Giocopoly: Generation 2 Chapter 3

May 13, 2013 14:49

2.2 <- | 2.3 | -> 2.4

Hello darlings! It's monday and that means it's time for a Gioco Update! Yay! This of course is my play through of the Board Game Challenge by simppl_life. For those of you who follow me and have been reading up on the Riker Legacy, you'll know I promised something special today. If you were expecting some huge thing, sorry, it's just to show off what my boredom produced. Here you go. Seriously, that's it, just a random drawing I did that I wanted to share because I was satisfied enough with it to do so. I'm not amazing, but I'm not terrible, so there. Other then that I don't have much to say, so let's get to work!

Last time there were birthdays and more babies for a grand total of five possible heirs! Solomon found a new hobby and Mia was introduced to the family, Helba and Solomon celebrated their golden anniversary, we got a visit from Lieselotte just to show off her preggers belly too, more birthdays, a fire, a LTW granted, and more birthdays! A lot happened but nothing happened basically, just your typical legacy things.

And we start off this update with super grandpa Solomon teaching Rebecca how to walk. It sort of looks like they are dancing together, the only thing it would make it better was if someone was on the piano.

Now that they are teens and it has finally come around, I sent the girls to get a job in Culinary. Not sure who will be heir so I'm just going to get them all into culinary and once their generation takes over they can buy a bakery.

Lilica is reading to Rebecca, but really I just thought that Rebecca's face was too cute.

Remember when I said Rebecca was the last kid? I lied. This is was what happened. I rolled the die and got a five so this generation was only going to have that many kids, BUT Helba rolls the want to have twenty grandkids, which is cool, I've been playing the spares for second gen and I would just give them all five kids...BUT Blackrose had UGLY kids and I really didn't want to give her a 5th, so Lilica got stuck with making up the difference. So I give you the morning sickness to the baby that wasn't supposed to be.

Leon's birthday time! Albert looks very excited about it doesn't he?

Sometimes I hate tattoo skins, seeing as they are passed down, but whatever. Leon's hair...ugh okay I was hoping for something and it isn't coming SO it's time for a change.

Here's Leon after a makeover, sexy right?

Oh lookie! Another genie! Perfect!!

Helba's dying wish is to have 20 grandkids but I've calculated that she will die before or right as the last one is born SO we're going to wish to cheat death.

Helba: I made a genie wish once, it was terrible.

Baby pop! Not by the bookcase!

And then we wasted the last two wishes on money so we can actually buy a bakery, a nice one.

Helba gets to help Rebecca age up. In the background, in the yellow dress, you can see Willow, one of Lieselotte's kids.

Rebecca is SO FACKING CUTE! UGH!!! And she can dress herself!

Rebecca: Oh I like this!

With her days coming very close to the end, Helba desires to write the story of her life, going from nothing to the wonderful life she has now.

Helba: Everyone should read this inspirational story!

The twins spend a lot of time on the porch playing chess.

Jill: I wouldn't do that if I were you Claire....
Claire: Why? It's a perfectly logical move, just because you don't want to loose again doesn't mean you have to say things like that.

Baby time!!

Lilica: Ugh, you'd think after five kids this would get easier!

And this is the REAL last child, meet Alexia. Yes we have Dad's hair, skin, and mom's eyes and possibly mom's lips.

{Name the game round 12: Alexia}
[Last one this generation!]

Alexia Ashford
Resident Evil Code Veronica: X

And RIGHT after the baby is born, maybe a couple hours later, it was time for Helba to go. But she was not going to go willingly.

Helba: Please spare me! My grandchild was just born, my daughter can't do this all by herself!!
Daunte: What's going on?

Everyone seems so broken up about it, except Solomon who looks pretty pissed.

Solomon: Yeah sure, worry about Lilly, but me? Psh no, I won't miss you....

Helba: BOO-YAH! Take that Grimmy!

Yup, she won and  gets to live another day. Daunte still looks pretty uninterested in the whole she almost died thing.

The next day, Rebecca brings her cousin Jennifer home from school, Jennifer is another one of Lieselotte's children.

And this is what's going on outside. Solomon was watering the plants and apparently he was doing it too much, they did this for about three hours or so...on their own.

Solomon: Hunny, I don't think you're supposed to mop the flowers...
Helba: You're watering them too much.
Solomon: Helba, they are fine, you mopping them is going to kill them.

And she did, she mopped them so much they turned to dirt patches.

Aww, it's Solomon's time to go...

He doesn't mind though, anywhere there's juice and dancing hula zombies, he's all for.

And he turns to Helba next.

Daunte: Hehe you're dying.
Helba: No, I'm not ready yet, please don't take me!

She wins again!

It's a momentary win though, she is now without the love of her life and spends the next few hours crying at the grave. I left it there for her and moved it when she tired herself out.

Albert's birthday comes around and the family is still broken up about loosing Solomon, especially Lilica.

Leon: Jill! Stop! Please?
Claire: Um, Jill, don't you think we should just calm down, I mean it's Albert's birthday and mom's got enough on her plate, we shouldn't fight.
Jill: This is how I cope.

Eventually they break it up and Albert steps up to the cake.

He looks pretty good, clothing choice notwithstanding.

And shortly after it's little Alexia's turn to enter toddlerhood, I let Helba do this one too, it only seems fair since the babies are the only reason she's still around.

And we got Helba's hair, not having it this generation, nope nope nope!

Here we go, isn't she cute? I missed the markings so I have them to Alexia.

Oh hi Solomon! I missed you! You're looking lovely, death looks good on you!

Seriously? -_-


I take it back, I didn't miss you, go away!

FINALLY! Culinary rolled around again so I sent the boys to get employed.

It's Alexia's birthday and Helba was holding her, waiting for the family to gather then just put her down...this is why, this is the 4th time the reaper has come for her.

Helba: Please, it's Alexia's birthday, you can't take me now.

Sadly, he can and he is going to. Helba's winning streak is over and I'm sure he cheated.

But on the bright side, she can be in ghostdom with her hubby so it's not all bad.

Lilica staves off her crying to help her daughter blow out her candles.

Just to go back to it right after. And this look....

Awwwwwwwwww :( don't cry

Alexia: Grandma died and ruined my birthday and I miss her so much!

With Alexia aged up into school age, Daunte calls the headmaster to get the kids into private school, finally. I know i put it off, but I think I said it before, I would rather just do it all in one shot then have to do it over and over.

The next day Lilica greets the headmaster. I didn't get pictures of everything because there was a LOT going on, but I didn't think they were going to make it...the upstairs of this house is nothing but beds because there are too many people and not enough rooms.

But between Lilica and Mia, the two of them get the kids in. Mia's lobster gets them the points they need!

To celebrate, Leon sneeks off with Willow in the middle of the night.


Dun dun DUNNNNNNNNNNNNN! Will Leon make a clean get away? Will him and Willow have fun? Will he get back without anyone noticing? Join us next time for another exciting installment of GIOCOPOLY!!

XD anyways, so there have been 12 rounds of name the game, how are you doing so far? With the addition of Alexia do you  have a new favorite heir? Albert is kind of boring so sorry for not giving him the proper screen time, he mostly just reads. We're getting closer to the end of this generation and to the heir poll!

gioco legacy

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