Title: Corrupted Pairings: Yongguk x Himchan Genre: drama, romance Rating: nc-17 Summary: Yongguk's curious about Himchan's lovelife. Maybe more than just curious... A/N: betaed by the lovely nielsluv, you're truly the best! (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)♥
Title: Corrupted Pairings: Yongguk x Himchan Genre: drama, romance Rating: nc-17 Summary: Yongguk's curious about Himchan's lovelife. Maybe more than just curious... A/N: unbetaed (too).
Title: Corrupted Pairings: Yongguk x Himchan Genre: drama, romance Rating: nc-17 Summary: Yongguk's curious about Himchan's lovelife. Maybe more than just curious... A/N: unbetaed.