In Response to...

Jan 31, 2011 10:50

5 questions meme:
- Comment with "Paper. Scissors. Rock. Spock. Merlin."
- I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
- Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
- Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.

This is in response to the post by kilodalton

1. Ten/Rose or TenToo/Rose?
Ten/ ( Read more... )

meme, life, surveys, humor, personal

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Comments 12

shadowsculptor January 31 2011, 15:54:29 UTC
Okay, I'll bite!

Paper. Scissors. Rock. Spock. Merlin.


tasogareban January 31 2011, 16:09:37 UTC

1. Your favorite painter?
2. One place you would visit if money wasn't an obstacle?
3. Your favorite novel/piece of writing?
4. Favorite Whedon project?
5. Have you ever played D&D?


shadowsculptor January 31 2011, 16:52:10 UTC
1. Hm. That's a very difficult question, because I have such a broad range of artists that I absolutely adore. I'll toss a name out, though-- the Pre-Raphaelite John William Waterhouse is one of my favorites. (linkies to some of his work: )Something about the grace, the lush colors, the magic in his work draws me.

2. Again, it's hard to say which I want more! I've always been fascinated by Egypt, though. And, Iceland interests me as well. I'm fascinated by folklore and mythology, and both places are rich in them.

3. I'd have to point to Neil Gaiman's Sandman series as an overall, consistent favorite. Also, Phillip Pullman's His Dark Materials.

4. I'd have to say Buffy. Though there are things in it that I don't like, overall I enjoy the depth of character, and the way he (quite literally) drags them to hell and back throughout the evolution of the series.

5. Nope, though I'm sure I'd enjoy it!


tasogareban January 31 2011, 19:01:53 UTC
Thanks for answering! You sound like a very creative person, I love it! :)


kilodalton January 31 2011, 16:14:50 UTC
Thanks for answering these!! Yeah TenToo/Rose and TARDIS is part of my personal canon too ... and it's Davies' too, so we're in good company!! XD


callme_al01 January 31 2011, 18:20:54 UTC
Paper. Scissors. Rock. Spock. Merlin."


tasogareban January 31 2011, 18:57:45 UTC
OK let's seeeee...

1. What's your favorite David Tennant show/project?
2. What's your favorite British/UK/from across the pond show?
3. What made you decide to do what you do (career-wise)?
4. What's the best dish/meal you've ever made?
5. What do you do on snow days when you don't have to work?


bratflorida January 31 2011, 21:15:44 UTC
I've seen this meme going around and had NO clue WTH Spock had to do with rocks/paper/scissors. Yes. I'm showing my blonde-ness. WTH do you mean, you like the 11th Hour better than any of the others??? LOLZ....It's like I NEVER KNEW YOU AT ALL......

Oh, almost forgot: Paper. Scissors. Rock. Spock. Merlin.


tasogareban February 1 2011, 14:45:37 UTC
ROFL! Hey now, you never asked me that kind of question, how could you KNOW??

Ok let's see for you...

1. Name your top 5 fandoms.
2. If you could have a say in what Paige would be when she grew up, what would you hope for?
3. If you could pick any moment in time to visit with the Doctor (yeah, go ahead, go with Nine, lol!), which period would you visit? I'm not even going to ASK what you would DO because I already KNOW.
4. What's the one thing you want right now (RIGHT NOW, off the top of your head) that you can't have?
5. What's the funniest thing to ever happen to you at your job?

How about that? Now GO my child! Answer the questions! LOL!


bratflorida February 2 2011, 00:38:17 UTC
Am I supposed to put this here as well as on my own page?? Oh well, call me a blonde, I'll post both places ( ... )


me too, me too! pillowfool February 1 2011, 20:41:49 UTC
I wanna play!

Paper. Scissors. Rock. Spock. Merlin


Re: me too, me too! tasogareban February 1 2011, 20:49:09 UTC
Oooh, ok here we go:

1. What do you like most about Dubai?
2. What is your biggest vice?
3. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
4. Was your wedding day everything you wanted it to be?
5. What's one thing you enjoyed about NJ that you can't find in Dubai?

It IS Dubai, right? Where you currently live?


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