Title: Pushback
Author: Tas (
Fandoms: Green Day/Metallica
Characters: Billie Joe/James Hetfield, implied others
Word Count: 100
Rating: R for language and themes
Disclaimer: I own only the words; the people own themselves and the events are fictitious.
Summary: James isn't impressed with Billie's attitude.
Author's Notes: Written for
nightsofcydonia for her pairing prompt. Cheers to
looking_spiffy for co-creating the universe. :D
Making nice with his best friend/ex-lover's boyfriend got a lot harder when Lars was out of the room, James groused. Some jazz tune blared, saxophone wailing, and his brow furrowed as Billie puckered up, pouted, smiled in rhythm. "What the fuck are you doing with your lips?"
Hazels swirled with instant mischievous insolence, an expression he was used to from a purer green. A tongue swept over those lips, making them gleam; unwelcome heat sucker-punched James.
"Practicing the embouchure. Still learning how to play."
He nodded, suppressing an aggravated growl. I hope he fuckin' spanks you 'til you scream.