Day 23 - Midnight Confessions

Jan 05, 2008 03:12

Title: Day 23 - Midnight Confessions
Author/Artist: tasogaretaichou
Pairing: Kurosaki Ichigo/Kuchiki Rukia
Fandom: Bleach
Theme: #5 - "Ano saa..."
Disclaimer: Bleach =/= Mine
Rating: PG

"Ano..... so Rukia, it's been 3 weeks since.... well, you know. And I know that's not really all that long, but..... it's not like we haven't known each other for longer and...... I was kindof thinking that..... if you wanted to, of course..... that maybe we should think about.... boundaries and stuff. Or.... crossing 'em. You know..."

Orange brows scrunched together with an irritated scowl as Ichigo flopped back down into a seated position on the bed. Yeah, like it was really going to be that easy when it was actually his girlfriend he was talking to, rather then that stupid stuffed bunny he'd bought her at the fair -- god he hoped she didn't realize he'd swiped the thing, he had NO idea how he'd explain that one -- but he could hope, right? No. What was the point in hoping that talking to Rukia about.... that was EVER going to be easy. There could not possibly be that much luck in the entirety of the universe that he, Kurosaki Ichigo, could manage to have a normal, rational, calm, adult-like conversation about.... sex with the shinigami he happened to be in love with. Oh yeah, who he also hadn't actually SAID such things to.

Great, like it's not already such a damned awkward thing to bring up anyway...

It certainly didn't help things that he was already so damned uncomfortable with the topic -- or at least most of his brain was -- OR that the number of situations he was finding himself in where that previously-sturdy border seemed suddenly a great deal more fragile were becoming more and more frequent. Like the time the other day, when they'd been out Hollow-hunting like usual and it wasn't like it was his fault he'd had to sit and watch her absentmindedly chew on her pen in class all day -- his hormonal brain had helpfully pointed out WHY that sight was intriguing, despite his mental assurances that he didn't NEED any help with that, thankyou very much -- and that the wall of the nearby building had looked strangely tempting, to the point where he'd slung Zangetsu onto his back and then turned around and shoved her up against that same wall, mouth coming down hungrily on hers, hands busily trying to work their way past black and white fabric while she kept making those intoxicating little moaning noises.

And then reality had come crashing into the back of his head in the form of one infuriated stuffed animal who had demanded that he stop "accosting Nee-san's honor" and it had been all he could do to keep from really ripping Kon's damned head off for good this time. Thankfully, Rukia had made that choice easy by liberating the noisy mod-soul and tossing him to a passing dog. He had to admit that if he didn't love her already, the sound of Kon's shrill screams as the mutt carried him off would have spawned any wealth of deep feelings. But that thought was soon forgotten amidst the sudden awkwardness of the broken moment as they stiffly turned red and glanced anywhere BUT at each other, tugging clothes back into their proper positions.

It was just not fair. He knew he was a 16-yr old boy, and though he was loathe to admit it at times, that meant he also knew enough about the way 16-yr old boys worked to realize that all of those thoughts and... urges weren't going to go away any time soon. Hell, he figured that -- given his luck, which was to say NONE -- they'd just get worse. Hell, he already found himself up for half of the night, staring at the ceiling and thinking how it was probably a good idea that she slept in Yuzu's room now or else he was relatively certain he'd have physically dragged her out of that closet and just.... well, he could think of a few things. His groan of frustration was definitely NOT helped by the sudden rush of images that peppered his mind at just that opportune moment. It was like those rare few nights over the last week or two where she'd come sneaking into his bed at night, and just curl up against him, dropping off to sleep with hardly a murmer and he was left to just watch her, marveling at how small and helpless she seemed when that mouth was closed and all the attitude and bossiness was put away.

Great. NOW he had a mind full of disturbingly tantalizing images, plus the need to cover his lap with a pilllow. Just peachy. Scowling, he did just that, doing his best to think about anything else, hardly caring that he looked a sight with his face scrunched up and his eyes clenched shut that way as he tried to think about something -- ANYTHING, at this point even the idea of Ishida in a dress, doing the tango with Renji would have worked -- that would distract his over-imaginative mind from compromising thoughts of Rukia.

".... what the hell are you doing?"

Oh no. That was not good. THAT was a voice he recognized, and the LAST voice he needed to hear right now -- at least, given the way his pants managed to get just a hare tighter made him pretty sure that was the case. Carefully opening eyes to peer at her, he forgot.... well, most anything that had been in his mind prior to the sight of wet, towel-clad -- how could she make a towel look that sexy!? -- Rukia, peering at him with an expression that was both irritated and confused.

"Ichigo! Idiot, you look like you just spent the last 10 minutes sucking on a lemon or something."

Something was disengaged in his brain, otherwise he probably wouldn't have just nodded dumbly like an idiot, eyes still glued to her, one hand somehow making sure to keep that pillow firmly situated across his thighs because there was NO way in hell he was letting her get a nice view of exactly what his current sight was doing to him. Giving her that much leverage was just NOT an option. And for that matter, WHY was she in his room, in a TOWEL, in the first place?!

Vaguely he recalled something she'd said earlier about Yuzu and Karin's bathroom. Something about a clogged drain and the cross assertion that if he thought she was going to use his dad's bathroom when his had a perfectly good shower then he needed to have his head examined. Oh yeah. Right. She'd been using his shower, and he'd totally forgotten. Shit....

