Interlude: For the Hell of It

Oct 25, 2007 23:33

Schuldig stood in the cheering crowd, urn under his arm, watching John Paul II in the Popemobile and setting coordinates into his PINpoint, head bobbing along to The Creatures' "Exterminating Angel" in his iPod earphones. This recording of it had a version of the lyrics done in Latin along with Siouxsie Sioux's English. He'd been letting a loop of it lightly leak into the minds of the crowd around him, and he could feel their disquiet. Poor things didn't know why they felt like that or where the faint drums were coming from. It wasn't Schuldig's reality, but he'd felt Farfarello would prefer John Paul II to Benedict XVI. Farfarello had nearly approved of a pope who looked like he ate children.

Now. Schuldig PINpointed right into the vehicle next to the pope and dumped his teammate's ashes onto him. It took a few hearty flings to get everything out of the urn and onto the shocked pope's face and garments. How nice of him to wear so much white. The security guards started to respond, but Schuldig struck them with a wave of terror and confusion, then sent it out into the horrified and panicked crowd, hundreds of people, as well.

He PINpointed out of the Popemobile and grinned, his eyes glowing white from using that much power, his long hair and black trench coat blowing in the wind. ::SCREAM!:: he commanded, and the crowd screamed against their will, and their terror grew, each person further feeding everyone else's panic, and it was great. One of the guards pushed past his fear to try to attack Schuldig, but Schuldig sent a rush of pure agony into the man, which took the fight right out of him. Had the guy seizing up as he was lying on the pavement too.

::I'll be seeing all of you,:: Schuldig said before he PINpointed away with the empty urn. He would have to follow the news media in this reality for a few days afterward to see how this turned out....

interlude, farfarello

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