcerting. Not enough so to stop him from replying, however.


Another day he may have had a slightly more cynical retort, but for the moment he figures it best to mind his tongue.


[ holo ] deadmanbrucolac February 22 2010, 01:57:45 UTC
"Your open and hungry mind, your fearless curiosity, does you credit, but perhaps you would like to know more about what has happened to you, as well as about your new toy? It's called a tablet, by the way."


[ voice ] orderfromchaos February 22 2010, 02:04:10 UTC
[ Surveillance then. In a sense. Though that would be due in part to his own carelessness. ]

I suppose that could be of some use.

[ Even if this is a ridiculous hallucination. Because the alternative means that Blackwood's magic did something, and he doesn't like that thought. ]

A tablet? Rather nondescript, wouldn't you say?


[ visual ] stockholmes February 22 2010, 02:34:31 UTC
It takes Watson a moment, but really, he should have expected this. It should be expected that he cannot escape Sherlock Holmes, even when the circumstances involve what he’s been told to be the fault of an alien abduction, and he almost laughs at the feed after its conclusion.

In the back of his mind, he supposes such a familiarity is welcome, though he is at his forefront rather annoyed at how much better Holmes is doing at being held captive.

“Holmes,” he begins, “the least you could do is speak in a complete sentence.”


[ voice ] orderfromchaos February 22 2010, 02:48:41 UTC
[ A long pause, and then. ]

Go away. Your presence makes things entirely too realistic.


[ visual ] stockholmes February 22 2010, 03:02:39 UTC
“It’s good to see you, too, old boy,” Watson sighs, thinking that he probably should have expected such a reaction. “Though you’re looking rather worse for wear, even for your usual standards.”

He pauses here, finding himself perturbed by that fact more than he should be. There’s a nagging feeling in the back of his mind, like he’s missing out on something, but he ignores it. “Has anyone explained to you yet what’s going on?”


[ voice ] orderfromchaos February 22 2010, 03:06:24 UTC
What standards?

[ That's a rhetorical question, Watson. ]

Yes, two people. And were I not standing in it I'd not believe a word.

[ Resolutely. ]

I've been poisoned.


[voice] levilup February 22 2010, 04:18:08 UTC
Aren't you the eccentric one? [No, by all means, keep going, Levi is so amused by this.]


[ voice ] orderfromchaos February 22 2010, 04:22:36 UTC
I take it you've spoken to Watson.


[ voice ] levilup February 22 2010, 04:34:06 UTC
I haven't, actually. Is that a friend of yours?


[ voice ] orderfromchaos February 22 2010, 04:39:34 UTC
An associate.

You two would likely get along.


[visual] crophisownrose February 22 2010, 14:49:12 UTC
Sagramore might possibly be a little not entirely sober and a lot of looking sleepless, but he is not going to miss the chance to be annoying [on behalf of his typist].

"What on earth are you doing?"


[ voice ] orderfromchaos February 22 2010, 15:55:55 UTC
[ Oh now somehow that sounds familiar. ]

Having a lark.


[visual] crophisownrose February 22 2010, 17:36:34 UTC
"How splendid. Is it turning out well?"


[ voice ] orderfromchaos February 22 2010, 17:47:07 UTC
It will be when I get my hands on a drink.


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