"Ichigo! Wake up!"

A loud clap right in front of his face had him jumping with a yelp and a curse, hands fumbling for a moment before they shoved the pillow down a tad harder -- because somehow he knew she'd try to pull it away if she got the faintest idea there was anything fishy going on -- and glared at her.

"For fuck's sake Rukia, I'm awake! The hell'd you expect, walking around like that. Put some damned clothes on, sheesh..."

Rolling her eyes, she scoffed and proceeded to do.... absolutely nothing. Not surprising, since when had she ever really listened to him. Instead, she grabbed the other small towel and went to work on her hair, paying absolutely no heed to the fact that she was sauntering around his room wearing nothing but that damned lavender towel. It was unfair, that's what it was. Just completely unfair.

"Rukia! Just... just cut that out! Don't you get what it-"

Biting his tongue, he glanced away as quickly as he possibly could, mind alternating between a mantra of "thank god I didn't finish that statement" and "oh god I can't believe I said that much". Not because she didn't know he was physically attracted to her. Hell, they both knew there was significant -- ok, so "significant" was putting it lightly -- chemistry between them, and it wasn't like he was trying to deny that. He just... didn't really know what to DO with it. Which was precisely the problem when he turned his head back to see what she was doing and nearly lost it to find her only a foot or so in front of him, leaning over slightly to peer at him with an amused expression.

"Don't I get what, Ichigo?"

This was definitely not fair, as he was rather certain -- because girls were devious like that -- that she knew EXACTLY what he had almost blurted out, and he'd be damned if he admitted it to her. So instead, he swallowed hard, trying to keep his scowl as well as he could manage, not to mention to keep the colour from creeping up into his cheeks. Dammit, why did he always have to get so flustered in these sorts of situations anyway?! And it wasn't as though it wouldn't have been really.... a pretty keen night for it, seeing as how his Dad and Yuzu were working all night at the clinic and Karin was staying at a friend's house. Which was perhaps why his dad had winked at him on his way out the door....

His musings were interrupted by the shift in the mattress as she carefully settled one knee on the side of his, fingers curling around the edge of the pillow with a small grin playing at the corner of her mouth. "Don't I get what?~"

She was using that dangerous voice, that mildly-syrupy one that he knew always meant she was plotting something, or thinking something, and that invariably was dangerous to HIM, like the time she'd decided to try HER hand at making his lunch last week. The resulting bout of food poisoning had actually elicited an apology out of her, plus the offering of soup in bed. At least... until he'd made a typical crack at her cooking and then he was just counting his blessings that she'd poured the hot liquid over his head and not in his lap. Gulping, he tried to inch back out of her way, torn between holding onto his pillow, pushing her back off his lap, or the most tempting option, which was to wrap his arms around her and kiss her like his life depended on it. And that was becoming even more tempting as she was pressing butterfly kisses to the angle of his jaw.

"R...Rukia, we's not... we shouldn't...."

Ichigo couldn't really believe what he was saying, afterall what sane teenage boy protested when his nearly-naked, beautiful girlfriend was climbing into his lap and.... doing things to him. And yet, that's what he was doing right now, panicking and pushing her away, the way he tended to do anyone when they threatened to get too close. It was ridiculous, in a way, but then that was how he was. It was hard to let people close, to let them know he cared. Caring meant needing someone, and needing someone wasn't something that Kurusaki Ichigo did very easily.

"Shhhh..... Ichigo.. it's ok."

Pulling back, violet eyes met his with a look that told him all he needed to see. That she understood, that she knew how conflicted he felt, how hard it was to admit that he needed her, wanted her. And... that in a way, she felt the same. And that it was alright, that she wanted this too. Fingers loosened on the pillow as his hands came up to wrap around her torso as she tossed it aside and scooted closer, leaning up to press her mouth to his as she gave a shove, pushing him back onto his back.

"Just stop thinking, dumbass."


Staring out the window, brown eyes studied the full moon hanging high in the sky, shifting to follow the shaft of pale light as it slid across the tangled sheets to softly caress pale skin and raven hair curled up against him, head resting pillowed against his shoulder, the only motion the soft and easy rhythem of breaths that brushed against his skin. Reaching over, he let fingers gently caress her cheek, lips turning up into a faint smile. It was easier like this, sometimes. When she was asleep, and all was quiet. Easier to admit, not only to himself, but to her how deep his feelings really ran. He honestly didn't think she doubted him, their recent actions would have laid to rest any such thoughts, but he knew she probably wished he had an easier time with it.

But she could hear him. He wasn't really sure how he knew that, but something in him just couldn't help but believe that even when she was fast asleep beside him like this, that she could hear the words he spoke. Which was the reason why he leaned over to whisper in her ear.

"I love you, Rukia."

Tucking his free arm behind his head with a sigh, he closed his eyes, one arm tightening around her protectively, never seeing the way she nuzzled closer with a sigh. And smiled.

fanfic, 30-kisses, fangirl mode on, ichiruki lurv, ichigo, challenge-fic, not-pr0n, happy-cat has not run out of happy, shortfic, rukia, otp = win, bleach, ichiruki, did it for the lulz, berry is a dumbass

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