All Hell Breaks Loose 3

May 29, 2012 13:38

Wow. My first topic-specific convention. Before the con, I was disappointed that it was only a one day affair. In retrospect, a weekend con may have killed me. There were some great moments and some shitty moments, though I'm going to do my best to focus on the good here. A lot of the things that I didn't like had to do with small-sih quibbles with ( Read more... )

fandom, ahbl, con report, spn

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Comments 19

anonymous May 29 2012, 04:46:16 UTC
it was Taming of the Shrew, and I'm pretty sure the cap actually went for over $500. And yeah, as awesome as he is, Misha's q&a was def bested by Richard & Corin's, and Jim's.


tawg May 29 2012, 05:12:40 UTC
Thanks! And yeah, I couldn't believe how much the hat went for. My BFF was interested in it, but when it hit around $300 I leaned over and said "I can write idjit on a hat for you for much, much less". It's great that people have such deep pockets for the charity auctions :)


prpledwarfmonke May 29 2012, 06:48:01 UTC
"my bff was interested in it". Lol, didn't realise i wasn't logged in for that post. Seriously dude, i thought you'd know the tone of my comments by now


tawg May 29 2012, 06:50:27 UTC
To be fair, I get a lot of people correcting my mistakes on the internet. You could have been any one of those anons.


wallmakerrelict May 29 2012, 05:12:04 UTC
"Misha spotted him, snuck over, planted his feet by Jim's upper arms... and proceeded to teabag him. Misha, you are fucking fourteen years old. Jim locked his hands together into a mega fist, and punched Misha in the balls."

Oh man, can that be the fandom motto? "We don't care; just take it off."

Traci as Wonder Woman OMG I WANT IT.

Okay, I have to stop myself from commenting on every line of this post because I LOVE IT ALL. Thanks for writing it up. It's always nice to attend a con vicariously.


tawg May 29 2012, 05:18:50 UTC
That was actually the ONLY photo op where I didn't have my phone on me, so OF COURSE something amazing a photo-worthy had to happen then. Oh well. The image of Jim double-fisting Misha in the balls will stay with me for a long, long time.

I'm going to ask Traci over twitter near Halloween if she'll dress up as Wonder Woman because, seriously, she can fill those boots.

This entry is soooo long. I have a terrible memory, so I was trying to get it all out before I forgot it, and just kept remembering more and more. Siiiigh. It was a good day :D


whit_merule May 29 2012, 08:34:41 UTC
... Why was I still in the auditorium for this moment. :(


tawg May 30 2012, 02:59:18 UTC
There were some staff kind of shooing people away from the photos so they didn't get a glut of people in the hall, but it occurred to me later that it would probably be worth standing quietly to one side and watching the photo sessions just to see the weird stuff that happens. A women who was ahead of me in line for a photo with RSJ had crutches and when she looked around for someone to hand them to for her photo, Richard took them and tucked them under one arm, then changed his mind just before the photo and raised them up like he was charging at the photographer and made this really intense attack face, which was SO funny. However, what sealed the deal for me was that he then checked to see if it was a good photo and asked the lady if she was happy with it. Hearts in my eyes, yo.


whit_merule May 29 2012, 08:59:01 UTC
"Tranio, I saw her coral lips to move, And with her breath she did perfume the air: Sacred and sweet was all I saw in her." First scene of Taming of the Shrew, at least if we disregard the weird drunkard framing sequence. I seem to recall Jim amended the last line to "all I saw in her, Tranio," and stuck in another two lines from somewhere else in the scene, but can't remember what. It was pretty gorgeous anyway, even though he was mocking it. :) But I think you're right that he did mention Much Ado somewhere else - I also seem to recall something Ado-adjacent from this sequence, so we'll have to wait for the youtube videos (if anyone managed one ( ... )


(part2) whit_merule May 29 2012, 08:59:32 UTC
You were not weird and awful! Although I was kind of headachey and frazzled. I had 'fessed up to the whole fanfic thing while waiting in line to get in - of the two lasses in front of me, one of them had brought fanart to be signed, so it wasn't too great a leap, and it was a bit of a relief to get the THIS IS THIS WEIRD THING ABOUT ME I KNOW RIGHT out of the way straight out. :P But, yes, it was nice to be able to just watch (part of) an episode and turn around and go OH HEY HERE IS THIS THING THIS SCENE MAKES ME THINK to someone who is coming at it frmo a I-also-write-fanfic approach. :) That was rather lovely ( ... )


tawg May 30 2012, 03:10:02 UTC
I actually facepalmed when I saw the CW logo in the bottom forner of the screen for the episodes! Stay classy, right? I have a LOT of complaints about how the con was handled, but I'm trying not to rant about them too much in the hopes that I'll eventually forget them and only have good memories of the day. I also heard some interesting goss about past cons and such that I'm not going to go into here becuase it would be irresponsible of me to spread libel about Hub Productions in a public space. So I'll make a f-locked post about it later :p ( ... )


tasogareika May 29 2012, 13:13:14 UTC
fnnngh now I wish I could be at a convention, oh god. All the things that I can never see...



tawg May 30 2012, 03:20:23 UTC


tasogareika May 30 2012, 03:37:33 UTC


kimboosan May 29 2012, 18:14:03 UTC
I loved reading this and living vicariously through you! And oh, so jealous of you getting a hug from Richard, even if it was just a photo op! <3


tawg May 30 2012, 03:21:13 UTC
I have the biggest crush on Richard after this con. HIS BODY IS WARM AND HIS CLOTHES ARE NICE AND HE IS JUST THE BEST OKAY.


prpledwarfmonke June 1 2012, 03:54:55 UTC
talking about it to Monique, and trying not to sound like a lonely, creepy fangirl. I'm pretty sure I only(!) mentioned twice how warm, manly and nice-smelling Richard was....


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