
Oct 15, 2011 01:56

Seriously?I'm actually somewhat offended by this.  After de-paganizing enough holidays, they're trying to push bibles on kids who just want to run around in costume and get candy or toys.  This really annoys me ( Read more... )

news, religion

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Comments 11

brother_dour October 15 2011, 13:59:56 UTC
Sigh. This is nothing new, actually. The more fundy churches have been trying to destroy Halloween since I was a kid. My church (which is fairly moderate compared to some) doesn't even have a Halloween carnival- they have a "fall festival" :/

The ironic part? These busybodies don't even realize or admit that if you took all pagan symbology out of Christianity there wouldn't be a Christmas or Easter, either.


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brother_dour October 15 2011, 19:54:32 UTC
Double sigh. A lot of these same fundy groups pretty much consider Catholics one small step above pagans :( So that argument doesn't even mean anything to them...


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brother_dour October 16 2011, 13:50:13 UTC
Gotcha. But you understand what I mean, I hope: these people tend to be so polarized about their opinion that there's no reasoning with them.


musicksempire October 15 2011, 18:51:57 UTC
Yeah. One of my now-former Tumblr friends made a bunch of posts about how ~persecuted~ she was as a Christian and how it was always open season on Christians on the internet (tumblr/LJ in particular). I replied with a picture of the JESUSWEEN bus and said "next time someone appropriates one of your holidays, sends you rude and demeaning facebook messages over religious holiday related statuses*, or flips out on you for saying "happy holidays" instead of "merry christmas" you come talk to me."

Not that I believe any of that falls under legitimate persecution, but considering the way I'm treated during almost every Christmas season I'd say white middle-to-upper class Christians have it pretty fucking nice.

*any time I make a "happy [insert pagan holiday here]" status it NEVER FAILS that someone replies or sends me a message being rude about it. I'm sorry but being an asshole and trying to force Jesus down my throat is the absolute worst way ever to evangelize.


brother_dour October 16 2011, 13:52:54 UTC
"trying to force Jesus down my throat is the absolute worst way ever to evangelize"

The non-Christian gets it. Why the Hell do Christians not get it?!!

/apologist rageflail


musicksempire October 16 2011, 20:59:24 UTC
Yeah and that's a whole different story. I grew up in a very liberal United Methodist church and identified as Christian for a long time. I always thought my faith was MY business. My friends knew I was spiritual and if they wanted to talk about it or learn more they could come to me, but I didn't push it on them. It was one of the big reasons I broke with Christianity in general, the pressure to evangelize and try to force people into being "saved" but then not stick around to build a relationship with them once that happens. Gotta move on to the next heathen!


shiftercat October 16 2011, 23:53:48 UTC
Actually, for a lot of these groups conversion isn't the real goal. Their real goal is to reinforce membership with the in-group by sending members out to provoke negative reactions from outsiders. Members get told that people should be grateful for what they're doing, while being instructed to interact with others in ways that are likely to cause hostility. Any actual conversions are just gravy; the feeling they're trying to instil in their members is that combination of smugness and self-righteous indignation that comes with the belief that you're part of an exclusive group of chosen people who are persecuted by the mean-spirited, benighted masses.


spross October 15 2011, 21:03:29 UTC
At least I'll have something to fix that table leg with... ;-)


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