I don't know, I finger the keys pretty hard and that mouse, oh baby I get it rolling pretty fast, it especially likes it when I yank on it's cord! If you don't believe me, make like a key and backspace ;) heh
Hellooo! Uhm... Since I love your icons so much... I wanted to ask if you'd mind to affiliate with my graphics journal radicalfxxker? (I know there's not much stuff yet, I just can't get myself to deal with that icon challenge... but there WILL be more stuff. >_>)
Hell, I'm replying as slow as a turtle, gomen, life gets in the way, you know. ^^; I'd LOVE to be an affiliate. I feel like such a spoiled networker now with all these affies. XD
*grabs you and does the dance of affiliation* LOL BE HAPPY!
P.s The graphics you've submitted thus far are gorgeous! #22 is especially stunning, what program do you use? :) And who better to challenge the graphic world with, than Kaoru ne? ha Will you be seeing Diru this year?
:3 Never you mind. You're talking to someone who has been (almost) completely ignoring LJ for the last few... months. Anyway. YAYNESS WE'RE AFFIES!!! 8D *dances along* \n/ *gonna add link now*
And thaaaanks for the compliment!! I love #22 alot, too. XD (I'm more for simplicity... because I don't have enough skillz to make complicated ones) I use Photoshop for all of them. XD Lemme check, uhh... version CS3. o_O But I always use the same effects I already used with PS7, so that's not that big of a deal.
And yeah... when I saw Kaoru was free at that community, I couldn't resist. XDD! Even though I'm lazy, heh... :/ And YES YES YES actually I'll be seeing them in... 15 days. O_____________O; Twice. *ack* I'm attending both Germany lives. XD! Did you see them this year already? :3
*pats your journal* Poor thing, it will die of neglect if you're not careful. Gotta say though, people aren't doing much to keep me coming back to LJ land either, there's so much wank lately it's unbearable! XD
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Ah, you left this message before I returned from Michigan. Yes, I am back and I made it out alive but I almost got arrested for protesting Bush so I'm just responding now. GOMEN!
LIKE YOU EVEN HAVE TO ASK! I'll add you to the list right now ne, and adorn your link with little hearts and...and... *beams* I feel like a cult mastah, I have drawn in so many affiliates... O_O; You guys are LOVE!
And it's been way too long since I updated ne. You inspired me. haha Just posted some new goodies now! :DDD
P.S JOO NEEDS TO UPDATE bb! I promise you another 'I FAIL' voice post if you do! ;)
I am interested in add me that you (or accept me) I like your LJ! especially their icons! I love those! :D especially the combination of colors! 8D rlz I would like to see me in your acceptance LJ (if there is no problem)
Ahhh, I'm all smiles here, that's so nice of you to say, how can I not add you?! :D I'm always trying new things with colors, Dir en grey need a little rainbow flavor in their lives anyway. haha
Do you make graphics also? Because if so, did you want me to add you as an affiliate and link your journal on my front page? ^^
Comments 15
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...uhm... yeah, I'd be happy! :3
*grabs you and does the dance of affiliation* LOL
P.s The graphics you've submitted thus far are gorgeous! #22 is especially stunning, what program do you use? :) And who better to challenge the graphic world with, than Kaoru ne? ha Will you be seeing Diru this year?
And thaaaanks for the compliment!! I love #22 alot, too. XD (I'm more for simplicity... because I don't have enough skillz to make complicated ones) I use Photoshop for all of them. XD Lemme check, uhh... version CS3. o_O But I always use the same effects I already used with PS7, so that's not that big of a deal.
And yeah... when I saw Kaoru was free at that community, I couldn't resist. XDD! Even though I'm lazy, heh... :/ And YES YES YES actually I'll be seeing them in... 15 days. O_____________O; Twice. *ack* I'm attending both Germany lives. XD! Did you see them this year already? :3
I was wondering if you could make a header for me? Pretty pleaseplease?
*puppy eyes*
LIKE YOU EVEN HAVE TO ASK! I'll add you to the list right now ne, and adorn your link with little hearts and...and... *beams* I feel like a cult mastah, I have drawn in so many affiliates... O_O; You guys are LOVE!
And it's been way too long since I updated ne. You inspired me. haha Just posted some new goodies now! :DDD
P.S JOO NEEDS TO UPDATE bb! I promise you another 'I FAIL' voice post if you do! ;)
you are the cult mastah! how can anyone not wanna affiliate with you...all the cool people be doin' it! XD
i promise i will update soon. and i've been wanting to, i just don't have much to update about...:/
especially the combination of colors! 8D
rlz I would like to see me in your acceptance LJ (if there is no problem)
anyway would be very grateful! ^^
Do you make graphics also? Because if so, did you want me to add you as an affiliate and link your journal on my front page? ^^
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