
Dec 02, 2007 20:54

... the weather report didn't say anything about this...

Um... want some cocoa?

zelos, lloyd

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never_sacrifice December 4 2007, 03:48:19 UTC
[As soon as he saw the Cruxis Crystal settled at Zelos' chest, Lloyd's heart felt like it'd been squeezed. He knew what was coming, and the quickness of the release of Zelos' wings startled him - he winced lightly, wishing he'd been able to tell Zelos to stop, that he didn't need to do anything. But there they were, just as, if not more dazzling than Colette's and much more so than his own. He figured it had to do with being a Chosen-- a thought that instantly exploded into a myriad of worries and thoughts, question after question. Can he still sleep? He can still speak, but does he taste? He can feel me, right? Is his heart in danger? I'll never... lose him like I first did Colette, will I?

So many things to ask, to find out, to worry about. But he forces his breathing to stay steady and ignores his racing heart, opting instead to reach over to Zelos' face and stroke his cheek lightly.]

... they're beautiful, you know.


never_sacrifice December 5 2007, 22:35:42 UTC
[That smirk was all so evident in the kiss, Lloyd couldn't help but return it. The nips, however, wiped the smirk away just for a moment, but while it returned, so too did a blush start creeping up to his cheeks. He tightened his grip around Zelos' waist, wanting to pull him closer. Eventually he escaped from the nibbling briefly, wanting instead to enjoy a slow kiss with the other.]


so_wilder December 5 2007, 23:10:27 UTC
[Teasing Lloyd is always fun, but it's this softer affection that Zelos really finds himself craving, relaxing into the kiss even while tightening his own hold on the other. The hand against Lloyd's neck stays still, the other tugging Lloyd's shirt up just slightly, sliding his fingers underneath - nothing too daring, but enough to let him touch the now exposed skin low on Lloyd's back.]


never_sacrifice December 6 2007, 00:17:49 UTC
[And affectionate Lloyd can be. Honestly, he, too, craved something slow like this, especially considering the topics of their discussions beforehand. He sighs lightly, returning the affections Zelos is giving him right back, only through the clothes. Zelos' jacket is too in the way for now, and something about the idea of removing it made Lloyd's blush even worse.]


so_wilder December 6 2007, 01:31:50 UTC
[Zelos has his own ideas. Letting his hand trail just slightly higher under the shirt, Zelos breaks the kiss, looking at Lloyd's flushed face for a second and smiling for him. Then he leans in again, this time against Lloyd's neck, nipping once more but this time with a considered gentleness. He moves his other, now free hand around to Lloyd's chest, placing his palm flat before pushing - not forcing anything, but encouraging Lloyd to settle back against the couch. And though he closes his eyes, relishing the situation, the feel of Lloyd's flushed skin beneath his kisses, the most important thing is that Lloyd's free to speak now, can ask him to stop at any time. He loves this, but there's nothing Zelos wants more than to make sure Lloyd's happy.]


never_sacrifice December 6 2007, 05:08:21 UTC
[Exhaling a breath he hadn't remembered taking in, Lloyd shivers at the attention to his neck, already having leaned back into the couch. One hand trails up Zelos' spine and slicks through his hair, only to eventually settle at the back of his head and lightly caress it. Considering Zelos' boldness, Lloyd brings his other hand back in order to sneak it back under the jacket and pull up slightly at the shirt he has on underneath to get at his skin. Suddenly the embarrassment of his blush seems irrelevant because all he can think of is the fact that Zelos is kissing his neck and touching his back like that, which he knows has been done before but that doesn't make it any less effective. He shivers again and tilts his head away to allow Zelos much easier access as well as much more to work with. The idea that he could speak doesn't even occur to him.]


so_wilder December 6 2007, 06:09:17 UTC
[It doesn't take much for Zelos to feel encouraged, taking longer with each kiss now and trying to draw out more from Lloyd, savouring those shivered responses and the feel of Lloyd's own hands against him. But then he slows, halting and sitting up straighter. His intention quickly becomes apparent, shrugging out of his jacket from his position over Lloyd and, with an uncharacteristic lack of care for his wardrobe, letting the garment drop to the floor. Zelos hardly seems to notice, attention already shifted back to Lloyd's flushed neck, one hand settling against his shoulder and the other sliding up and under the front of his shirt. His fingertips ghost over Lloyd's stomach before moving higher, lingering on his chest and drawing almost idle circles against the warm skin.]


never_sacrifice December 8 2007, 19:47:15 UTC
[While Zelos doesn't notice the dropped garment, Lloyd does, but the only thing he can think about is that he's glad he wasn't wearing his dwarven-made jacket. He sighs softly, though at what he's not sure; it could be the kisses, the touch, or maybe even the implications. Opening his eyes a moment to catch where Zelos is positioned, he moves his hands away from their original position and down to his hips instead, lightly pulling at them. He wants Zelos much closer than he already is, and what better place than his lap?]


so_wilder December 9 2007, 01:20:51 UTC
[Zelos moves with the tugs, sliding further up into Lloyd's lap and finally shifting away from his neck at the same time. Zelos nips softly at his ear instead before settling back slightly, flushed and smirking and still letting his fingers slide over warm skin beneath the fabric of Lloyd's shirt.]

Lloyd... [It's a murmur, a myriad of thoughts and suggestions on his lips, and he leans closer again, about to whisper...]


so_wilder December 9 2007, 01:21:06 UTC
[And that's when Sebastian walks in.

Zelos sits back so sharply he almost falls off the couch altogether, grabbing Lloyd's shoulder awkwardly for support before regaining his balance. Then he glares at the butler, his expression quickly giving Sebastian all the instruction needed - the man bows, his countenance still remarkably dignified, before leaving through the same doorway he had entered.

It's not as if Sebastian wouldn't have figured out their relationship by now anyway. Zelos had never explicitly confirmed anything, but the butler would have to be a fool not to have noticed anything by now. Sebastian isn't a fool, and Zelos is more embarrassed for Lloyd's sake than his own. Speaking of which....]


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