(no subject)

Jun 22, 2005 20:05

why do people, once they find a boyfriend/girlfriend all the sudden become so infatuated that they'll do anything to see them, even whore up their oldest friends?!!! its like hmm i saw that person yesterday, and the day before, and i haven't seen you for more than an hour or so at a time in weeks, but the significant other always wins out. i know i'm not fucking you, maybe thats it. the power of the pussy/dick. but chances are, something will happen down the road, you'll have a big fight, you'll say you hate each other, and then who will you come crying back to? me. your friend who has always been there. its a pattern everyone seems to follow. this "love" at the beginning of a relationship, which i have recognized to really be infatuation.

people don't seem to understand my relationship. "why aren't you official?" "you've been dating for a few months, he won't commit?" "thats kinda weird, you're allowed to see other people" "but you two make a good couple". this is exactly why. because we don't wanna act like assholes, blinded by what everyone else thinks is love. we have all the good things that come with being in a relationship plus much much more. we have clear minds, we have control over our emotions, and how things will affect us. i'll never understand the way everyone else does relationships, although i must admit i used to do it myself. but how many times do you have to try something the same way before you realize a different path might be better? definition of insanity, you keep making the same mistake over and over. you let someone become the center of your world, then when it all comes down you're left feeling like half a person. why would you want to do that to yourself?

i'm not really too concerned if other people don't get mine and johnny's relationship. i just wish they would, so they could try it this way for themselves, and realize how much healthier it is. everyone's looking for someone to complete them, someone to define them, someone to need them, and vice versa. be comfortable with yourself first. be comfortable with yourself enough that you don't *need* anyone, so that if one day they aren't there, you can still go on. don't be dependant on one person, be independant. be strong. anything you can do with this person, you could do by yourself. make your own decisions, do what is best for *you*, not what is best for *us*. don't ever compromise yourself for someone else. you'll hate yourself and that person for it later. get what you want to get out of life, and if your plans happen to coincide at some point, then you'll know it was meant to be, not because you forced it to be.

and just because i'm doing it this way doesn't make it any less meaningful. we're just as close or probably even closer than most couples. i think we're closer because we're friends first and foremost, and that will never change. we're more honest, we don't not say something because its not what the other wants to hear, we don't lie or stretch the truth about what we were doing so we don't upset the other. and the level of respect is so much higher too because we're both independant separate people, with separate lives, who come together to share our thoughts and experiences with each other. sometimes we disagree, and thats ok, thats good actually, we debate, makes our conversation more interesting, and as long as we can back up our point of view, its respected. we have never had a fight though, and i don't see it happening. when a couple disagrees, on many issues they have to argue until they can reach some sort of agreement, or a compromise. it could be about what their plans are for the future, the way they spent or wanted to spend money or time. but if the other disapproves, they've gotta change their plans. to keep the peace. its ridiculous. how many times does a guy or girl in a relationship just wanna go out with their friends, and has to ask the permission of their gf/bf? that annoys me to no end.

so i'm still happier than i've ever been, in general. not every single thing in life is perfect, but my outlook is positive, and i surround myself with positive people who help keep it that way. right now i wouldn't change a thing. i have no idea what my future holds, and i like it that way too. i like that my possibilities are infinite. i could do anything with the rest of my life, and thats pretty amazing if you think about it.

relationships, johnny, rants, friendships

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