Title: Whenever You Fall Pairing: Takaki Yuya x Inoo Kei (TakaNoo) Type: Drabble Genre: Romance, angst Disclaimer: Boys aren’t mine. They belong to JE except one day I'll possess Johnny's body. Warning: My English is bad.
Last night I tweeted about wanting an ai ai gasa fic for TakaIno... aaaaand now it's here! Ugh I just love the scene where they shared the umbrella (and Inoo dropping it bc they're gonna kiss 😍)
Rain again~! I already realized it in the beginning part, and it's okay because this is beautiful. The last part is.... asdfghjkl so romantic like i'm not even expected they will kissing huhuuu omg tachan~ And i dont know why but i imagined inoo's appearance here as in soshidare's preview..(that one under the rain) Thank you for the update, tachan~
really? >< i was afraid if i force the kiss but here we go again with yuya who used inoo as an excuse, i hope its okay so glad that you find its romantci, thanks azhiza i love youuu
Comments 8
Last night I tweeted about wanting an ai ai gasa fic for TakaIno... aaaaand now it's here! Ugh I just love the scene where they shared the umbrella (and Inoo dropping it bc they're gonna kiss 😍)
Thanks for this Tachan 💜💙
Haha yeppp, this is my second consecutive times where their story involves umbrella and rain, ughhh i miss takaino so much
As for me, i want angst but happy ending takanoo, one-sided love ;;___;;
( ... )
And i dont know why but i imagined inoo's appearance here as in soshidare's preview..(that one under the rain)
Thank you for the update, tachan~
i was afraid if i force the kiss but here we go again with yuya who used inoo as an excuse, i hope its okay
so glad that you find its romantci, thanks azhiza i love youuu
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