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Comments 14

flame_sa December 29 2010, 20:19:26 UTC
How did you manage to post a 2020 post in 2010? Tim machine or what? :D


tawg December 29 2010, 21:34:49 UTC
I am just THAT GOOD. You have any plans for New Year's Eve or thereabouts?


thunder_nari January 6 2011, 17:21:06 UTC
*stalks your lj* ...

We have too many pairings in common for me to not wanna friend you. :P I always need more Cas/Gabe and Jimmy...and Sassy, love on my flist.


tawg January 6 2011, 23:07:48 UTC
Awesome *friends you SO HARD* I need more enablers in my life :D


classyronsoco March 27 2011, 19:20:44 UTC

just here to say that I will be adding you because I need more angel-loving in my life flist



tawg March 28 2011, 02:02:55 UTC
Friending you back becuase I need more gifs and ALL CAPS on my flist!


jadekirk May 29 2011, 11:01:48 UTC
Hello! Just a random message to say 'hi' and that I enjoy reading your fics.


tawg May 29 2011, 13:56:24 UTC
My first thought was "I have fics here?" (it's late here, and I'm a ditz). Thank you for dropping a note, it's really sweet of you :D


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tawg August 1 2011, 09:09:33 UTC
So long as you have noble intentions :p


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tawg August 1 2011, 09:15:33 UTC
I am a fan of all three of these things :D


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