Icons made for
10variations, where you have to make 10 icons from the one pic, with certain styles for each icon.
1 // popart
2 // olde English
3 // ‘in’ font
4 // dots n dashes
5 // glowy dots
6 // inset pic
7 // white space
8 // repeat pic
9 // blinkies
10 // ‘sin city’
And some extras, coz I'm nice like that. :O)
Usual rules apply...
* Comment & credit
* No hotlinking
* Textless are not bases
* Not for Xanga or MySpace
* Nominations are love :O)
Examples of how to credit
** Any comments, suggestions, constructive criticisms are most welcome
** If you like an icon but want it altered slightly (different wording, different font, changing text colour etc), let me know and I'll make it for you.