[ visual | location: serenity's med bay ] i swear it feels like this worry is my only friend

Feb 15, 2010 01:56

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a workaholic codependent derp of a doctor in possession of a crazy little sister and a wicked insomnia habit must be up at all hours reorganizing his infirmary. And as such, Simon's reentry into Taxon's general population could be nothing else ( Read more... )

{ simon tam, { beatrix de la torre, { river tam, { g. enfys llewelyn, { leonard mccoy

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Comments 12

[ visual ] dieneidio February 15 2010, 10:08:09 UTC

At this time, Enfys is not sure where her cardigan went and she's thinking about taking her boots off and running barefoot around the ballroom; whilst she does this whole boot-removal thing, she's sitting down in a quieter place and somewhat startled when her tablet comes on.

There is a moment of silence, and then:

"Nice pjs, mate."


[ visual ] adpartesdolent February 15 2010, 10:22:55 UTC
Simon looks up, startled, and curses quietly under his breath. (In Chinese, of course.) On the list of things he didn't want tonight, an audience for his brooding was near the top.

"I didn't intend for anyone to see them. This." He looks a little pained, new person. Mostly because he's socially awkward and stodgy before his time. "I thought everyone was at the party."


[ visual ] dieneidio February 15 2010, 10:34:36 UTC

"Oh, I am," she says, loosening the laces on her left boot- which is most of what Simon can see by the way she's arranged, so just be grateful he's not actually getting a look up her skirt. "Why aren't you?"

She just inquires this cheerfully like there's no reason he shouldn't tell her.


[ voice ] notsawbones February 15 2010, 11:54:10 UTC
[ Consider McCoy pinged by the medical babble over the tablets! ]

You know your stuff.


[ visual ] adpartesdolent February 16 2010, 23:59:00 UTC
Simon's lips quirk in a smile that's somewhere around the corner of wistful and sardonic. "Top three percent." Then, louder and without the odd smile, "I'm a doctor, obviously."


[ voice ] notsawbones February 17 2010, 12:40:42 UTC
No, really? I thought you just researched all of that for chuckles.


[visual] biverbam February 15 2010, 17:50:46 UTC
His little crazy sister is still at the party. At some point she made a little hat out of a napkin, currently balanced precariously on top of her head, and now sits on the floor in front of the string quartet, tablet balanced on her knees as she looks at her brother with a face that says: Simon, I am disappoint.



[ visual ] adpartesdolent February 17 2010, 00:04:55 UTC
The hat makes him smile, genuinely-- at least she's enjoying herself tonight-- even as her expression makes him squirm a little inside, uncomfortably like a child caught out doing something they were expressly told not to.

"I prefer recluse. Are you having a good time at the party, mei mei?"


[ visual ] biverbam February 18 2010, 08:58:43 UTC
"Are you?"

Generally translated to mean that she is, though she would have liked to have at least one dance with her brother while there is still a band playing music to be danced to. It's obvious by the way her hair is falling out of the ribbon it's tied with, and the fact that she's now holding up a second tiny hat.

"Forgot the dimensions and had to improvise to account for irregular shape."

Either she means the irregular shape of the napkins or that of Simon's head; it's a toss up. (She means the napkins.)


[ visual ] delcorazon February 15 2010, 17:54:08 UTC

Trixie is going to be fashionably late for the dance, but her tablet is still on--she's not broadcasting, but she does consistently pay attention to any odd transmissions, largely in case someone out there needs assistance. While in the process of searching for a hair tie, she spots someone on tablet who probably could actually use someone informing him that he's recording, not so much any kind of real help.

"You know," she says, after switching to visual transmission, "I think they purposely designed these things to broadcast at the drop of a hat. Hi, by the way."


[ visual ] adpartesdolent February 17 2010, 00:11:37 UTC
"I've noticed that unfortunate quirk, myself." Simon's expression is largely just resigned, and he's slowly sipping at the cup of coffee (force of habit; there's not much coffee available to fugitives on a shoe string budget, and the need to drink every last drop no matter how cold and unappetizing is deeply ingrained. Perhaps someday he'll get back around to just... pouring himself a new cup.) with a slight grimace of distaste.

"Hello." Friendly enough, but if Trixie is looking for a brilliant conversationalist or charmer, Simon is not it. (He's not exactly Mr. Social Skills.)


[ visual ] delcorazon February 17 2010, 00:42:50 UTC

Fortunately, she's more a creature of practicality, at least at the moment. She's perfectly capable of socializing her own self, but she's also given to being a little bit calculating, and she did notice his location.

"I'll understand if you just wanna switch this thing off and get back to what you were workin' on, but--are you a doctor?"


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