Fanfic: The Tie That Binds Us (4?)

May 29, 2009 19:26

Title: The Tie That Binds Us (4/?)
Rating: PG-13 - some language but really quite tame this chapter
Characters: Elle/Claire
Disclaimer: I don't own the girls or heroes.
Spoilers: Early Season Three, but this is mostly AU, loosely based on a future Peter saw.
Warnings: Femslash, language and sex

I've had a bit of writers block on this fic. There are a few ideas I'm trying to get out still but I'm starting to get there with this chapter I think.

Anyway this is Un-Beta'd and I'm not 100% happy with the chapter but here it is anyway because it's been awhile since I updated.

Claire watched in amazement as Beverly created a small flame in the palm of her hand. Ryan also held a flickering flame in his hand.
“So … I’m still confused” Claire watched as they both extinguished the fire.
“It’s Ryan’s power, the flame. Beverly can summon weather, just like Storm from X-Men”
“We’ve been together a very long time Claire, over the years our bond just grew stronger and stronger. I can’t summon fire quite as powerful as Ryan can, and I need him nearby to be able to do it, but we can summon each others power”
Claire looked at Elle, wide eyed amazement “It’s sort of like Peter can do” she mused.
“Sort of, it comes naturally to Peter, but for everyone else, if there is a connection between them, they can learn to use each other powers”
“Are there others who can do this?” Claire had never imagined anyone at all could learn another’s power.
“There are no other documented cases, Bev and Ryan are the only case I know of, and it seems only because they are so incredibly in love.”
Ryan chuckled “I’m still crazy about her” and wrapped his wife in a big hug.
“But there is one other instance I know of” Elle’s eyes danced and she grinned.
“Me and Claire”
Claire’s brow furrowed “What the fuck are you on about Elle, we haven’t used each others powers”
“I have” Elle was bursting with excitement to be sharing the information, Claire could see the excitement dancing across her face. She realised part of this was to be able to share the news with her godparents. “When I electrocuted Claire the other night, it hurt her, the first time she had felt pain for … well a long time. But when I fried Claire I noticed, all the cuts, scratches and bruises from the day vanished. I didn’t just pump all my power into Claire, it created some bond, there was some connection and her power worked for me also” She was smiling softly.
Claire shook her head in amazement. It seemed everything that had happened between them that night on the rooftop had started some much deeper bond between the two girls.
“That’s incredible Elle” Ryan was looking at her thoughtfully. “There are very few cases of this. Your father was always interested in the empathy function, and the general crossover of powers”
“Do you think it’s something everyone could do?” Claire mused
“It takes a special person to be able to assume other people’s abilities, people like Gabriel and Peter are rare, but when there is a special bond, I think we could all do it” Beverly smiled softly at Claire. She felt very unnerved suddenly, sitting in this normal suburban home, it was a strange feeling that rushed over her from nowhere. Claire realised why Elle had brought her here, it was a meet the family moment laced with their superhero destiny. She glanced over at Elle who was beaming, obviously excited that she could achieve with someone what her godparents could.

Claire stared at the comfy looking queen bed. She was exhausted and wanted to sleep, Elle on the other hand still seemed to be in some highly excitable mood. Blue sparks of electricity had started cracking across her skin. Closing the door to the guest bedroom Elle moved close and wrapped her arms around Claire. She placed a soft kiss on Claire’s temple.
“Maybe I should have told you about the healing sooner”
“Maybe” Claire agreed. “I can see where this made for each other stuff is coming from Elle, you understand I am sceptical of this”
Elle’s face fell “Oh .. “ she pulled herself away slightly before Claire pulled her back into a tight embrace.
“Hey, come here” Claire growled, pressing her lips against Elle’s before speaking again. “I don’t want this to be some special powers fairytale Elle, I’m here because I like you and I want to be with you. Screw destiny and fuck all this stuff about powers. I like you.” She punctuated this with another kiss.
Pulling back Elle’s eyes were dancing with pure happiness. Claire couldn’t help but grin. Somehow, since the night on the roof, Elle had seem revitalised and teeming with the energy of a young child. Something about this new energy really excited Claire, it drew her in.
“So I’m knackered” Claire said softly, her fingers idly playing with Elle’s hair.
“You slept in the car” Elle pouted a little. Claire chuckled before moving away from Elle and began to undress. She heard Elle let out frustrated noise as Claire quickly discarded clothing before climbing into bed completely naked.
“And now you are going to torment me by sleeping naked?” Elle asked
“Oh just get into bed and let’s get some sleep” Claire grinned “Besides I always sleep naked.”
Elle grinned and started to undress also “Oh I could get used to this” Stripping down she climbed under the covers. Moving to spoon Claire she wrapped her arms around the younger woman, their bodies fitting together. Elle smiled into Claire’s dark hair then placed a soft kiss on her neck.
“Goodnight Claire”
Claire smiled, feeling comfortable wrapped in Elle’s arms, she closed her eyes.
“Goodnight Elle”

Claire was woken by Elle’s cell phone early the next morning. She watched Elle fumble through her pockets of discarded clothes to find it.
“What?!” She grumbled into the phone.
Claire listened to Elle’s side of the conversation as she lay in bed.
“Who told you?”

“No I am sorry, I just thought we could have some peace”

“Yes, yes she’s with me”

“No I haven’t”

“No I can’t”

“Find someone else”
Elle hung up then looked over at Claire who was watching her.

“Who calls you so early?” Claire asked, stretching.
“Work” Elle responded, quickly clambering back into bed.
“You have a job?” Claire smirked.
“Not like regular hours, I’m a contractor of sorts.”
“Hired assassin type of contractor” Claire asked.
Elle giggled. “Yeap, pretty much”
Claire frowned a little “I never realised you worked for someone specific, I guess that explains why you would often appear when I was on missions”
“Yea probably, we get hired by all sorts of people. Pinehearst even use us themselves on occasion. However there has been a recent falling out”
“How do you know that?” Claire asked as she pushed back the covers and began to get dressed.
“Well you were sent to kill me, it was a message. I’m one of the highest paid contractors, company trained, lethal ability; it was a message if not part of an outright attempt to shut them down”
“I never realised” Claire pulled on her shirt, she turned how fully dressed and smiled at Elle who was still completely naked, sitting on the edge of the bed.
“You never wondered why they wanted me dead?”
“I don’t ask many questions” Claire shrugged.
“Maybe you should” Elle chewed on her lip a little. Claire just shrugged again and headed towards the door.
“Do you think Beverly will be awake? I’m dying for a coffee”
“Yea, head on down, she’s probably started cooking us a five star breakfast already.”

fandom: heroes, pairing: elle/claire

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