job applications

Apr 15, 2010 19:29


The 'subsistency level' amount which is assigned to everyone automatically on the 1st of the month (with the exception of new arrivals, who will get theirs whenever they arrive) is 350¤. Alas, this is only enough to purchase the essentials, and won't be enough to cover the finer things in life - expensive clothing, fancy food, booze, cigarettes, illegal substances... Due to this, most characters would find it greatly beneficial to find a job.

There are thousands of jobs available in the city: in the numerous cafes, restaurants, bars, clubs, stores and the tram system (it's possible to work as a conductor). However, characters that have particularly useful skills (doctors, for example) would also be able to work in their chosen fields, and would receive an elevated salary to do so. Similarly, characters with an entrepreneurial inclination have the opportunity to start their own businesses and employ other characters. The wage system is as follows:

¤ = Credits

CUSTOMER SERVICE = 700¤ + 350¤ stipend = 1050¤ (+ 300¤ w/employees = 1350¤)
VOCATIONAL = 1400¤ + 350¤ stipend = 1750¤ (+ 300¤ w/employees = 2050¤)

Additionally, characters serving on the city's emergency committee will get 500¤ on top of their job's pay, and characters can work as many jobs as they like. They can also work part-time for half the pay. For vocational jobs (doctors, mechanics, etc.), they'll be paid as long as they're working and don't have to be employed, while customer service jobs require a character be employed or currently employing another character.

Therefore, if your character is a practicing doctor, they would receive 1400 vocational credits a month for their work, plus the subsistency 350 credits, to make a total of 1750.

If your character owns a bar, they would receive 700 customer service credits a month for their work, plus the 350 subsistency credits, plus the Employers' bonus of 300 credits, to make a total of 1350.

If your character works in a store, they would receive 700 customer service credits a month for their work, plus the 350 subsistency credits, to make a total of 1050.

If your character is going to be employed by another character, this is something that will need to be arranged both out-of-character between players, and in-character in-game. If, on the other hand, your character is going to be working in an establishment owned by Extras, they need only to walk into said establishment, express a desire to work there, slap a smock on and work for eight hours (for example). If your character is an employer, they can hatch things in the business for free (think of it as company expenses that aren't deducted from their personal balance) and all their stock will be replenished automatically.

Get a job!

Do you want a job in Taxon? Here's the place to get it!


Character's name: your character's name
Job type: customer service or vocational
Will they be employed by an Extra or another character in Taxon: if it's another character in the game, remember to get their permission
Where will they be employed: what store/bar/tram route/etc. will they be working in

Do you want to start a business in Taxon? Here is also the place!


Character's name: your character's name
Business type: will they be hiring customer service jobs or vocational jobs
Is this part of your character's programmed possession: like if your character brought in their bar, store, or clinic
Will you hire other characters: will you have paid employees or Extras

For more information on money, see the currency section of the FAQ.



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